
Gods & Mortals

Gods and Mortals tells the story of Klaus Walker, a teenager who has always been indifferent and apathetic to the world around him. But everything changes when he discovers that he is the child of a God. As he struggles to come to terms with his new reality, he must decide whether to embrace his destiny and uphold his duties as a Demigod or to ignore it altogether, seeking an average life. The story of Gods and Mortals is an enchanting modern fantasy tale that weaves together the extraordinary realms of gods and humans. With captivating characters, as well as a new and immersive mythology, this book draws readers into a world where ancient deities and mortal destinies collide. If you were captivated by the magic of the Percy Jackson franchise, prepare to embark on a breathtaking adventure with Gods and Mortals.

D3miGod · ファンタジー
81 Chs

Order Personified

It had been two weeks since Klaus had proceeded with his training.

As he had planned, he focused mainly on mastering his abilities, but he also took it upon himself to polish his brawling skills. IV followed all his requests and assisted him throughout his training to make sure that Klaus was content with his progress.

Even though Klaus was focused on training, every Saturday, he would descend back to Main World to assist his mother with home duties before returning on Sunday nights. But even if he wouldn't admit it, the main reason he went back was because of the promise he made with Avalon to hang out every Saturday.

Avalon was always happy to see Klaus and always made sure that each meeting was better than the last. Klaus was also very fond of meeting with her since he saw it as a way to relax after a long and brutal week of training. And after every meeting, they kept getting closer and closer to each other.

Klaus always perceived their outings as a silent urge from his human side. He never did a lot of stuff in earlier times, so he assumed that he was having fun because he lacked such when he was growing up. But for some reason, only Avalon made him feel this way, which made him curious why.

Klaus was so fixated on his training that he barely interacted with other demigods. But, to be fair, a lot of the other demigods were also focused on their training and they did the same. Shade had also not returned, which constantly bothered Klaus, but he decided to trust his intuition that his brother was safe.

Six days remained until the second tournament that was planned. Klaus was training with IV when IV suddenly stopped due to a transmission he had received from the Gods. He seemed to be talking with them for a while before he finally returned to Klaus with a message.

"It seems the Gods require your presence, Mr. Walker," IV said to Klaus.

Klaus wondered why this was the case, but he decided to just go with it.

"Ultion will be awaiting your presence at the epicenter of the Exalted City, where the Golden Gate is located," IV then continued.

Klaus remembered the gate from when he first arrived. This was where he and Ace had passed through to get into the city that he just found out to be known as the Exalted City.

Klaus headed to the location that was given to him. He stood by the gate for a while, awaiting Ultion's arrival.

"The God of Retribution, huh" Klaus muttered to himself remembering which God it was.

Suddenly, a tremendous force fell onto his body and he immediately dropped on his knees and bowed down. A sound then queued as an entity dropped right in front of Klaus.

It was Ultion.

Ultion's large white wings retracted as he got up from his landing position. He stared forward as his eyes came across Klaus in a kneeling position.

"My apologies, Klaus Walker," Ultion then worded out as the force that caused Klaus to kneel slowly started fading away.

Klaus got up on his feet as he set his eyes on Ultion. Ultion had brown hair and green eyes, almost similar to Tyler. This made it clear to Klaus where Tyler got his looks from. But other than that, Ultion still appeared the same as the other Gods.

"Greetings, Walker." Ultion started. "It seems that IV had transmitted the request."

"I guess," Klaus responded.

"I'm sure you are wondering why you have been summoned?" Ultion then asked Klaus to which Klaus nodded in response.

"Well, all the Gods, including myself, came together regarding your performance in the Cosmic League and decided to reward you for achieving the MVP title."

This news came as a surprise to Klaus. The Cosmic League had concluded three weeks prior and the timing seemed to be off. Not only that but every time Klaus was reminded that he was the MVP of the event, it made him slightly furious and agitated at himself since he felt that he did nothing.

"So we decided to reward you by bestowing you a privilege that other demigods are yet to receive," Ultion said before he continued. "But it is your choice to accept this reward or not."

Klaus thought to himself. He felt that he was undeserving of the title in the first place so it made his decision easier. But deep down, he knew that declining an offer from the Gods would be nothing short of plain stupidity. He was also genuinely curious as to what they had planned for him so he decided to swallow his pride and accept the offer.

"I accept," Klaus responded to Ultion.

