
Global Descent: My Soul is Incorruptible!

Check out my other novel. I Am a Necromancer in A Cultivation World Humanity had gradually been assimilated by the all powerful system and placed into their very own Haven. Competing against themselves and other races,humanity was constantly embroiled in a struggle for survival and dominance. Leon, a simple soldier for humanity, was sure that he had died once he felt his head swept off of his shoulders. So you can just imagine his disbelief once he found himself not in the afterlife but back at the start of it all. The day humanity descended into their very own hell

NineSleepyDragons · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Boss fight (2)

Looking in towards the origin of the arrows, Leon could see Jessica looking back down at him with a confident smile on her face.

But Leon didn't remain looking for long.

Leon didn't want to waste this opportunity he was given and after rolling away, he quickly rose to his feet and pierced his spear right into the side of Broodmother's head!

Leon quickly felt the sensation of piercing flesh but this pain only further enraged the Broodmother, causing it to lash out and send Leon's body flying!


With a furious roar, the Broodmother rushed up to the wall and quickly began climbing to get the one who had shot out its eyes!

Jessica quickly drew her bow and shot down countless arrows, but this time, the Broodmother wouldn't fall for the same trick.

As the arrows flew in its direction, the Broodmother kept two of its legs over its eyes at all times. As a result, any flimsy arrow that landed was bounced off by its hard exoskeleton.

Seeing this sight, the others panicked as they could only watch as the Broodmother slowly advanced up the wall.

But suddenly, to the confusion of the others, the Broodmother suddenly froze.

But their confusion didn't last long as suddenly there was a loud cry.

Leon's veins began to bulge as his muscles underwent terrible stress, and in the end, the Broodmother was completely dragged off the wall and smashed into the ground!


Having been constantly harassed by Leon and spending so long being surrounded by fire, the Broodmother was already in a weak state and so the slam from Leon was just too much.

The Broodmother desperately tried to get back onto its feet, but its body refused to cooperate.

Leon also quickly noticed his weakness and didn't waste any time before acting.

Quickly drawing his arm back, Leon's arm tensed accumulating as much force as he could when then suddenly his arm shot out, releasing a devastating throw!

His spear whistled as it flew, piercing straight into the Broodmother's head, causing it to slump into the ground.

Seeing this sight, everyone sighed in relief, Leon included.

It was finally done.

The Broodmother was defeated!

Leon took a second to catch his breath as he looked at the endless crowd of charred corpses in the sea of fire.


Leon didn't like the sound he just heard and turning around he saw an alarming sight

"Crack! Crack!"

Cracks were beginning to form in the exoskeleton of the Broodmother as suddenly it started glowing in a strange red hue.

'Shit! Does this boss have a second stage?'

Leon was nervous.

He had never heard anyone in his past life talk about the boss having two stages!

But before Leon could even react, a giant pair of wings burst out its back as the Broodmother let out a deafening screech.

Slowly, the creature flapped its wings, gradually allowing itself to hover above the ground

'No you don't!'

Leon could already see what the Broodmother was planning and refused to let it happen.

Leon instantly dashed towards the Broodmother but before Leon could grab it, its figure rose high into the sky.

And it was heading for the defenceless people above!


Back at the top of the spider pit, the others were all smiling and celebrating.

They had just won an actual boss fight!

Lucas sighed in relief, but suddenly he felt an arm on his shoulder.

Looking up, he turned to see the smiling face of Jessica.

"Kid, you did well back there."

In response, Lucas merely nodded back towards her.

Seeing this response, Jessica frowned.

'He's quite the rude kid' thought Jessica

But in Lucas's defence, his rude behaviour wasn't intentional.

It just couldn't be helped as all of his attention was focused on watching his little sister, who was walking over towards him with a large smile on her face.

She was very proud of the part she played in the fight and helping Leon.

Without even realising it, just by watching Lucy being so happy, a smile started appearing on the frosty face of Lucas.

But Lucas felt something off.

He couldn't quite put his finger on it.

His blood, his mind, it was screaming at him.

Lucas, unsettled by this feeling, slowly began to walk towards his sister.

Then it happened.

As a storm of hot air shot out from the pit, a gigantic creature suddenly appeared in the sky.

The Broodmother had arrived!

The second the Broodmother appeared, its countless eyes locked onto Lucy.

To deal with an adventuring party, you always deal with the healer and although the Broodmother didn't know this knowledge, its bestial instincts kicked in, directing it towards the weakest members.

Lucas didn't even think before his figure flashed forward and before Lucy even realised she felt a heavy impact collide with her as her frail body was sent flying.


The Broodmother's leg shot out, but instead of hitting the little girl like it had expected, it had hit another target, Lucas.

But it wasn't like the Broodmother cared much.

A kill was still a kill

Slowly raising its leg, the Broodmother casually flicked the impaled Lucas off onto the wall like nothing.

