
God, Please Kill Me

The dark pearl of the Ziete family has grown up silently and was severely neglected by his family, but he didn't care because he did not want any unecessary trouble. Soon it was time to attend highschool, he hoped that his highschool life would be peaceful but with the raging gates filled with monsters, all sorts of magic, spells, random abilities, main characters, book plots, and many more, will he be able to achieve having a laidback and peaceful highschool life?

Shrimps_34 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter One

Before Taffeite was born into this world, he had lived four lives already. In his first life, he was just any normal person in the overpopulated earth, but he was unloved, mainly because he was an 'oopsie baby' and also because his parents' relationship was toxic. One day on his 15th birthday, he killed himself by overdosing on medicine, then he transmigrated into a woman's body in the medieval times. There, he was also unloved and neglected, he sought for warmth that's why he tried his best to be likable, but it backfired on him and he was executed in public. He thought, I wish I didn't have parents. Then he was reincarnated as an orphan, he suddenly regretted wishing for no parents. Life was hard as an orphan, the orphanage was filthy, there were many children screaming and crying, you may get bullied from time to time and may also encounter creepy caretakers. Everynight he would cry silently, regretting killing himself and ending up in this dump, he wished that someone would save him from this life. Then a great famine took over and food was scarce, killing orphans including him because of malnutrition.

He reincarnated again as an orphan, but his life was much better compared to the last. He had powerful abilities that assign him to save the innocent from the looming evil of this world. He also has many friends and allies, he then succesfully killed the master of all evil and was about to live happily when he was tasked to do one more thing.

"What?! I have to sacrifice myself?!"

The shiny ball of light cicled around him saying in a cold voice, [It doesn't necessarily have to be you, it can be anyone that has the same characteristics as you or have powers as powerful as yours to close the portal.]

He sighed in relief and looked at his teammates, "Guys-"

"I'm sorry sir, but..."

"You see.. we all have families waiting and..."

"We also have some dreams we want to achieve!"

An ally(?) took his hands and begged him, "Please? Do this for us."

He took back his hands, he stared at his supposedly allies and friends in disbelief.

"Y- you guys..."

"Please sir, I- I mean isn't this your job in the first place?"

"Y-yeah! You took this upon yourself! Claiming on saving the world and stuff."

"Yes! Do this for us. Consider our feelings."

He felt breathless, these people, how could they say that to him after all of what he's done for them all this time.

"Then what about my feelings? Have you guys never considered about mine all this time? Oh, have you been using me for your own fame?! You thought, oh, now I am famous because I'm part of the hero's group! I have no use but it's nothing to worry about because the hero's here! I helped you guys achieve what you have now! And yet when I need your help you were never there!"

All went silent.

He felt that even in this life, noone will truly care about him, he felt like a clown. All this time, all these lives, he was always alone.

He stepped back and dove backwards right into the portal.

Humans really have no compassion, they would even willingly sacrifice their hero. They couldn't spare one look at him, a boy not even nearly reaching the age of seventeen. Yet they decided that their petty lives were better on living, this is what he hated about the world.

He laughed as pain slowly took over him, he raised his middle finger at them. "Fuck you, I wish you all live a short life."

He sighed, in his next life, if he wasn't an orphan, he would be filial to his parents and do his best.

[In his next life..]

'Fuck it with being filial, they don't even like me.'

Taffeite looked down on the choices of high schools he can get into. All of them were elite schools only high ranking children get into.

Taffeite cracked his knuckles, "This is gonna be easy."

"The most elite one of all is a no, I would have to interact everyday with my siblings."

He flung the application away.

"The second one, is also a no. Third one, no. Fourth one, no. Fifth one..... still a no. A sibling studies there."

All the applications on the floor: ...


He picked up another one.

Sixth school application: Will I get flung away too? ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ

Taffeite smirked, "You're the one."

Sixth school application: .... Should I be happy?

The reason why Taffeite's choosing a school without his siblings, is of course, it's because he wants nothing to do with his family.

He would rather be an orphan again than spend another dinner with them.

Unlike all other reincarnations, Taffeite actually transmigrated into a novel, to be exact two novels connected together.

The second novel is safe to be in since it's just a light-hearted school life sci-fi novel thingy, the first one though, it should be rated 20+.

It's not that it has any horror, or smut things in it, the characters are just plain sick. Absolute shits. They treat background characters like shit, their personalities are shit, the plot is shit, there is no character development and it's shit.

The only reason it's famous is because it was written by the same author as the second novel, the second novel was quite popular and people liked to compare and make fun of the first novel.

You could say the first one was the flop era of the author, all the author cared about the romance of the main character. They wrote the main character like this:

"Oops, I became late, oh wait, is that a handsome young man?"

"Sigh, I feel sad. Oh? Is that a handsome young man coming my way?"

"My brother hates me •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀ oh, a handsome young man is angry at my brother for hating me."

"Ahh, I'm in trouble~ Handsome and beautiful siblings~ help me~ I'm weak even though I have all the possible powerful abilities in the world~ ahhh~."

"Someone doesn't like me~ so my family punishes them~."

The first time Taffeite met her, he immediately frowned. All he saw was a sheltered princess. Well, he couldn't really blame the character for being dumb, he blamed the author for making her dumb.

"And just because I did not like her, all of my siblings hate me. Oh well, I no longer want to be close to them either."

There was knock on the door, "Young master, I brought tea and snacks."

"Oh, come in."

His butler entered, "Have you chosen a school yet?"

"Yep, this one."

He handed the application to him, the butler took it and studied the paper.


"That school has the best conditions for me."

"Well.. yes, but their teaching techniques are different from all the other ones."

"That's even better Liwel, I can be different from all my other relatives."

"You always have been different young master, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised that you chose that school."

Taffeite sat on a couch, "Hmm~ have I always been?"

Lewil poured him tea, "Yes. You were much more mature than most kids your age when I came here."

"Haha, I was quite a troublemaker before you came."

"Really? I reckon you weren't, they were probably lying to you."

Taffeite sniffed the tea, enjoying it's calming scent, "Probably I guess."

He took a macaron and ate it, "Mm~"

"Is it good young master?"

Taffeite stuffed another into his mouth, "Yesh."

"Please don't talk while your mouth is full."


Lewil tapped his chin in thought, "My~ is the new baker's skills that good?"

Taffeite nodded and finished eating the macarons wiping his mouth, "Was it you who chose the baker?"

"Nope, it was Elaine. She said she might know someone who can make pastries that suite your taste, it seems she does."

"Okay, let's end all this food talk. Do you think I can manage in that school?"

"Hmm... if it's you young master, I'm sure you won't have any problems with your studies."

"No, not about my grades, will I have a good social life there?"

Lewil thought about it for a moment, "Don't worry young master, I have a pretty good feeling about this school. I'm sure you will have many friends, you might possibly even find your soulmate."

Taffeite chuckled, "Will I? Hehe, I'm afraid I might scare them Lewil."

"I'm sure you won't young master, you might even get fond of them."

"Hmm, sure sure~."

Lewil silently glanced at the card in his hand, the card was embroided with the graphics of a couple, their background was a big pink heart and their sorroundings were full of thornless roses. They were holding each other close, looking into each others' eyes.

'Maybe I shouldn't tell him.... eh ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I'm bored anyways, a little fun wouldn't hurt ╮⁠(⁠^⁠▽⁠^⁠)⁠╭.'