

He Liang, once a genius rookie on the KPL scene, had a disappointing gaming career, and eventually, it ended with his retirement. His brother, He Yu could not bear to see his brother’s despair and decides to follow his footsteps at becoming a professional gamer in The King’s Glory. Having watched countless professional matches, he passionately rushed at his glorious moment. # 王者时刻 not my story original story Butterfly Blue

Simae · ゲーム
13 Chs

Teenager guiding the game

From autumn to autumn, it's been a year.

Looking at the withered leaves outside the window, He Liang felt a little melancholy. Today is the day of the KPL autumn season. He has started his new journey in the past five years. No matter how busy he is, he is excited and looking forward to it. but now...

"He Liang, has the seating sequence chart for the school opening ceremony been completed tomorrow?" One person rushed into the office and shouted.

With this shout, He Liang's thoughts returned to the computer in front of him, and he responded without looking back, "I'm getting it."

Today, He Liang has become a graduate student working in the Student Office of Dongjiang University. Although he is not much more leisurely than when he was a professional player, his life does not have the vision and enthusiasm of the past. What will happen in the future? He Liang doesn't have an answer in his heart, so he can only do what he sees first.

"Hurry up. Before dark, draw a line to the playground. Now wait for your sequence diagram." Continued urging sounds from behind.

"Don't go away, it's okay." He Yu continued to get busy with his hands. The sound of the keyboard and mouse kept coming. The division of the schools and departments on the screen was outlined at a rapid rate.

"The speed of the hand is really fast, it is worthy of being a former professional player!" Lai Ren stood behind him, admiring his fast operation.

"That's my mobile game." He Liang said.

"Different music and equal work, different music and equal work."

In the emotion of the coming person, He Liang, who was already near the end, quickly completed the sequence diagram of the seat, and directly sent the file to the person's mobile phone.

"Like, I will go down first and come back immediately." The person said.

"Why do you come back?" He Liang asked.

"Take me to the top!" The seven-foot man came here, and at the same time he threw a wink at He Liang, making He Liang nausea.

"No time today." He Liang said angrily. Qualifying is one of the most important ways to play in the glory of the king. The players are rewarded and punished by points for the victory and loss of the game. This ranks seven ranks from bronze to the king. But for professional players, the rank of qualifying is no longer enough to verify their strength, they are already the top master who surpassed to another face.

In the past, He Liang said that the KPL star jungler who had been attracting much attention was now reduced to the ranking weapon in the eyes of his colleagues. He intended to give up even the game after he retired. Who wants to meet this colleague named Pan Ruiming, who can't stand the stubborn fight, and regained the game again and again, and will take him to the top. The qualifying game in the game has just started a new season. Pan Ruiming has been chatting in He Liang's ear for several days, but today He Liang refused but he was very determined, and he did not give Pan Ruiming his skills. Opportunity to pick up the coat and go out.

"Why are you going?" He Liang, who has always been easy-going and talkative, was so determined today that Pan Ruiming was very surprised and couldn't help asking.

"My brother reported today. I'll pick him up." He Liang walked away without looking back.

"Your brother? Freshman? Which department? Hey! I use your computer!" Pan Ruiming asked a few words, but He Liang had disappeared. Pan Ruiming ignored it, and sat in front of He Liang 's computer, and reposted the seat sequence diagram he had just made. Then he called the phone and ordered a few words, and then he opened the glory of the king on his mobile phone. .

"Save it." He murmured as he started a single-player qualifying round.

When He Liang took him, the victory was ten in a row, but the problem was that his own game had far more games than He Liang took him. He Liang took him to the king's rank today, and he could lose the diamond in two days. In the days without He Liang, Pan Ruiming's qualifying record has always been a double-digit losing streak, and countless complaints in the system message box.

