
God, Please Kill Me

The dark pearl of the Ziete family has grown up silently and was severely neglected by his family, but he didn't care because he did not want any unecessary trouble. Soon it was time to attend highschool, he hoped that his highschool life would be peaceful but with the raging gates filled with monsters, all sorts of magic, spells, random abilities, main characters, book plots, and many more, will he be able to achieve having a laidback and peaceful highschool life?

Shrimps_34 · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Second Prologue

[Please be patient and continue reading to the end]

Year 203X Month: September, weird portals started appearing everywhere around the world.

Year 203X Month: July, almost everyweek there would be small earthquackes.

Year 204X Month: March, a large earthquacke occured and now continents had suddenly stuck together and almost all countries are connected.

Year 204X, the portals had suddenly started glowing and making weird sounds. A few months later many people had started to become ill.

Year 204X, many people recovered from the strange illness and now they have weird abilities and body modifications.

Year 204X, People all around the world caught the illness. But a week later they have recovered and now all citizens have this weird abilities.

Year 204X, though many countries are now connected, they are still independent. Many months later, some of them decided to become one country.

Year 204X, a portal suddenly cracked and all sorts of monsters let loose and killed a lot of people, but thanks to the gained abilities people now posses, they managed to kill off all the monsters including a really big one, bigger than the rest, now the portal was gone.

Year 204X, many brave people decided to enter the portal. A week later, they managed to exit the portal and also closed them, but their numbers decreased.

Year 204X, they now named the portals [Gate/s], gates take you to a separate world where you have to kill the boss monster to exit and close the gate. Their levels are also currently being studied.

Year 205X, the levels of the gates have now been studied and scientists have now ranked them. The safest gates are ranked 1-3, these gates have no danger at all and are small, but they contain some ingredients and creatures that have a low level. Next are 4-5, these gates have minimal danger and their resources are relatively higher than those of 1-3 gates. Then there are the rank 6-7 gates, these gates have higher danger than the previous ones, the creatures of these gates might kill off a few of your teammates. They have higher resources than the previous ones, you might also be able to find some creatures you can tame.

Rank 8-10 gates, these gates might kill all of your team, but these gates have some of the highest resources and creatures you can tame for you to use to raid higher gates.

Rank 11 gates, only some individuals can manage to close these gates, rare, resources are the most sought after.

Year 205X, not only gates but also people have been ranked based on their abilities and [Mana]. Mana describes how powerful your ability is and how long you can use it, it can also refer to how much energy one contain.

The respective rankings are Rank E, the lowest of all ranks, most rank Es just choose to be normal citizens since their lives are not that different from before. Rank D-C, they can join in raiding [Gates] and closing them off, some of them just choose to be normal citizens as well. Rank B, no matter what job they take in the future it will always be related to [Gates], because they are quite important for the economy to function since they are quite powerful and they take up 90% of the population in the [ Gate Raiding Industry ].

Next are Rank A, they take up 5% of the [ Gate Raiding Industry ] and hold most of the authority in it, they are very powerful and they have the ability to kill you if they wish. But although they are very powerful, they still abide to Human Emotions and are unlikely to kill you unless you hurt someone they care about.

Lastly Rank S, people who awoken as Rank S these few years can be counted in one hand. I advise that unless needed to, you cannot interact with them since they almost have no human emotions left in them. They can kill you with a flick of their hand, not much are known about them because they get annoyed with all the questioning and curiosity people have in them.

Year 205X, I made the mistake of pissing off an S rank, I might not live another minute, so I am writing as fast as I can. To whoever this diary might end up to, please use the information written here correctly.

One week later I am still alive, but the S rank who hates me have destroyed almost all of the work I have done for these past years, I have written down the important stuff here. I will give it to the person I trust the most and hopefully, it will belong to the person who needs it the most. Don't worry, I used my ability on this diary so I know that


And the diary ends there, a youth closed the book and put it on the table in front of him.


He sighed and leaned on the soft couch then put his arm over his head.

His posture and manner was lazy and lanquid, the complete opposite of the situation behind him.

Blood and lumps of muscles, bones, and heads were sprawn all over the floor.

The youth picked up the book again and flipped through, he then stopped and stared at the page.


He let out a small chuckle then laughed like a maniac.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Ahahaha... ahahahahahahahaaa... haaa..... haa....ha..."

He closed the book and spun to face the dead bodies, "So this was where you got the idea from?! Ahahahahaha, so that's why... ahahaha... ahahaha... so that's why... well... it's a good thing I killed you right? Too bad, it seems that your guinea pig is tired being experimented on. Have fun burning in hell~."

After that, he exited the room, there was the sound of flickering in the room, and the room bursted in flames and burned the bodies along with it.

The youth held the book as he glanced at the burning room, he smirked and hummed a tune, skipping through the hallway.

He sang, "I wonder if I will meet a new friend today~ I wonder if I will meet a new friend today~ Will I meet a new friend today~?"

[ 7 Years earlier.... ]

A four year old boy held the hand of a thin and sickly woman, the boy tugged on the hand and said, "Mama, mama, do you think I'm pretty?"

The woman smiled, "Yes, very pretty."

The boy asked another question as he tugged on her hand again, "Mama, mama, do you think my father will find me pretty?"

The woman went silent for a second and forced a smile, "It depends?"

"Then do you think my mother will find me pretty?"



"My son, sometimes it is okay to give up on trying to please people around you, sometimes it is okay to just stop and take a rest, and be yourself."

"Hmm... I don't quite understand what you are saying mama."

The woman tilted her head as her pale black hair cascaded down her thin shoulders, she looked like she was in thought, her black eyes gleamed for a second. Snow then slowly rained on the street, casting a magical white fantasy for the duo.

The woman softly patted the boy's fluffy black hair amd said, "My son, just remember that whatever challenges and troubles you have in the future, just know that I am always by your side cheering you on, or.. something like that? Hehe."

The boy pouted, "But when you die because of old age, aren't you a ghost? Won't I become haunted instead?"

The woman also pouted, "Ho, how can you say that to the person who changed your diapers?"

"But I don't like ghosts!"

"Hoho, then you better get used to it 'cause I'm gonna haunt you forever!"

Saying that, the she tickled the boy.



Reminiscing in the memories, Taaffeite slowly lowered his head staring down at the blue spider-lilies growing in the garden.

"Mama... should I have done this?"

Noone answered.

"You said you would stay by my side forever, even if you were a ghost."

A lonely tear slid down his cheek, "I really hate this... I wish someone would just kill me already..."

"If there was a god, please kill me."