
Global Descent: My Soul is Incorruptible!

Check out my other novel. I Am a Necromancer in A Cultivation World Humanity had gradually been assimilated by the all powerful system and placed into their very own Haven. Competing against themselves and other races,humanity was constantly embroiled in a struggle for survival and dominance. Leon, a simple soldier for humanity, was sure that he had died once he felt his head swept off of his shoulders. So you can just imagine his disbelief once he found himself not in the afterlife but back at the start of it all. The day humanity descended into their very own hell

NineSleepyDragons · ファンタジー
45 Chs

Boss fight (3)

With rage filled eyes, Leon looked at the Broodmother below him.

Those wings! Those god damn wings! They caused everything right now!

Leon didn't even think as he stretched out his hands clutching the wings and tore them from the Broodmother's back.

The pain of having a limb torn from its body drove the Broodmother insane. It randomly shook its body and roared in pain, all in an effort to get Leon to stop, but Leon didn't care. He was furious and continued tearing away at the Broodmother until all four of its wings had been brutally torn from its back.

The Broodmother jumped around crazily, slamming Leon onto the floor.

As the Broodmother was still writhing in pain, Leon scrambled to his feet, quickly reaching for a flammable fruit that had been fallen nearby.

He then quickly rushed back up to the Broodmother and firmly steadied his feet by digging them deep into Broodmother's exposed flesh. Now on the creature's head, Leon punched straight through the creature's eyes and lodged the fruit deep in its brain.

"Torch!" Cried Leon

Jessica didn't even hesitate as she quickly reached for the nearest torch and hurled it straight at Leon

With the torch in hand, Leon thrust straight into the creature's head.

The highly flammable properties of the fruit and the embers of the torch set of a reaction as the inside of the Broodmother instantly began to combust!

As the fire raged, tragic screams of the Broodmother shook the cave as its body violently convulsed, but even with this, Leon didn't back up and firmly held the fruit in place.

Eventually, The Broodmother couldn't take it anymore and slumped to the ground whilst the slow pop and sizzle of burning flesh echoed throughout the cave.

This time, Leon had defeated the Broodmother for real.

No monster could survive having its brains burnt to ashes. Well, at least no monster at this current rank could.

As Leon got off the back of the monster, he looked around.

Instead of the happy and proud looks of earlier, all Leon could see was the horrified and scarred faces of everyone around him.

Seeing this Leon could only grit his teeth.

As a result of his actions, one person was dead, and another was only hanging in by a thread.

This was something that he had to live with, something he couldn't deny.

Who knew how many Will fall on his path, but these were something he would have to accept whether he liked it or not.

With these thoughts in mind, Leon stifled his doubts and stretched out his hand to touch the monster Carcass.


[Congratulations Warrior on defeating the Brood Mother!]

[Boss Kill rewards]

1. Skillbook: exoskeleton

2. Carapace chestplate (Rare)

3. Reward Token (Black Iron).

As soon as Leon saw these rewards, he smiled.

This was the reason he was so eager to defeat the boss of this dungeon.

As the very first dungeon you face once you enter <Haven>, this granted a reward so powerful that everyone who realised it later on in their life in <Haven> wanted to die with regret at the chance they missed

Reward Token (Black Iron)

The purpose of this treasure was simple.

Depending on the rank of your token, you could choose from a bank of selected skills and treasures and other rewards up to that Rank.

Seeing this, Leon's breathing suddenly accelerated.

In his past life, someone was fortunate enough to choose a treasure from this bank.

An Evolving weapon.

As its name suggests, it was a weapon that could continue to evolve, reaching levels no one could predict.

The Sword Demon Qin Weiyan.

A legendary figure that had neither legendary skills nor class but relying on his weapon, had managed to stand up on the same levels as heroes!

Leon had to have this weapon. It was his easy way to break his limit of talent and fortune and ascend to the next level!

Subconsciously, Leon's hand began to stretch out, inching closer and closer to claiming his first goal, a fabled evolving weapon.

It was then that he suddenly heard a groan.

Looking back to the origin of the sound, Leon saw the pale, sweating face of a young boy.

For a second, the familiarity of such a scene caused Leon to think he had been transported back to the battlefield once more.


'Another one.'

Yet again, another child had been forced to die as a result of his guidance.

Leon clenched his teeth as he turned around.

If it was for the cause, for humanity, then it was a price he had to pay!

But suddenly Leon paused.

Price to pay?

How many times had been told that in the last legion?

Every time he'd led those kids to their deaths, he'd been told the same thing by his superiors and he had despised it.

Despised his own weakness, despised the weakness of superiors and even the weakness of humanity.

How hypocritical!

What was the essence in trying to prepare himself?!

What was the point of trying to strengthen himself?!

Wasn't it to break free of such restrictions? To no longer be that weak squad captain who led his soldiers to die again and again.

It was all because of such bullshit!

What price?! What cost?'

Leon was tired of being forced to accept such actions.

But even though Leon thought like this, his hands just refused to move.

In the end, he couldn't do it.

He couldn't pull himself away from the allure of strength.

Talk was cheap, and the consequences of his actions sure as hell weren't.

Leon had seen it.

He knew better than anyone else just how hopeless the future was for humanity.

Even an unparalleled legend like the Chaos Queen wasn't powerful enough to protect humanity in the end!

If he wanted to even match her, no, to even surpass her, such opportunities weren't things he could simply pass up on.

It was all these thoughts were running through his head that Leon suddenly paused.