
God of Internet

Adrian, a 21-year-old game developer, had just graduated from college with a guaranteed position at one of the country's largest game development companies, but instead of his dream coming true, it ended in a car accident after his graduation party. When he woke up, Adrian found himself in the body of a 17-year-old high school student. To his surprise, this guy wasn't graduating from an ordinary school, but from one of the gods! Having taken over the body of a young god, Adrian had thousands of ideas on how to use his divinity of creativity to get as many believers as possible. Adrian realized a great way to get thousands of believers quickly. "Can't I use my deity to make games and ask for prayers for believers to play my games? Do my believers need something to fight monsters with? I'll make Tamagochi Pokemons so they can summon monsters to fight for them! Do a red fire dragon, a blue water turtle, and a green plant frog look familiar? It's just a coincidence. Is my believer's technology too weak? What changes can an intelligent AI assistant bring to people's lives? When the God of Thunder decided to invade the realm of my believers, the creatures he encountered left him speechless. "The God of Creativity wasn't weak? Where did so many powerful monsters come from?" The God of Thunder cried out in despair. "I'm no longer the God of Creativity, I'm now the God of the Internet!" Adrian said with a smile as he ordered his followers to attack the enemy army. From the young god with the weakest and most underestimated divinity in the class, who no one believed could graduate, to the god the other gods can only look up to. This is the journey of Adrian, the God of the Internet. What to expect: - A God MC. - MC introducing modern things to a medieval world. - LitRPG elements. - Kingdom Building. Plan for Series: 7 chapters/week. Support me on Patreon.com/NunuXD Join our Discord.gg/NunuXD to talk about the novel!

NunuXD · ゲーム
56 Chs

56 – How?

Unlike simple groups, the concept of a pantheon that I wanted to define was much more intimate.

Inviting Lucy into my pantheon would mean that our deities would be connected, with me being able to ask her permission to use her deity, and her also being able to ask me permission to use my deity.

The same would happen with the other deities that would be added in the future.

Since I didn't want to limit the number of gods to a certain number, it might cause problems if the use of gods between us was unlimited, so I thought I would make it so that in order to use another god's deity, you would have to ask permission.

And since I wanted to do something so intimate, I had to make all the explanations as clear as possible to Lucy, to show her that I didn't want to cheat her and pay her less than I had promised.

So we talked all night as we floated along the border of our realms.

With access to Lucy's divinity, one of my major weaknesses could be overcome, as I could use her divinity to develop attacks instead of just using my divinity, which required a high cost, and Lucy knew this, so she used this as a bargain to increase the percentage of divine power she would receive on the Internet.

Knowing that this would be fair to her, I decided to increase her earnings by 5%, so the new total she would receive was 20%.

I would still receive 80% of the profits, which was great for me, and it was fair to her because the cost of the Internet interface was all mine, including the development of applications and the like.

The only problem that remained was how to calculate the revenue from each user on the Internet and how to pay Lucy based on that.

The way I came up with was to use Premium Internet Coin to calculate this.

Just as Premium Internet Coin could be used to feed the iMonsters, it could also be accumulated to generate more hours of use for users.

An ordinary citizen could pray as much as his body could handle every day, but only use the Internet for 2 hours, leaving 2 Premium Internet Coins to pay for future hours of use.

This way, not only would PIC be better distributed around the world, but it would also encourage people even more to remember to pray to me.

And to calculate people's Internet usage, I could divide a PIC into 60 small invisible units that would be used every minute.

As long as I developed a way in the apps to calculate how much PIC was used in that app during use, I could calculate how much Divine Power I would have to pay to Lucy.

Transferring Divine Power was a bit complicated for someone in Embryonic Divinity, but it wasn't impossible.

After seeing the teachers do it so many times during our school years to give us Divine Power, it wasn't too difficult to deduce how it was done.

Even if a few thousand points of Divine Power were wasted in practice, it was nothing to someone who had millions of points of Divine Power.

When Lucy heard my idea and how I would calculate it, she became a little worried.

"You're not trying to trick me, are you?" she asked, looking me in the eye, perhaps expecting some kind of deception from me.

I didn't look away for a moment and shook my head. "I wouldn't do that, to confirm that, I would also give you access to real-time data on users and their time on the Internet. You are my first partner, trying to trick you would make it impossible to develop partnerships with other gods, don't worry."