"Excellent," Ultion then said. "Proceed to the transporting podium here at the epicenter and keep these coordinates in your head as a thought."

Ultion then spawned a paper with what seemed to be coordinates to a location and handed it to Klaus.

"This is the location of the domain of the Gods," Ultion then explained to Klaus. "I will depart and meet you there so that we can proceed with the reward."

Klaus then nodded his head as he walked to the transportation pod which was not too far from them. Klaus then imagined the coordinates as requested before he started dematerializing. Ultion then grew his wings as he used them to depart to where he was to meet with Klaus.

Klaus gradually opened his eyes as he realized that he had been transported. The headache was minor, but he could still tell that it was there. Before Klaus could look around, he heard a voice behind him that addressed his presence.

"Good, you have arrived."

Klaus turned to see Ultion once more as he realized that Ultion had already arrived before him.

"Y-Yeah," Klaus then responded.

"Follow me. I will guide you to the location," Ultion then continued to Klaus as he continued to walk to where they were supposed to go.

Klaus looked around as he took the time to witness the location. If he wasn't mistaken, he remembered the location during the first time he arrived at Higher World and when he met his father for the first time. The place was misty, but it was easier to navigate compared to the location he spawned at the first time he arrived at Higher World.

Klaus kept walking with Ultion as he started noticing a change in scenery, witnessing the presence of a few rooms before coming across some decorative features like fountains and benches, with a few trees and grass around, similar to a park. As they continued, Ultion eventually stopped at what seemed to be a room.

"This is the place," Ultion then worded as he stepped aside for Klaus to continue in alone.

Klaus walked forward as he took a glimpse at the door of the room.

The door had a logo on the front of it. By Klaus' understanding, the logo appeared as what seemed to be two ghosts without arms or legs and just a body swirling around each other. One of the ghosts was black in color and had white eyes and mouth, with a menacing expression and the other was white with black eyes and mouth and a soft expression. The logo was similar to what they would call a yin-yang back at Main World.

Looking at the logo once again, Klaus realized that he had seen it somewhere, before remembering that this was the logo on the flag that Siege always had with him every time Klaus saw him. This made him wonder what the logo meant, but he realized that he was thinking for too long so he proceeded into the room.

Klaus walked in as he stared around the room. The room was completely dark and Klaus could barely see ahead of him. He continued to walk forward until suddenly, he heard a voice coming from his right side.

"You must be Klaus Walker."

Klaus gradually turned as he eventually set his eyes on who the person was, or rather who they were.

As Klaus turned, he noticed two entities seated on separate chairs and staring directly at him. His heart started pounding as he was in utter confusion as to who they were.

Judging by Klaus' analysis, even though they were seated, these entities were roughly around the same height as the Gods, but it was clear to Klaus that their appearance was completely different. Klaus had never seen or heard of these beings.

"He seems confused. I'm not surprised considering his mortal trait," one of them then said as Klaus was still lost for words.

"Ease up to him a bit. Our existence is still news to him," the other then said to the first one.

Still analyzing the two beings, Klaus noticed that they weren't only different in appearance from the Gods, but they were also different from each other.

The first one that spoke to Klaus after he turned had a pale and shady skin tone, almost dark grey. His eyes were also completely white, similar to the Gods, but his mouth also seemed to have sharp and vicious teeth, like a predatory creature. He had black hair as well, but the biggest difference between the entity and the other gods was the presence of a ring Halo at the top of his head. The halo was bright, like the halo the Gods had at their back, but was small and circular, hovering over the being's head.

The second entity was almost the exact opposite of the first one, with a lighter skin tone than that of the Gods and humans. The being had normal teeth unlike his counterpart, and had dark grey-ish eyes that were almost the same color as the other's skin. But instead of a halo, like his counterpart, this specific entity had two dark long horns that pointed at the sides of his head, as well as whitish hair. The horns were not similar to that of Drake's as this seemed to be longer and spawned from the sides instead of the front, but they both had a slightly similar curve to them.

"Have you concluded your analysis?" The one with horns then said to Klaus as he snapped back to reality. Klaus could not say a word so he managed to nod his head in response.

"Finally," The one with a halo muttered.

"Very well. In that case, allow us to formally introduce ourselves," the horned one proceeded to Klaus. "I am known as Horns, the God of Passive Order."

"And I am known as Halo," the second one continued. "The God of Aggressive Order."

