
Theo vs Maya Part 4

"…" Theo was amazed when he realized her target turned out to be his clone.

The spear then dropped to the ground.

After that, Maya fired another shot, trying to hit him.

Theo took a deep breath and used his Blink to avoid this powerful bullet. The bullet literally left a trail as it traveled.

So, he used that time to observe the bullet instead of attacking her.

Maya clicked her tongue, knowing Theo didn't get baited. She then rose from the ground and changed her weapon to a handgun.

She started shooting Theo again while hiding between the trees.

"…" Theo knew she was trying to lure him inside the woods and it was extremely dangerous because Maya could leave behind some bombs like earlier.

He thought for a moment and summoned a tiger next to him. This was his clone with Metamorphosis, but Theo hid the transformation process with his Illusion.

"A tiger?" Maya furrowed her eyebrows and watched the tiger running toward her.