As Lucas landed, he could feel nothing.

All he could do was try to control his breathing as his vision slowly darkened.

In his last moments, Lucas couldn't help but remember a similar situation.

In his last moments, Lucas couldn't help but remember a similar situation.

Similarly, it was dark but this time, the constant there were the occasional flashing lights as the car flashed past on the motorway.

Everything was normal.

His parents were driving on the motorway.

Lucas was in the back of his parents' car with parents in the front. His mom was in the passenger seat and his dad was driving.

Lucy was sitting next to him, still in her little car seat, innocently still sleeping away.

Suddenly, his father spoke up.

"Lucas, I'm not happy with your behaviour today." Said the man in a rather stern tone.

"You know that your sister is sensitive, so you should also know not to shout at her."

Lucas could just watch on passively as his mouth opened and gave a response he was all too familiar with by now.

"But it's not my fault," responded Lucas

"She's so annoying! She always trying to steal with my stuff. I don't want to share with her."

Hearing this, his mother shook her head as she sighed.

"Now, now Lucas, you're her big brother. You've got to look after your little sister."

But In response to his mother's words, Lucas just scoffed as he turned away to look out the window.

Turning back to look at her stubborn little boy, Lucas's mother could just sigh.

It was then that Lucas heard a loud thud as his car began to shake!

In an instant, the car perfectly fine car was sent spinning out of control as it violently shook.

Shouts of fear and panic could be heard from his parents as the car rolled over, when suddenly a sharp pole of metal burst through the window!


Lucas just watched on in horror as this pole speared through the heads of both his parents, splattering blood and brain tissue all over the car!

Fortunately, his sister was unconscious and never saw such a brutal scene.

But Lucas did.

Lucas's mind broke down as he tried to reason what he saw, tried to come to terms with everything, but it was just too surreal for the boy.

One second he was arguing, and the next second his body lay there covered in the brains and remains of his parents.

His eyes and face contorted as he tried to accept the situation in

First in disbelief and panic, then sand and even anger. Eventually, all the panic, fear and sadness all sorts of emotions were swirling in his mind, slowly driving him insane until...


Something snapped.

In that moment Lucas's mind shutdown, cutting his emotions off from comprehending the various horrors he just witnessed and in the process also stifling his emotions until nothing was left.

Lucas's heart and mind slowly dulled until all emotion could have said to truly have disappeared.

All but one. The Last words of his parents 'You've got to look after your little sister'.

Those words were the last shred of emotion that Lucas could cling to and the only speck of life left in his dead, blank eyes.

From that moment on, the child called Lucas was dead. All that remained in its place was a fractured, broken being with only one purpose. To protect his sister.

Like that, Lucas, or what remained of him, stared at the two destroyed corpses of his parents for hours until people came along to save him.

In his last thoughts, Lucas couldn't help remember this scene and smiled.

It won't be long before he joined his parents again.

"Mom, Dad… you see, I did it. I protected my sister…."

Lucas smiled as the wave of darkness washed over him.


But while Lucas was lying there smiling in relief, his sister Lucy was overcome with grief.

"B-Brother?" Stuttered Lucy.

She couldn't believe what she was seeing. No. She refused to believe it.

Slowly, Lucy walked towards the damaged body of her brother, seemingly oblivious to the looming monster around.

The moment she got to her brother's side, Lucy cried out.

"Heal wounds!"

A slow wave of golden energy washed out over her brother, but in the end, nothing changed.

<Heal wounds> was only a low ranked Skill

Healing Small scratches and gashes was fine, but trying to heal giant, gaping wounds of this magnitude were simply beyond its capabilities.

But even with this, Lucy didn't give up and continued casting the spell.

But the more she cast her spell, the more she realised how useless it was.

Tears began to build as Lucas's blood continued to leak through her tiny frail hands.

"Brother, you're not going to leave me, right? Brother, you promised to stay. Please don't die… please…"

Lucy's cries soon turned into pitiful begging but regardless of how much she begged, the light in Lucas's eyes only got duller

As all this was going on, Broodmother approached her

"Lucy!" cried Jessica, trying to alert her of the approaching danger

But Lucy either didn't hear her or simply didn't care as she continued casting her spell, desperately trying to save her brother.

As the Broodmother spider got closer, it raised its legs high, ready to Pierce the little girl right in front of it. But just before it could strike, a blur came out of nowhere, tackling it into the ground!


From the smoke and dust, a small shadow could be seen on top of the giant Broodmother

This shadow was of course, Leon.

As Leon emerged from the dust, a completely twisted expression could be seen on his face.

Right now, Leon was furious!

Not just at the Broodmother, but also at himself.

He already noticed it.

How easy he left things, how he thought he could plan and predict everything.

Once Jeff died, didn't he say that he would be more careful? Didn't he say he wouldn't be caught out again?

Just look at him now. His foolish pride and arrogance had caused the death of the young boy!