
God of the Verses

Op mc traveling worlds, fucking any girls he desires because of plot. He does whatever he wants cause no one can stop him. First World: Twilight Second world:???? Third world???? Give me some suggestions

VoNtheGoAt · 映画
31 Chs

Chapter 9

(3rd Person Pov)

Vincent looks down and replies "daddy". This causes a confusion among the two girls who look at each other before jasmine asks in confusion "what".

Looking up Vincent stares in her eyes and replies" You asked who I am right? he pauses and chuckles before continuing"I'm your daddy" he says laughing a bit.

This however gets a blank stare from them which he quickly realizes and stops laughing he begins speaking again "It's a joke". They just keep staring at him not amused in the slightest not finding his joke funny at all.

"You seem to not want to answer the question so I see no reason for us to stay here with you" Jasmine replies reaching for the door to open it and leave.

"Wait but you already know who I am s-" he goes to say but is interrupted by jasmine" No we don't vincent this is our first time meeting you may know about us but we know nothing about you and you refuse to tell us where your from so unless you decide to reveal something about you we are leaving".

" Alright I'll tell you about myself just stay silent and listen okay". He replies getting a nod from them both. "Okay so my names Vincent de Raizel. I'm 18, I don't know either of my real parents apparently my mom died giving birth to me and I never got to meet my real father because he choose to leave me alone in the hospital because my birth killed his wife". He begins getting a remorseful look from both the girls

"I didn't want to tell you where I'm from because I grew up in an orphanage which was a really dark part of my life while I was in the orphanage I was slightly abused thankfully I was adopted before it got worse". He continues with a shaky voice.

"I was adopted by a very rich family who took care of me because they couldn't have children of their own so I was raised like the child they couldn't have and they became the parents I didn't have".

" You could say I was raised with a golden spoon in my mouth everything I wanted I got but one day on my 14th birthday while I was at school waiting for them to come pick me up so we could celebrate it. They didn't turn up instead a butler came to pick me up from school which caused me to get worried because it was always dad or mom who picked me up never a butler". He continues speaking while manipulating his emotions to make it seem like he was telling the truth to jasmine who had a sad expression along with edythe.(why? well he can't tell them the truth because he should be paralyzed)

" I asked him why they didn't come and pick me up and he said he didn't know and that they left earlier in the day to go to a restaurant. All he got was a call from them to pick me up from school. I just remained silent until I got home I jumped out of the car and started looking if they were home but I was told they weren't back yet" He says with his head now down.

"So I waited all night for them to come home but they never did I eventually fell asleep waiting on them. I was woken up in the morning by my personal butler alfred who was like a grandpa to me with the news that they had been killed in a mugging yesterday.I cried for days nonstop." He said manipulating himself to cry tears. He looks up and sees his mates crying as well ( why? I guess they feel it too) this causes him to feel bad because he knows he's lying but the show must go on.

" After I was finished grieving. We had a funeral for them where I would see them for the last time. After the funeral I was told that they left behind a huge company for me which I couldn't manage because I was too young and they had no other relatives but me as they were only child's and their parents were dead. So with me not being old enough to manage the company it was sold. I felt bad because they spent their entire lives building It and now it was just gonna be sold off because of how young I was". He continues his story now feeling it himself even though he knows it's not true.

"After I sold the company I went back to grieving but Alfred helped me get out off my state of grieving as he was now the only one I could say was family. He continued raising me until I was 17. He fell ill one day and was rushed to the hospital where I found out he had cancer and it was in it's worst stage. I was by his hospital bed everyday talking to him I even celebrated my 18 birthday with him but he passed away a week after".

" I was emotionally unstable after his death. I started partying every week. Then one day after returning from a party I met in an accident and was put in a coma. Everyday while I was in a coma I had dreams or visions about all of you. I woke up from the coma after a couple of months and made it my mission to find out if you girls really existed". he says looking at them with them now looking at him with tear stained faces.

"So when I finally got information about your whereabouts I immediately left my home and moved here to find you guys. I know it sounds stupid a boy gave up his life to come see some girls he saw in his dreams but when I saw you guys In person I knew it was the right choice ".he says with a smile on his face as they jump on him giving him a tight hug which surprises him but he starts running his fingers through their hair with a smile on his face.

They stay like that for a few minutes in silence before the bell rings they get up off of him and start fixing there clothes up.

He begins leaving the car before edythe calls out to him "Vincent" she says getting him to look back "yeah" he replies.

"Meet us after school" she continues. He nods and starts walking back to the school building to go to his next class.

Before he reaches his next class he quickly goes to the bathroom and makes all he said a reality by using his powers

(Why did I right so much about his fake past? I don't know to tell you the truth I started writing and couldn't stop well anyway. See you then 👋)