
Illusion World

"Now that the situation has been handled, there is one more problem that needs to be solved." The Frost Giant narrowed his eyes as he dropped to his butt, crossing his feet.

He created a powerful shock wave when he was just trying to sit.

'Truly a big guy.' Theo thought as his expression became grim.

"I have come here because this runt is fighting against an Authority Figure like myself." The Frost Giant glanced at the Dark King for a moment before turning back to Theo. "I have destroyed that base, and for what reason should I hold myself back from moving all the monsters and killing all the humans on the other side?

"Depending on your answer…" The Frost Giant glanced at the Shadow King this time, indirectly implying the heads as well as information that the Shadow King had gathered. "…I will choose whether I will stop here and give you all that stuff or eliminate you here as well as the humans on the other side."