

"I'm going," said Theo to Rea through the Skylink while waving his hand to Agata.

Agata chuckled. They truly had some fun time in the last few days and Theo had to go again to do some work.

Still, she was satisfied with the days they spent together. It was simple but warm, it was brief but everlasting.

A smile appeared just by remembering it. Now that Theo had gone, she gently slapped her cheeks to pump more energy.

"Alright. It's time for me to make preparations for our marriage." She nodded. "Two to three years should be enough for everything."

While Agata started working on their marriage, Theo met up with Rea outside their base. He was holding his Skylink, reading the information they had received regarding the movement.

"This is what I've found out about their movement. According to our observation, the one near us has the fastest progress. However, it means that those people want us to make our move to stop them.