The most exaggerated last season, He Liang took him to the king and then ignored it. Pan Ruiming only took a week to return to the golden rank. It is no exaggeration to say that if it were not for the bronze segment with integral protection and no star-dropping mechanism, Pan Ruiming's return to the original scholar's Bronze I was probably a stress-free event. Pan Ruiming's game talent and level can be seen from this. He never recognized it himself, insisting that his teammates were too unreliable. In order to make up for this, Pan Ruiming, who had just entered this round of gold rankings, confidently issued a sentence: "Master, fill the position."

Different heroes in the game have their own good positions. It is an important part of the game to choose the lineup of English and difficult matches reasonably. Pan Ruiming's statement is a very responsible and reliable attitude in mind-let teammates first choose the heroes and positions they are good at, and finally make up for the shortcomings in the lineup.

The four teammates did not know if he had noticed him, in short, they quickly selected the heroes. Pan Ruiming looked at the five positions in the game, including the top order, the middle order, the shooter, and the assistant. Only lacking junglers, he immediately selected an assassin hero, Lanling King.

"I play wild, take the fly." Pan Ruiming said confidently again.

The game started quickly, and Pan Ruiming, who followed He Liang in the king position, did not put the gold position game in his eyes at all, and went straight to his own blue zone in a humming minor. Playing wild positions is to gain experience and economics by hunting wild monsters in the wild area, and it is usually the fastest growing team in the world. Based on this, it leads the team's rhythm. Pan Ruiming groaned in a minor key. He was already thinking about how he would kill the Quartet in a row, but two heroes suddenly appeared in the upper pass and rushed towards him.

Pan Ruiming hurriedly backed away, and the two heroes of the other party effortlessly killed the blue monster he had hit half, and snatched the blue BUFF, which is very important for the jungler. Pan Ruiming was furious, and immediately opened the voice: "Why don't you show me the order!"

"The field of vision is given, and the opposite shooter assistant has not appeared, either red or blue."

There was no response from the teammates in the game, but Pan Ruiming suddenly heard a sentence behind him, so that he almost threw the phone out. Looking back, I saw a student-looking teenager standing behind him, his eyes falling on his mobile phone screen.

"However, if you have punished the other party, you still have a great chance to get it. Why do you want to run?" The teenager continued. Discipline is a summoner skill, usually only the jungle hero will carry. This skill can cause a high amount of real damage to monsters, and has a considerable advantage of making up the knife. However, Pan Ruiming didn't use this advantage to fight for this blue monster, and immediately retreated.

"Who are you?" Pan Ruiming looked up and down at the young man who guided him in the game.

"Oh, I am looking for He Liang. Isn't this his office?" Said the boy, his eyes finally removed from Pan Ruiming's mobile phone.

"He is out, not here." Pan Ruiming turned around and continued his game. After losing the blue buff, the jungle started a little behind, the Lanling King pitifully cleaned up the remaining wild monsters, and rubbed his teammates a wave of troops, and finally reached level 4. Immediately launched the big move of the Lanling King-three skills secret technology · stealth attack, entered the invisible state, sneaking towards the opposite blue zone.

"The wilderness opposite is red. If you want to fight the wilderness, it is only right to go to the Red Zone." Suddenly there was another sentence behind him.

"You haven't left yet?" Pan Ruiming was startled again, but the attention returned to the game immediately: "How do you know he is red?"

"He just passed by when you looked at the vision of the middle road. Didn't you notice the BUFF on him?" Said the teenager.

"Of course I noticed, but who told you to catch him? I'm going to oppose the blue buff. Didn't I see that I was almost blue?" Pan Ruiming didn't change his Lanling King's course of action.

"On the opposite side, the blue buff will be refreshed in at least 60 seconds. You might as well get your own blue, it should be almost ready." The teenager said.

"What do you know, I want to ambush him, and even take the blue buff with his head!" Pan Ruiming said.

"Ambush for 60 seconds?" The teenager was quite puzzled. Not to mention the start of the race, even in the middle and late stages, it is a waste to spend 60 seconds to squat in ambush. How could this kind of play be possible?

But his words didn't fall, and Pan Ruiming's King Lanling met Li Bai, the opponent in the river.