Klaus had nothing to say. He stared at the two supposed Gods as they stared back.

"Uhh, I'm Klaus Walker," Klaus managed to mumble out of pressure.

"We already know that," Halo replied with a distasteful look on his face.

"He's nervous, Halo. Relax a bit," Horns stated with a smile on his face.

Klaus was still so confused about their presence and had nothing to say, so Horns decided to proceed with the objective.

"First off, I would like to congratulate you on becoming the most valuable player of the Cosmic League event. Your wit and determination were beyond impressive, which is what led us to the conclusion to award you with the title."

"You awarded me?" Klaus managed to ask.

"Does it surprise you?" Halo commented.

"Affirmative," Halo then replied. "We are the ones that were privileged to make that decision after watching the entire event alongside the Gods."

This was surprising to Klaus. He hadn't expected them to make such a weighty decision. But judging from the way they were presented by the other Gods as his so-called REWARD, it made slight sense to him.

After a while, Klaus finally had a thought that he felt was essential to ask.

"By the way, is there a reason both your appearances seem to contrast with the rest of the Gods?"

Horns smiled at the comment since he was happy to respond and was also happy that Klaus was finally getting less nervous.

"Yes. Unlike your expectations, we are creations of the other Gods. " Horns replied.

"Creations?" Klaus asked.

"During the purging of the monsters, the Gods created us in for them to receive an exact answer to the situation," Horns then continued.

"Wait, monsters? They were real?" Klaus asked surprisingly.

"Your lack of knowledge does not surprise me," Halo responded.

"Allow me to explain," Horns then interrupted. "Millennia ago, monsters were made as the Gods' first mortal creation. The monster kind was the first mortal beings to traverse Main World. After a few decades, the Gods decided to continue to perfect their creation ability, so they proceeded to create another set of mortals. They still attempted to create unique beings, so with that notion, they created the demon kind. In their third attempt at mortal creation, their approach changed, making them decide to create mortal beings that were similar to their image. This was when the creation of the Humankind came to be."

Horns paused for Klaus to process the information that was given to him before Horns proceeded.

"The Gods initially wanted to create a new world for humankind to dwell in, but after a lot of consideration, they found out that it would be unnecessarily tasking to manage multiple worlds at the same time. So the Gods decided that humankind would share a world with another kind. Since the monster kind was less in number than the demon kind, it made sense to the Gods for the human and monster kind to share Main World. And they did so for centuries. Until it happened."

"The monsters went on a killing rampage against humankind, correct?" Klaus asked.

Horns was impressed by Klaus' understanding of the plot so he decided to continue.

"Correct. Initially, the imperfect creation of the monsters bothered the Gods. Their creation was initiated as predatory creatures that hunted for their food aggressively, which was also why the monsters were initially accompanied by other non-sentient living creatures. But since they were their first creation, the Gods decided to ignore all malicious signs, considering the monsters were stable at the moment. During the creation of all sentient beings, the Gods had made an oath among themselves to never interfere with mortal life so that these beings could make their own decisions and dictate their future themselves. But when the monster kind proceeded to ravage humans and perceive them as food, it didn't seem like humans were privileged with that option for themselves."

This made sense to Klaus. He understood why the Gods decided not to interfere since he knew that the same would apply to current times if humans found out about the Gods, they would depend too much on them and start using the Gods as a reason to focus less on their future.

"So when this hectic situation occurred in Main World, the Gods were conflicted about what to do about it. Which was when they created us," Horns continued.

"They couldn't make their own decisions so they decided to dump their burden on us," Halo then harshly stated.

"It was more that they wanted to be sure to make the right decision, so they created us to balance both options and come out with the better one," Horns said.

"And after you both understood the situation, you concluded that the monsters were too imperfect to be left alone, and humankind did not deserve to be punished for the false decision of the Gods to make both beings reside together," Klaus then replied to both Gods, impressing them both with his deduction.

"Great deduction, Klaus Walker. You really are a bright kid," Horns said.

"I guess," Klaus then responded.

"Seems mortals aren't just walking liabilities?" Halo commented.

"Halo!" Horns chanted as he turned his face to his fellow God.

"Relax," Halo exclaimed. "It was a compliment."

Klaus couldn't tell if he should be happy or not so he decided to ignore the comment. Doing this, he realized another inconsistency that the Gods before him had compared to the other Gods so he decided to ask his question once again.

