
God When Just Born

This story is Just to Test My Writing skills and imagination so I am not sure if this story will be successful and I will just write max. chapters 30 no more.

Krish_S1 · Fantasy
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Chapter 3: The Awakening

Chapter 3: The Awakening

[Scene: Tom's Dorm Room, early morning]

**Narrator:** Days turned into weeks, and Tom found himself increasingly drawn to Iris. Her presence stirred emotions he had long suppressed, and he began to question the purpose of his existence.

[Chat with Iris]

**Iris:** (knocks on the door) "Tom, are you awake?"

**Tom:** (opens the door, smiling slightly) "Come in, Iris."

**Iris:** "I brought you breakfast. Thought you might like a break from the usual routine."

**Tom:** "Thank you. You're always so thoughtful."

**Iris:** (sits down) "Tom, can I ask you something?"

**Tom:** "Of course."

**Iris:** "Do you ever wonder what it would be like to live a normal life? Without the burden of being a god?"

**Tom:** (sighs) "I do. Sometimes, I wish I could just be... human."

**Iris:** "Maybe you can. Even gods need to experience life, to understand it fully."

**Narrator:** Iris's words resonated with Tom. For the first time, he considered the possibility of living beyond his divine duties.

[Scene: Campus Garden, afternoon]

**Narrator:** Tom and Iris often spent their afternoons in the campus garden, a tranquil place where they could talk freely.

[Chat with Iris]

**Iris:** "Tom, tell me about your childhood."

**Tom:** "It was... complicated. My parents were loving, but I always felt different."

**Iris:** "Different how?"

**Tom:** "I knew things, understood things beyond my age. It was like I was never truly a child."

**Iris:** "You were burdened with knowledge, with power. But you can still find joy, Tom. You can still find love."

**Narrator:** Tom looked at Iris, seeing the sincerity in her eyes. Her belief in him, in his ability to find happiness, was unwavering.

[Flash Forward: Tom's 18th Birthday]

**Narrator:** As Tom's 18th birthday approached, a sense of anticipation filled the air. Iris knew this day would be pivotal, but she was also aware of the challenges they would face.

[Chat with Iris]

**Iris:** "Tom, your birthday is coming up. How do you feel?"

**Tom:** "Conflicted. It's supposed to be a special day, but I can't help feeling anxious."

**Iris:** "It's normal to feel that way. But remember, you're not alone. I'm here with you."

**Tom:** "Iris, you've done so much for me. I don't know how to thank you."

**Iris:** "You don't need to thank me, Tom. Just... be with me. Let me help you find happiness."

**Narrator:** Tom nodded, a sense of determination growing within him. He realized that Iris's love was a gift, one he was ready to embrace.

[Scene: Birthday Celebration, Arc Mansion]

**Narrator:** The Arc Mansion was abuzz with activity as preparations for Tom's 18th birthday were underway. Friends, family, and classmates gathered to celebrate the occasion.

[Chat with Friends and Family]

**Tom's Father:** "Happy birthday, son. We're so proud of you."

**Tom's Mother:** "You've grown into a remarkable young man, Tom."

**Friend:** "Hey, Tom! Make a wish and blow out the candles!"

**Narrator:** Tom stood before the birthday cake, a sense of clarity washing over him. He glanced at Iris, who smiled encouragingly.

**Tom:** (closing his eyes, making a wish) "I wish... to find my own path, and to embrace the love around me."

[Scene: Private Moment with Iris]

**Narrator:** After the celebration, Tom and Iris found a quiet corner of the mansion to talk.

[Chat with Iris]

**Iris:** "Did you make a wish?"

**Tom:** "I did. I wished to find my own path."

**Iris:** "That's a beautiful wish, Tom."

**Tom:** "And I have something to tell you, Iris."

**Iris:** "What is it?"

**Tom:** "I've realized something. Your love has shown me what it means to be truly alive. I... I love you too."

**Narrator:** Tears welled up in Iris's eyes as she embraced Tom, their hearts beating as one.

**Iris:** "Oh, Tom... I love you so much."

**Tom:** "Iris, thank you for helping me see the beauty in life. Let's face whatever comes next, together."

**Narrator:** As they held each other, Tom and Iris knew that their journey was just beginning. With love as their guide, they were ready to face the challenges and joys that lay ahead.

[To be continued...]