
Theo vs Leonardo Part 1

Theo, without hesitation, ran forward with his clone.

Clone Theo pushed his hand forward, sending the Telekinesis to blow Leonardo away. But when the energy was about to hit him, it dispersed in all directions, leaving Leonardo unaffected.

Theo knew it was Leonardo's own energy that neutralized Theo's Telekinesis. Hence, Theo and his clone split up to attack him from two directions.

Theo thrust his spear and spread his Cannon Blast to trap Leonardo inside while his clone summoned his Magic Bullets to shoot him down.

Seeing the two attacks, Leonardo made a small smile and simply took a step to his Magic Bullets.

Theo dropped his jaw because he realized his grandfather seemed to understand that his Magic Bullets would curve right before him and hit him from all directions.

Now that he had stepped to the side, the Magic Bullets missed and the Cannon Blast destroyed them, creating a powerful shock wave that neutralized the Cannon Blast itself.