

"With this, the battle has finished." Theo muttered while looking at Airvans' severed heads. After Eric died, he was overwhelmed by Theo and Ava. It didn't take too long for them to kill Airvans because there was no more Pure Water as long as Theo was there.

"You don't seem to be that happy even though we've defeated all of the opponents," Ava asked, noticing the emotion hidden behind that poker face.

"Yeah. Won the battle but lost the war, I guess." Theo nodded with a serious expression. "The situation would become far more complicated. Even I can't predict everything that will happen after this."

"Even you?" Ava widened her eyes in shock. Normally, Theo could see or even predict what would happen all around the world after his action. Even if he didn't say it, he was aware of how others would act. So, it was surprising that Theo admitted he couldn't do it this time.