"I couldn't help but notice, but we demigods usually fall to our knees in the presence of any of the other Gods. This doesn't seem to be the case, at the moment."

"That is correct," Horns replied.

"Is there any reason why?" Klaus asked.

"That is because do not possess Dominion-Over-Creation," Horns then responded.

Klaus looked in confusion at what was mentioned to him. He had never heard of the term so it made sense that he decided to ask.


"Of course you are unaware," Halo commented.

"We were requested to answer his questions," Horns then said to Halo. "The least you can do is try to obey."

Halo's anger was clear as he turned his face to Klaus. He then sighed before deciding to speak.

"The Gods created everything, everywhere, in every realm. From the land you step on, to the air you inhale, to the heart that beats inside of you. As the name suggests, the Gods have dominion over everything they have ever created, both living and not, which is why all living beings must bow to their creator. We did not create this world or any other, therefore we do not have dominion over another God's creation."

The explanation was clear and understandable. It made complete sense why the Gods had such power over the demigods, and everything else, considering they made it all.

After a few seconds of silence, Halo got frustrated and decided to ask a question.

"Do you have any more questions left, Walker?"

Klaus shook his head slightly, indicating that he had none.

"Good, because I have one for you." Halo then continued.

Horns turned to Halo as he and Klaus awaited the God's question.

"You feel undeserving of the title bestowed upon you by two of the wisest beings ever created by the Gods. You feel that the only reason you decided to take on your duties as a demigod is because of your desire to care for a world that you generally couldn't care any less about. So let me ask you this one question, Klaus Walker. Do you think you are a good person for this world?"

Horns turned his attention to Klaus as both Gods awaited his response. Klaus thought to himself on the question that was asked. He tried to remember all the things that he had done that made him eligible to say yes, as well as vice versa. He knew that his response to the question would be what would dictate his identity to the Gods, but it felt like he was more concerned about what he thought about himself.

And after a long time of thinking, Klaus finally responded to his question.

"I don't know what you expect me to say, but my answer is no, I don't think I am."

"Of course, that was your response," Halo then commented as he slightly turned his eyes and leaned back in disappointment.

Halo already had a hunch that this would be Klaus' response since Klaus was in the face of Gods and this would be the more "Humble" choice, so all it did was irritate him.

"Why do you think so?" Horns then suddenly asked Klaus, feeling that there was more to Klaus' statement that they were unaware of.

Klaus then took a few more seconds before he finally gave his reason.

"Because as long as I know I can be a better person than I currently am, I will never address myself as one."

As Klaus concluded this statement, Halo and Horns both turned to each other in surprise. Halo turned back to Klaus in anger but noticed that Klaus' eyes seemed dimmer than before. The expression Klaus had also felt genuine that Halo could no longer assume that Klaus was just being humble. He knew that Klaus was serious.

"You surprise me, mortal," Halo then commented before he finally turned his face away from Klaus.

Horns was more surprised because he had never heard Halo make a statement about mortals without falsifying them. But he was also stunned, as well as impressed, by Klaus' genuine idea of himself.

"At the end of the day, it is your action towards becoming a better version of yourself that matters," Horns said to Klaus. "Never forget that."

Klaus then nodded his head in agreement as Horns smiled back at him. The topic felt very heavy for Klaus because he felt like being a demigod meant putting others before himself. But Klaus never cared for anything, or rather could not care even if he tried.

"Do you have any questions, once more?" Horns then asked Klaus, bringing him out of his thoughts.

Klaus replied that he did not, with which Horns decided that their meeting had concluded.

Klaus walked to the door as Horns raised his hand slightly, signaling Klaus goodbye. Halo had not turned his face since his last statement, so Klaus did not expect to receive any final statements from the God.

Klaus walked out of the room as Ultion turned his attention to Klaus.

"Are you finished?" Ultion asked Klaus.

"I guess," Klaus responded.

Ultion then guided Klaus back to the transportation pod, where Klaus finally returned to the Exalted City.

The experience was still very weird to Klaus, but he was somewhat grateful that he could learn about what had happened millennia before his birth, as well as a few things about himself.

The ball above the Golden Gate at the epicenter was also higher than average, indicating that it was already nighttime in Main World, so Klaus decided to head to the apartment building to rest for the day.

Dominion-over-Creation is an ability that ensures the Gods' superiority over all their creation.

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