
Professor Rose (Fixed)

Its been six days after the Ruby and Weiss incident.

Nothing much has happened in the last six days. Jin and his sisters was experiencing a normal school life, with the studies and all the other stuff.

Jin pretty much exceled in everything. Afterall, in Signal Academy, Jin was a Valedictorian in all his years while he was in there. Furthermore, his other 'activities' made him extremely knowledgeable about Dust, Aura, Grimms and etc.

He was clearly the ace of the freshman here in Beacon Academy.

Also, in these days, there hasn't been any kind of combat practices against Grimms or even sparring sessions with each other. This slightly made Ruby and some other combat-crazy students frustrated at the uneventful days.

Though, there were some good things that came out from these days.

Jin saw that Weiss and Ruby were now friends again, and team RWBY was making progress in bonding and working together as a team, as well as for team JNPR.

Overall, his school life was fun and in the same time boring, as there was nothing really interesting happening around here, other than repeating the same activities everyday.

Well, at least he was becoming more popular with the girls in school. Everyday he would be approached by many groups of female students just to talk to him and to ask for his scroll number.

He wasn't arrogant that he was an Elite Student and he was quite of a nice boy, especially towards women.

He would always treat them especially, one can say that Jin favored women over men. He was always dragged around by many female students, much added to Ruby's frustration.

Many even invited him to their dorm rooms with the excuse of 'studying together' and 'helping them with their assignments'.

'What can I say? I'm a handsome and talented young man. Who wouldn't want me? I'm basically the perfect boyfriend material.'

Everything was going good until that one fateful afternoon, when he was called to Ozpin's office. The very day that reminded him of his 'Special' tasks as the one and only Elite Student.



"Are you kidding me?" Jin said in a deadpan tone.

"No, I am not joking Mr. Rose." Ozpin replied while taking a sip of his hot chocolate milk.

'There's that mug again.' Jin thought before looking at Ozpin's desk.

At his desk, there was alot of paperwork, and by alot, it means ALOT.

The man has been doing this kind of work for many hours, and he would do it everyday. This earned him Jin's huge respect and admiration.

He wouldn't even complain about his workload, not even once.

"Because of your other 'Jobs' in the past, you are quite knowledgeable about advanced tactics and strategies. So, you will be teaching in one of the classes at the second year level starting tomorrow." Ozpin said before taking a sip of his drink.

"Thats not the only one is it?" Jin asked. He felt that there was some other reason for this.

"Professor Nero will be gone for two weeks. So, you will be serving as a duplicate for him in his absence." Ozpin answered.

"You do realize that I'm just a freshman right? I mean, it hasn't been a week since I went into this school and your making me, a student, to be an instructor for second years? My Seniors?" Jin said with a bewildered face.

"Yes." Ozpin replied with a flat tone.

Jin's left eye twitched, "You do know that they won't be listening to me right? I'm just a first year afterall."

"Then they will have to deal with it." Ozpin said before continuing in his paperwork.

Jin just stared at him with his mouth open in disbelief. He stayed like that for a few seconds before saying something again.

"Ummm.....I'm just a stu-...."

"Your an ELITE Student. Remember the things I said when I gave you that title?" Ozpin said after interrupting Jin.

Jin then thought back in the day when the annoucement of the teams was taking place.

'Oh yeah, he said something about being an assistant for the rest of....the staff.....Wait doesn't this mean that.....'

"You would be tasked in doing some of the work of the staffs every now and then, as well as helping them in their current ones. This task you have right now is just the first of many." Ozpin said in perfect timing, as if he knew what Jin was thinking.

"What about my studies? Am I supposed to be doing staff work and study to maintain my grades simultaneously?" Jin said with a voice full of indignation.

If that was the case. Then he would rarely get some rest and he would be exhausted to the bone everyday.

"Don't worry about your studies and your grades. Didn't I tell you that you'd have different requirements compared to normal students?" Ozpin reminded before adding.

"This task I'm giving you is mandatory. You are in no position to refuse Mr. Rose."

