
A Change That'll Affect Her Future

Jin smiled in anticipation of what this adorable rabbit girl would confess to him.

'Hehe, I'll make your confession a special case, I'll have you in for a different treatment.'

"I-I...I-I....ike you....ple....pweesh go out wish meee...."

A student going out with her teacher....Oh, how scandalous..

The rabbit girl slumped her head down in embarassment as she muttered in an extremely low and barely audible voice.

Even Jin, with his almost supernatural auditory senses, wasn't able to hear it clearly. He only heard the 'pweesh' part.

This made him raise an eye brow and he decided to make things a little hot and stimulating.

This was going to be the first time that he's done this to her. But he knew that this kind of approached would allow her to voice out her thoughts better.

The Elder Red's mouth curved into his signature flirtous smile; the smile that slays women; Some could even say it is the bane of women as they would never be able to compose themselves once they've seen it.

He then turned into a blur before the presence of the Rabbit Girl, which made the Faunus surprised at the sight of her handsome instructor suddenly disappearing.


She then felt something, rather, someone wrap their arms around her body from behind her.

Jin was hugging her from the back to her waist. He then held both of her hands and intertwined his fingers with hers.


'She's not struggling, nor is she resisting. Hehe, this rabbit girl truly trusts me with all her heart.'

With that, Jin moved his hands around, along with hers, to explore her curvaceous female Faunus body. Though, he didn't touch her exclusive parts.

Even though this was akin to sexual harassment, Velvet didn't have any intention on stopping him and just let him do what he wants.

'She reaaally trusts me huh. Could it be that she prepared herself for 'that'?'

Instead, Velvet's face turned beet red, and this time the blush was intensified to the next level. The entirety of her face and ears were now red.

Velvet could feel his perfect manly body touch her from behind. She felt his perfect male arms wrap her entire being, it made her feel safe and warm.

She could hear and feel Jin's breaths travelling down her neck, this made her go crazy with an unknown stimulation as her breathing became rough.

The timid rabbit girl could also smell his perfume, Tom Ford Oud Wood, as well as his natural manly scent.

The combination of the scents was perfect and pleasurable for her. This made her body heat increase as well as her heart beating rapidly.

Jin took a deep sniff at her hair before gently caressing it and then purring near her ear in a sweet and seductive voice.

"Velvet, you smell very nice. It makes me want to eat you."


And just like that, Velvet's body experienced a big case of ASMR as her body violently tingled from an unknown stimulation.

It always works, Jin's knowledge and techniques in how to make a woman experience a severe and pleasurable case of ASMR, it always works.

No women could ever resist the tingles, they would always falter because of it. Even the most feisty ones would easily fall.

His stimulation would bring a unique kind of pleasure. It wasn't bodily nor sexual pleasure, but a new and unique sensation that can only be felt by women that's gone through his treatment.

All the more reason why they would easily falter from it.

The ASMR for Velvet, being a shy and timid girl, was extremely devastating. And now, her legs were turning weak, as if she would collapse at the weakest breeze of wind.

"Come on, you can tell anything. If you have any requests, then I'll do it. I'll be treating you with very special care." Jin said playfully.

'T-this i-is j-just...!??!'

Velvet's eyes now had a dizzy look in her eyes as the redness on her face glew even brighter.

Her body was so hot from embarassment, as if her body was on the verge of produce some steam, and her heart beats were increasing by the second.

She was taking deep breaths before she spoke while violently tingling and stuttering.

"A-a-a I-I-I-lllwwiikkkeee...aaahh..." The timid rabbit girl was now spewing incomprehensible words as if she was a malfunctioned computer.

Jin was amused at her reactions and he attacked again, "Come on, its me your talking to, no need to be shy. Say what you want."

Velvet just reacted by worsening the stuttering of her words. The way how Jin acted was too much for her timid heart to handle.

He then sweetly said as he now touched her belly, "If you ever need some company, then don't worry. I'll show you the pleasures of being a woman. I'll be very gentle with you."


Those words were the final strike for Velvet as she finally reached her limit. Her furry and elegant rabbit legs finally lost its function and she collapsed.

Jin reacted quickly and he easily caught her in his arms, princess style. He then took a look at the slightly twitching body of the rabbit girl.

Steam was coming out of her body and her eyes still had a dizzy anime girl look as her mouth opened in a comical manner.

Velvet completely fainted because of Jin's stimulations.

'I think I shouldn't have done that. Even though she's opened up to me, she's still shy and timid. Because of this, she can easily get flustered and can have a hard time in handling situations like 'those'.'

Jin then changed his destination as he began walking on a different direction.

