
Global Awakening: I created the system

"When everyone believes a lie it becomes the truth" "When everyone is in a dream then it becomes reality" [Blue Star, year 20023] Like every other day on the blue start, the sky was blue and the sun was shining. At least it should have been until it happened! Before anybody could react, the whole planet was infected by a burst of strange energy giving things both living and nonliving incredible abilities and characteristics. The Qin terracotta warriors came to life shouting that their emperor was about to descend Mona Lisa stepped out of her painting saying a new era had begun In the Vatican, an ancient tomb arose from the ground saying Jesus was about to rise once more Hitler's cap appeared giving a random German the ability to brainwash millions of lives All around the world, strange events started happening with historical and legendary items taking the lead And if that wasn't unexpected enough, they came! The Gods and Monsters who humans of the blue start only thought of as myths or legends began to descend Choosing various warriors and awakeners to carry their will These people were called divine warriors and stood out from the awakened Unexpectedly, a thousand years later the Blue star had produced hundreds of strongmen capable of kicking the moon and punching the stars. However, in the most unbelievable circumstances, the most powerful gods and awakeners gathered together to defeat one man Deceiver Ye Tian! Characterised by a signature joker mask, he was one awaker whose true abilities were never known Displaying an array of different powers on each occasion, he was dubbed the title 'Jack of all trades master of all" Unfortunately, under the combined attack of the powerhouses including Zeus, Odin, and the Dragon goddess Tiamat, there was no chance for him to survive Using his last means, he transports himself to the past planning to use his power properly and fix all regrets "With this power, the universe shall fall at my feet!" Deciding to abandon the humans who betrayed him, deciding to live for himself Ye Tian devices a means to force all lives to work for him without ever revealing his identity Using his power he created the one thing which would cause all life in the universe to yearn for Using his power, he created the one thing which could only be thought of as fiction even with the advent of global awakening Using this power, he creates the system! This is a story of how Ye Tian, the future lord of the multiverse, The biggest black hand behind the scenes, The source of the extraordinary, The only God, The father of Evil Gods, and The master of the system is born! ------------------------------------------------ discord server: https://discord.gg/Up35G9Hzzk

Ghost_Worker · ファンタジー
177 Chs

Lin Yue

"Welcome everybody! I'm your host Lin Yue, and live at this moment is one of the largest parties this year in city B!"

"You guessed it, it's on other than our beloved city lord Long Aoitan's daughter's birthday party!"

Holding a selfie stick in her right hand, a girl of around nineteen years old could be seen live broadcasting the event through her phone.

With jade smooth skin, a busty set of breasts and buttocks, and long black hair, Lin Yue's figure seemed to entrap all those who passed.

Licking her lips as she talked, the whole audience on her phone began frying up by her little actions 

( Emperor Zen: our Yue chan is looking extra beautiful today, for that, this emperor will send you a gift.

[Emperor zen sends you a rocket!]

[Empress zen sends you a balloon! (X10)!]

[Emperor zen sends you a castle!]

Following this wave of gifts, the already excited audience completely let loose

Daoist Lin Fan: Awesome! The local tyrant has struck

Daoist Lin Fan: All hail the emperor!

Anonymous user24: All hail the emperor!

Loa Lan: All hail the emperor! )

Watching the gifts flying on her screen, Lin Yue burst into a bright smile

"Thank you emperor, this little girl happily accepts the gifts"

Casting a wink at the camera, She continued strolling around the park.

"As you can see, the event is about to start!"

"To the left, directly in front of the stage is a place specifically built for the children otherwise known as the protagonists of the day"

"To the right, a place for regular parents, where they can both participate in the event while watching their children"

"And to the left, a place for the V.I.P. guests, with the largest seat there being for the city lord and his wife"

With every step, Lin Yue introduced everything in the park to her audience

From the food carts to some of the security present, everything was so perfect that some of the audience who didn't come began to regret it.

In fact, this wasn't a rare occurrence as similar things were happening all through central park 

From reporters to influencers, all the way to people just looking for a chance to taste a bit of fame.

No matter who they were, all of them had come to a common census.

Today's party is going to make headlines tomorrow!

With this mindset, the end result turned out to be ninety percent of city B's live broadcast stations all focused on today's events.





All of a sudden, just when Lin Yue was about to continue her live broadcast session

A blaring sound came from the twin speakers on each side of the stage.

"Sorry guys, it seems the city lord is on his way, let's continue when I get a seat!"

"Byeee, and expect more from your favourite host Lin Yue later!"

Blowing a kiss to the camera, Lin Yue folded her selfie stick and began to head toward the section for regulars

*Got to hurry up, mum told me that this could be an opportunity for our Lin family to rise!"

"As long as I get the chance to talk to the city lord, maybe he can help us!

Clenching her fist, Lin Yue could help but want to meet the city lord immediately.

Unfortunately, she knew if she did she would be excited out by the security. 

And if that happens, who knows how their Lin family would turn out.

Lin family, three years ago was one of five prominent families in city B

Unfortunately, after a sudden dip in their business, their status became more and more reduced,

Now they're even struggling to maintain their status as one of the big five

And unfortunately to solve this problem, the Lin family patriarch decided to offer his only daughter for marriage to the fourth-ranking Mo family

Thinking of that snot-nosed brat Mo Fan, Lin Yue couldn't believe her father wanted her to marry such a person.

From excessive drinking to molesting women to cheating, almost all vice's of the city could be associated with Mo Fan

And sadly, due to the status of the Mo family, no matter what crime or issue he created, the result was always a Scott-free pardon

Hence his nickname 'the young master of the city'

Shaking her head, Lin Yue decided not to think too much about it.

Before today, her mum had told her about the city lord's party with her dad's knowledge.

According to her mum's idea, while the city lord is still happy at his daughter's party she can mention their family's situation to him.

Hopefully, if he as the city lord decides to lend a helping hand, the Lin family might have the opportunity to rise again.

And once that happens, there would be no need for her to be offered for a political marriage!

You must know that back then there years ago, the kin family was first among the five families of city B

Back then, she used to be hailed as the princess of the city, the envy of almost every woman.

But now the times have changed, knowing that she was about to be sold to the other families and even her house servants began to look down on her

It got to a point where Lin Yue became so depressed that live broadcasting became her source of escape.

Relying on her fairy-like beauty, Lin Yue now has hundreds of thousands of fans showering her with gifts and compliments every day.

However, for as long as the marriage still stands and that idiot is still her fiance, then the current happiness is only temporary

"Dad! I don't care what you say, but I definitely wouldn't marry that pig!"

Clenching her fist, Lin Yue took her seat as he waited for the event to start praying that nothing went wrong.