
Clash Between Giants

All of them sucked a cold breath, never expecting Theo to act this way. The other party was the King of fighters after all. He wasn't someone like Theo could defeat unless Theo was actually overconfident in himself.

As one would expect from such an action, it thoroughly angered the King of Fighters.

"You bastard! Do you know what you're doing?!"

Theo looked at him with a calm expression. "I know perfectly what I'm doing. I'm simply allowing him to uphold the bet. I am a good person, right?"

"You!" The King of Fighters gritted his teeth before shouting, "Military. You have seen what he has done, right? Capture him!"

"This…" The military guy didn't know what he should do in this situation. On the one hand, the bet was clear. Theo had even risked his life in this bet. On the other hand, the other party was the King of Fighters, so he couldn't really dismiss those orders.