

"The mission is completed and there is no witness." These are the words that Yermolayev told him after his return.

Alexej believed it since he had seen the funeral and the fact that the prince couldn't do anything meant there was truly no witness.

But to think there was a witness, even Alexej didn't expect it. It was a huge blunder. Alexej's heart beat rapidly because he never thought that he would be found out here.

'Yermolayev, you bastard. No, I'll just tell everyone that Yermolayev is the culprit.' Alexej thought while glaring at the UK's representative. He wanted to shut him up, but he didn't think it would be possible, considering the distance between them. And the proof was in the video, which should have been recorded in the UK too, so it was impossible to get rid of them.

"Who is the culprit?" The representative from France wasn't that patient and asked.