

"I don't want to talk too much." Ellen smirked and raised her staff. A rotating circular blue energy formed above her hand and expanded, gradually turning into a cloud.

"Ice Storm."

Small ice particles began to rain down, where they diagonally fell as if there was a wind blowing them.

Alea smiled and channeled her energy into her sword. Red-colored fire emerged from the sword as she launched it into Ellen's attack.

"Flamming Ge-Sword."

The fire flew to the air and hit one of the particles, evaporating it in an instant. The flame continued, hit the cloud and exploded, dispersing the cloud and ultimately canceling Ellen's attack.

However, Ellen Ice Storm was just bait. Her real attack was the five light balls that released the ice energy to her, leaving a trail of ice behind.

"Freezing Shot."

The Freezing Shot flew two feet above the ground while spreading enough for Alea to jump to the air, avoiding the attack.