
God When Just Born

This story is Just to Test My Writing skills and imagination so I am not sure if this story will be successful and I will just write max. chapters 30 no more.

Krish_S1 · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 2: The Goddess Among Mortals

Chapter 2: The Goddess Among Mortals

[Scene: College Campus, 17 years after Tom's birth]

**Narrator:** Lysandra, disguised as a mortal girl named Iris, entered the bustling college campus. With her divine powers concealed, she blended seamlessly among the students.

[Chat with Lysandra (Iris)]

**Iris:** (approaches Tom, nervously) "Hey... um, excuse me."

**Tom:** (looks up, recognizing her) "You... what are you doing here?"

**Iris:** (hesitant) "I... wanted to be near you. I enrolled here."

**Tom:** (bewildered) "But why?"

**Iris:** "Because... I need to be close to you, Tom. To understand you."

**Tom:** (guarded) "Understand?"

**Iris:** "Yes, as a goddess, I've seen many things, but I've never felt like this before."

**Tom:** (conflicted) "You sacrificed so much for me... why?"

**Iris:** "Because I love you, Tom. Not as a goddess, but as Iris, a girl who admires you."

**Narrator:** Tom's heart stirred at Iris's earnest words. Despite his emotional detachment, her presence awakened a curiosity he couldn't ignore.

[Scene: Library, late at night]

**Iris:** (sitting across from Tom, studying together) "So, what's your favorite subject?"

**Tom:** (softly) "I don't have one."

**Iris:** "Come on, there must be something you like."

**Tom:** (pauses) "Physics, maybe. It explains how the world works."

**Iris:** "That's interesting. Do you ever wonder about... us? Humans and gods?"

**Tom:** (thoughtful) "Sometimes. We're all connected, yet so different."

**Narrator:** As they delved into deep conversations, Tom found himself opening up to Iris, sharing thoughts he had kept hidden for years. Iris, in turn, cherished every moment, savoring the chance to be near him.

[Flash Forward: College Festival]

**Narrator:** The college festival brought a festive atmosphere to campus, with students celebrating and enjoying themselves.

[Chat with Friends]

**Friend:** "Hey Tom, Iris told us you never dance. Care to join?"

**Tom:** (glances at Iris, hesitates)

**Iris:** (smiling) "It's okay, Tom. Let's have some fun."

**Narrator:** With Iris's encouragement, Tom stepped out of his comfort zone, joining the dance floor for the first time in years. His movements were awkward at first, but soon he found himself smiling, caught up in the joy of the moment.

[Scene: Quiet Moment]

**Iris:** (walking with Tom under the starry sky) "Thank you for tonight, Tom."

**Tom:** (gazes at her, softly) "Iris... why did you choose me?"

**Iris:** "Because you're you, Tom. Unique, and full of mysteries. I want to unravel them all."

**Narrator:** Tom felt a warmth in his heart, a feeling he hadn't experienced since his ascension. Iris's presence brought a new perspective to his godly existence, reminding him of the beauty in mortal emotions.

[To be continued...]