
Sudden Attack


All the attacks ended up missing and some even hit each other, neutralizing each other. One explosion caused another, creating a chain explosion that covered Theo and the dog completely.

Theo and the dog continued to fly, trying to see the limit of each other. Normally, Theo would be losing, considering the dog was a World Class Monster. The fact he was a monster alone meant he had a stronger physical ability.

However, Theo wasn't losing either because he still had his Metamorphosis.

When he began to gasp for air, Theo changed form into a dragon.


Dragon Theo let out a roar while gathering all his Magic Power in his throat. He aimed for the dog's wing and let out his breath.

The breath flew like a laser.

The dog noticed the huge fluctuation of Magic Power and was forced to look back, finding the beam. The dog gritted his teeth and maneuvered to the side, albeit it gave Theo enough time to reach him.