He was going back towards the dorms to gow to Velvet's team dorm room. He perfectly knew where it located as he and Velvet would sometimes spend their time there.

'Hehehe, I should do those kinds of things to her starting from now on. I want to boost her courage by doing those, cause I think it can help.....or at least it should.....probably.'

Not only those, but also other kinds of things that can boost her overall courage and confidence.

'It'll take awhile for her to get used to those kinds of interactions, so yeah. It ain't much, but its honest work.'

She was only honest and open to Jin. One can see that Jin is the only one that she can interact normally without her being shy all the time and keeping most of her feelings to herself.

When interacting witb others, she was still a very shy and quiet girl who tends to keep things to herself.

Either because of her choice or because she was isolated by others for being a Faunus.

Even when being picked on by others, she tends to act very reservedly and refuses to fight back.

Hence the reason why she was always subjected into bullying by racist students in the past until Jin showed up in the Academy and always stood up for her, as well as for other Faunus students.

In fact, he was the main reason why the bullying of Faunus students in Beacon was drastically decreased compared to the last years in this school.

He knew the faces of all the racist students in this Academy and those students knew it.

The moment he hears or see's them about continuing on doing their cruel acts. Then Jin would break at least five bones on their bodies, he would even make sure that their hands are severely broken.

He even told the bully victims to not hesitate on telling him when they are being bullied again or if they saw other Faunuses getting bullied.


Jin's travel to the dorms while carrying an unconscious rabbit girl went surprisingly smooth.

Not many students were roaming around the Academy in these times as most still had their classes going.

Hence, the reason why Jin didn't bump into anyone of his fan girls nor got randomly pounced, approached, or got dragged by a group of female students.

In fact, because of his current action. He might end up in an even worse situation if one of his blackmailer kinds of fan girls were to see him like this.

"Those hussies will definitely take advantage of my current predicament. They'll blackmail me by taking pictures of what I'm doing."

He can already see the situation. Those hussies would take a picture of him on what he's doing and they would use it to blackmail him on do something for them or else they would show the pictures to everyone in the Academy and falsely claim that he was taking advantage of an unconscious female Faunus student and rap.e her or something like that.

(Authors Note: This site now has now also applied their auto censor function on the novels. So any kinds of swear words will definitely be censored from here on out. But I won't let it happen cause I'm a cuck.)

Even though Jin can prove all of those wrong because of all the video evidence of the hidden magical cameras that Ozpin got installed somewhere in the hidden locations of the Academy.

"I swear, I have to teach those girls a lesson and 'discipline' them properly on not blackmailing me, ever again."

As he had different kinds of thoughts, he already found himself to be standing before team CFVY's dorm room and he placed his hands on the door knob before opening it.

"Woah, its surprisingly open. Did they forget to lock in the door?"

Jin just dismissed the abnormality in the next second. He then approached one of the beds and he gently placed the rabbit girl on it.

He then sighed, "She'll probably wake up in less than an hour or so. She only fainted because of some emotionsl stuff, no real harm, so she should wake sooner or later."

With that, he took a last glance at the sleeping rabbit girl before leaving the room and walking back towards the Academy's staff office.


Its exactly been thirty minutes since Jin left the room.


Velvet groaned as she slowly opened her eyes and got up from the bed. She then looked around her surroundings and saw that she was now in her team's dorm room.

"Wait how did I....."

She didn't finish her statement as she suddenly remembered on what happened to her before she became unconscious. Though, she already knew that Jin was the one who brought her here.

When she was about to confess and tell her feelings, but she was too shy and kept stuttering her words out....

When she was suddenly hugged by her handsome crush from the back and he kept whispering sweet words to her....

And when he said that he was going to 'eat' her but will be gentle to her....

She smelled his scent, she felt his breath and his touch. And mostly, she tasted (heard) the sweetness of his words.....

The rabbit girl's face quickly became red like a tomato as she comically quickly lied back on her stomach to the bed and covered her head with a pillow.


Velvet then proceeded to wail out loud as she kept pounding the bed with her hands and banging her legs up and down furiously.


After a few seconds of yelling her frustrations out. The rabbit girl got off from the bed, and this time she had a bright smile plastered on her face.

Velvet managed to think things properly after her wailing. When she really thought about her current situation, it wasn't really that bad as she felt that Jin already got the gist of her feelings and intentions.

He was a smart man and she definitely knew that he wasn't dense as lead. Even if he didn't, she can still get another chance.

"Afterall he's not gonna be going anywhere! I can just tell him next time!"

With that, Velvet got herself a new found confidence.

She now made some progress on her change.
