
Ghost Rider in Twilight

Jack Mikaelson was not so ordinary teenager. He had a secret which he hid from his family. He has an ability that lets him know who has sinned. Since a young age, there has been a voice ringing in his ears, 'Kill the sinners!' It wasn't bad at first— he thought it was only his imagination. But the older he got, the louder the voice became. Soon he started finding out any sins people had done. He thought it was his hallucination and that he was going crazy, but he kept it secret until the voice became so loud that he couldn't stay sane anymore. One night, he walked in the streets, trying to get his mind out of the voice. But then, he saw a crime happening nearby; a man was assaulting a woman. The voice became even louder in his mind, and without thinking twice, Jack attacked the man who was assaulting the defenseless woman. But then, the voice became unbearable, he saw every crime that man had done, and there were hundreds of them! He lost control and killed the man in front of him. But that wasn't the end— the man's corpse was lit in flames! With a horror-filled gaze, Jack looked at the corpse as it vanished into ashes, but then... The same fate happened to Jack. His body was lit in flames, and without even being able to cry for help, his body vanished into flames. But that wasn't the end of Jack... No... It was only the beginning. ___________________________ Disclaimer: Cover art isn't mine. Ghost Rider and Twilight isn't mine, only the MC and a few OC's. I won't update regularly. I tried this fanfic out of boredom.

Alekzi · 映画
39 Chs


''Carlisle...'' Jane tried to stand up, but her limbs were locked with chains!

''Release me!'' She shouted with a hoarse sound.

Carlisle went to a small metal desk and grabbed a hammer, ''I can't do that.''

''Do you know what you are doing?! You are hiding a monster. Aro will find out about this!''

Carlisle innocent smiled, ''Why do I have a feeling that he already knows?''

Jane widened her eyes in shock, ''What..''

''Do you think Aro would send his two most powerful weapons just to investigate some deaths of vampires?'' Carlisle chuckled and shook his head, ''That would be a waste of resources... He wanted to find out if the flaming skeleton rumor was true... And he wanted to know his strength!''

Jane became silent, but she was unwilling to believe that Aro sent them on a mission, which could prove lethal.

''Aro's judgment has been clouded. He must really be afraid of Jack.'' Carlisle appeared again next to the bed, this time with a long 10cm nail and a hammer.

Jane gritted her teeth, ''He is not afraid of anyone, and I am definitely not afraid of you!''

''Yeah, I am a doctor. I help people, you don't need to fear me.'' Carlisle shrugged. He put the nail in Jane's fingertip and said, ''Fingertips are extremely sensitive, and not many have a chance to experience the pain it can cause.''

Jane squirmed around, trying to break the chains, but to no avail.

''It's no use.'' Carlisle said and put the hammer on swinging motion, ''Your strength is almost nonexistent after I gave you a special drug that makes your muscles especially lazy.''

''BASTARD!'' Jane screamed and tried to use her tiny mouth to bite Carlisle's throat.

''Hmm.'' Carlisle hummed and swung the hammer towards the nail.


The hammer struck the nail, which caused it to get buried deep inside Jane's finger.

''AAAAAAAAAARGHHHHHHHHH!'' She screamed with extreme agony.

''9 fingers left, going to be a long night.'' Carlisle sighed and put the hammer back on the desk, ''I want you to know that... There is nothing I love more than my family.''

''Alice had a very tough past, and she has been alone for a very long time, finally she has happiness in her life, and you tried to take it away.''

Jane's fingers were twitching, her finger, which had nail inside was cracking, and it won't take much for it to be completely broken apart.

''I won't kill you.'' Carlisle said, ''But, your brother wasn't so lucky.''

Jane's eyes widened in shock, ''A-Alec?''

''He is dead.'' Carlisle replied and grabbed the hammer again, ''Maybe the pain will let you forget about the death of your brother, no need to thank me, it's my duty as a doctor.''

Jane's eyes widened in horror.

This will be a long night for her.


Next morning.

Esme, Rosalie, Edythe, Edward, Emmett, and Jasper was gathered in the living room.

Soon, the door which leads to the basement opened.

Carlisle came with a relieved smile, ''It wasn't easy, but I managed to stabilize them.''

Esme gently smiled.

''Both of them should have just died,'' Emmett said with an annoyed look.

Carlisle wryly smiled, ''One of them already died, and Aro likes Jane. He would be quite angry if she died.''

Emmett snorted.

Edythe was holding Jasper in a tight hug, whispering things, which didn't stay secret from others, instead made everyone embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Esme giggled and shook her head.

Suddenly, everyone's ears perked up. They heard footsteps coming from outside the building.

Two figures entered the house and went straight to the stairs, which leads to the living room.

''Alice, Jack.'' Carlisle smiled and nodded.

Alice smiled cheerfully. Her look was as lovely as ever, but her outfit was quite disheveled, and her familiar pixie hair was slightly untidy.

Jack looked slightly exhausted with his black hair being disheveled. There were also some marks of lipstick around his lips, which made his own lips look slightly redder.

Esme gently smiled and patted the couch next to her.

Alice took Jack's hand and dragged him to the couch.

Jack was the first one to sit while Alice sat on his lap.

Emmett crossed his arms, which made his muscles bulge.

Jack looked at him and narrowed his eyes.

Emmett stood up and took a step forward.

Everyone looked at the scene with anxious looks.

''You kicked my ass yesterday,'' Emmett said with his powerful tone.

''Yep,'' Jack replied with a small smile.

''Fuck.'' Emmett put his hand forwards, ''Score is 1-31,''

Jack smirked and shook his hand.

They have done a few spars, but Jack had to stay in human form.

He had lost 31 times, while yesterday was his first win.

''How come you became so much stronger?'' Edward asked with a twitching eyebrow, ''I couldn't stop you at all.''

''I think... Something has to do with me killing that Volturi. It was like... It made me stronger, and it isn't the first time this has happened. Every time I consume soul, I am becoming stronger.''

Carlisle looked thoughtful, ''Interesting... Can we do a few tests on the hospital tomorrow?''

Jack nodded, ''Sounds good.''

''Where are they?'' Alice asked curiously.

Carlisle pointed at the door which leads to the basement, ''In the basement, I managed to stabilize their condition. They will survive.''

''Shame...'' Jack murmured, but instantly after those words left his mouth, Alice grabbed something and squeezed lightly.

Jack paled, ''A-Alice...''

Alice giggled and let go of the thing she was grabbing. She leaned closer and whispered, ''No worries... I wouldn't harm little Jacky.'' She licked his earlobe and again giggled.

Jack wiped his sweat.

Everyone rolled their eyes. They could literally hear everything.

''I will escort them personally out of Forks.'' Carlisle said and turned towards Emmett, ''You and Jasper, come with me so they won't try any tricks.''

Emmett and Jasper nodded.

Carlisle smiled and ended the meeting, ''Alright then, everyone can go to do their own things. The threat of Volturi is over for now... Jack, tomorrow we will find out what is happening inside your body.''

Esme gently clapped, ''Alice, let's rebuild your house.''

Alice's eyes sparkled, she cheerfully stood up, ''Let's make it even bigger, especially the bedroom!''

Esme giggled.

Alice, Esme, Rosalie, and Edythe left the house to go for shopping while the boys were left alone.