Seeing the sincerity in my eyes, I realized that Lucy was relieved, but for some reason there was a bit of disappointment after she saw that I wouldn't say anything more.

Unfortunately, I had no idea what she was expecting, but I was glad to see her nod.

"It's okay, I trust you Adrian... even though you're very different, I still believe in you." She said as she cracked a small smile that made me freeze.

Did she realize that I'm not the Adrian she knew? I asked myself in shock before mentally shaking my head, trying to hide any clues I might be giving.

I could easily blame my change on this test, as I had literally killed people and held the responsibility of hundreds of thousands of lives in my hands.

Ignoring this, I changed the subject and went back to discussing the finer details of our partnership, and Lucy decided that she would use her church to help spread the word online, but make sure that she would continue to ask believers to pray for her at least twice a week.

"All right, in the next few days I'm going to develop a web app specifically for you and your deity, I just need to get acquainted with it if you'll let me. With your own app, if Internet users use it for more hours a day, it can further increase your Divine Power income via the Internet, if the content is interesting enough." I said with a smile.

Hearing that, I saw her hair light up for a moment.

"Really?!" She asked, getting excited again.

From her thoughtful expression, I could imagine that her mind was already making mental calculations of how much Divine Power she could receive with the average Internet user's use of two hours a day or even more.

Considering that the Internet would soon have 1.2 million users, if those users used the Internet for four hours a day without the cost of the [School] application, the daily Divine Power gain would be up to 2,400,000 Divine Power points!

If the users used her applications for two hours a day, she would earn 240,000 Divine Power points a day, or 1,680,000 Divine Power points a week, which was more than double what she was earning at the moment.

With such a huge influx of Divine Power every week, the two of us were consolidating our position as the most powerful gods in this small world.

Especially considering that Lucy didn't have my handicap of needing several times more Divine Power to attack, and that by borrowing her Divinity, I wouldn't have that problem either, we were definitely close to invincibility here.

Of course, I wouldn't be stupid enough to consider her divinity as my own, since I still needed her permission to use it, which could be a problem for me in the long run.

But there was one thing I hadn't discussed with Lucy.

How could I replicate her divinity with my divinity without anything to base it on, now that I had her divinity to study, couldn't I just replicate it with my divinity after a while?

It would be difficult for me to reduce the cost of my attacks to the same cost as gods like her, but I could use her deity as an example so that I could study and optimize my use of waves, which was her specialty, over time.

"Just ask me one thing, you show so much interest in my deity, but you haven't told me what use you would have for my deity?" Lucy asked me once we had signed the agreement and she had officially joined my pantheon.

This created a connection between our divinity so that we could feel each other.

I could now sense both where the consciousness divinity and Lucy were in front of me, and my main body in the divine world could sense where Lucy was, possibly guessing which cubicle she was in based on our position in the divine world.

Through this connection, we could also easily sense each other's intentions, something that could be completely blocked if we wanted to.

But to show my sincerity, I smiled at her. "Can you grant me access to the use of your divinity? I believe I can show you the potential I see in your divinity."

Hearing this, Lucy was confused and nodded, using her Divine Power to allow me to make a connection between our Divinity and to use my Divine Power to reproduce the use of her Divinity.

Feeling the connection with the waves, at first I only felt the waves of the nearby rivers, which were the easiest waves to feel, but I kept my eyes closed and kept trying to adjust to the smaller waves.

Lucy just remained silent as she watched me curiously.

To make the process I was trying to do even easier, I started clapping my hands rhythmically.

After a few minutes, since I already knew what I was looking for and had even used it to develop the [School] app, I could feel a faint sound wave coming out of my palms and flying through the air until it disappeared.

Smiling, I clapped my hands again, this time using my divine power to amplify the wave my palm was projecting, making the sound louder.

Opening my eyes, I continued to clap, and even though I used the same power each time, the sound waves became louder and more powerful.

To the point that even Lucy began to feel it and her eyes began to widen.

To imprint this moment in her mind, I decided to play around a bit and clapped my hands harder, using even more Divine Power.


The crack of my palm was so loud that it could even be mistaken for thunder, pushing my hair back slightly, while Lucy's long hair also floated back, leaving only her shocked face to stare at me.

"How?" was the only thing that came out of her mouth after seeing that.


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