
Theo's Plan

"You!" Miyoko couldn't contain his anger anymore as he charged at him with his lightning sword, only to stop in the middle because of the four incoming star-shaped lights raining down on him.

"Spread!" Miyoko waved his sword to the side and spread his lightning to destroy all the light that turned into a massive Ice Crystal.

At the same time, Masahiko also received a similar attack and leaped back to gain some distance while avoiding Ellen's attacks.

"Oops." Theo chuckled and moved his clone to help Alea while shouting, "Ellen, help Alea."

"You…" Miyoko was supposed to be stronger than Matsuhiko, yet, Theo had been neglecting him as if he wasn't strong enough to make Theo put some importance on him.

"What?" Theo sneered and pointed his spear.

"Act big!" Miyoko leaped forward and swung his sword down.

Instead of taking the sword head-on, Theo took one step back and let Miyoko strike the ground.