Jin just let out a groan, "Ugh! Fine! If its like that, then I should be able to do this."

With that, Jin left Ozpin's office while the headmaster himself was busy in his paperwork.


The Next day.

Jin was sleeping peacefully while hugging his pillow. Until a loud whistle noise was heard from the other side, which made Jin's eyes shot wide open as he gritted his teeth in annoyance.

'Jesus Christ! It's been a week already and she keeps doing that!'

"Good morning team RWBY!" Ruby's said out loud from the other side.

"RUBY!!" Weiss screamed at her.

Ruby was always the first one to get up early in the morning. She would always blow her whistle loudly to wake everyone up. Even Jaune and his team was no exception.

'Well, at least I'm not the only one suffering. But, its also a good thing I guess. At least I can wake up early.'

Jin did some stretching before taking a shower. After that, he went out to put on his student uniform, but when he was about to do it...

'Right, I'm gonna be an instructor today.....'

He picked up the clothes he got from Glynda yesterday. An Academy Teacher uniform.

'Ugh! People are gonna be staring at me when I go outside.' Jin thought as he held the uniform.

Jin putted on his academy teacher uniform and adjusted it properly, he just decided to go yolo when he goes outside.

Just when he was going to grab the 'discipline stick' he got from Glynda, he heard a knock from his door.

"Hey Jin! Lets go and eat breakfast together!" Yang said.

Jin approached the door, "Coming."

Yang knew that there was something wrong with him after hearing the tone of his voice, so she asked in worry.

"Hey, are you alright? Is somethi-...."

When he opened the door, Yang had her mouth open in surprise. Not only her, but all of team RWBY and JNPR were also surprised. They were all waiting for him, and when he came out, he was wearing a teacher uniform.

Yang smiled weirdly, "Well....You look good!"

'Damn! Talk about being a hot teacher!'

"Ummm....Why are you wearing that?" Pyrrha asked.

"You must've gotten the wrong clothes, right bro?" Ruby said.

"Nope, I'm really wearing this." Jin said in a deadpan tone.

"Why?" Weiss asked.

Jin just letted out a sigh, "Well, its not really a long story....."

The group then proceeded to walk towards the Diner Hall while talking about Jin's situation. And of course, on their way there, many students were staring at Jin in wonder.

"So basically, you were forced to become an instructor for second year students." Blake said.

Jin smiled helplessly, "Yeah, can't do anything about it. Headmaster's orders."

"Bah! Don't worry Professor! You'll do great!" Nora exclaimed cheerfully.

"Nora, that's not helping." Ren said.

"Seriously though, you'll do great! You're a genius, those students would love to learn from ya." Jaune said.

Jin rolled his eyes, "Oh, I'm sure they do."

Meanwhile, the other students around them were gossiping about Jin's attire.

"Hey dude, why is our Elite Student wearing a teacher's uniform?" A random male student said to his friend.

His friend just shook his head, "I don't know man."

"Woah! What up with the new outfit?"

Such were the common thoughts of the male students. For the females however...

"Oh my...."

"Should we call him Professor Rose now?"

"That style....Yeah, its confirmed. I'm definitely gonna make him my boyfriend." A girl said while licking her lips.

"Hey! That's just dirty! A student and teacher relationship? How scandalous!💕" A girl said with a playful smile.

"Thats one of the things I like! Especially if the teacher is hot Hehehe."

"Gwen! I know you have his scroll number! Give em to me now!"

"I call dibs on this man!"

They all knew him as he was quite popular, especially with the girls. The female students loved the sight of him wearing such a formal attire, it was quite pleasing for their eyes.

Ruby heard all the female student's words and she was really annoyed. If her cloak was big enough, then she would definitely cover Jin with it.

Weiss was also irritated for some reason. She didn't like how many women were looking at Jin with ravenous eyes, and saying things like 'He's already mine'.

Yang just had a helpless smile and muttered, "I should be expecting at least ten sister-in-laws."