"Did you see?" Pan Ruiming was smug, and King Lanling immediately forced Li Bai.

"Li Bai has a big move!" The teenager quickly reminded Pan Ruiming when he saw the faint glow of the long sword in Li Bai's hands. But Pan Ruiming's Lanling King attacked at this time, the shadow dagger flew to Li Bai, followed by a skill secret avatar, the Lanling King summoned the shadow avatar, and waved his fist towards Li Bai.

The sudden attack in stealth is indeed difficult to guard against, but when Li Bai is hit by the shadow dagger, he immediately wields a second-hand skill, and the long sword in his hand turns into a green lotus sword array, protecting Li Bai from being hit by Lanling King and his clone . Following the release of the big move Qinglian sword song, Li Bai turned into a sword qi and slammed the Lanling King with a wave of speed.

"I rely on!" Even eating two skills, but his own split damage was not able to hit, Pan Ruiming screamed, the Lanling King's big attack was carried out again, and the teenager behind him could only say nothing.

When the attack was first launched, the Lanling King will enter an invisible state for 30 seconds after 1.5 seconds. During this period, the Lanling King will launch a raid in the direction of the pointing. But the problem is that Li Bai is still in the process of casting Qinglian Sword Song, and he ca n't be selected and attacked as he did in the magic stroke. The Lanling King 's shadow attack is launched again at this time, which is no different from short-selling.

Of the three attacking skills, King Lanling emptied two, only to slow down Li Bai with a shadow dagger. But Li Baiyi's skill will bring into the wine a displacement effect. At this time, chasing the Lanling King who wants to run, he entered. Pan Ruiming was at a loss, and was finally stabbed to the ground by a sword.

"Fuck!" Pan Ruiming was annoyed, but this time it was all about his own operations. He couldn't blame his teammates, and the eyes of resentment suddenly cast against the teenager behind him.

"Noisy, look!" Pan Ruiming said fiercely.

"You should wait until Li Bai's big moves are restricted," the teenager said. Li Bai's big move Qinglian sword song is usually in a restricted state. Only when the fourth ordinary attack within 3 seconds hits the target and triggers the passive skill knight, will the Qinglian sword song lift the restriction. However, this time is only 5 seconds. After 5 seconds, the Qinglian sword song will return to the restricted state.

"How do I know if his big move is restricted?" Pan Ruiming said angrily.

"The sword will glow when the restrictions are lifted!" The teenager was surprised that Pan Ruiming would ask.

"Who cares about this kind of details? Who do you say you are?" Pan Ruiming was taken aback. He had nearly a thousand games, but he didn't know that Li Bai's big move had such a detail. While silently writing down, I still have to talk hard. But finally I was a little curious about the teenager.

"My name is He Yu, come to my brother He Liang." Said the boy.

"Ah? You are He Liang's younger brother! No wonder no wonder!" Pan Ruiming suddenly looked suddenly heard at He Yu's door. He Yu was able to provide him with so many opinions in the game immediately. The younger brother of a professional player, of course, knows this game very well.

"He Liang said to pick you up, haven't you met?" Pan Ruiming said suddenly.

"Is it?" He Yu took out her mobile phone and glanced at it. Sure enough, she saw He Liang's unread WeChat.

"Excuse me!" He Yu hurriedly turned and went out, but nearly hit a girl outside the door.

"Sorry." He Yu hurriedly apologized to the other party.

"It doesn't matter." The girl looked at him, but the smile on her face made He Yu feel a little strange, but she couldn't take care of it now, and nodded and hurried away. Pan Ruiming wanted to take care of He Yu a few more words, but the game in his hand was not over yet. He stood up and went out while operating, only to see He Yu's back disappeared at the stairs. But the girl standing at the door was still looking at He Yu's back, a thoughtful look.

"Who are you looking for?" Pan Ruiming looked at the girl and found that she was a little beautiful. She was a little enthusiastic.

"Don't look for anyone, Jialan refreshes immediately, go get it quickly," the girl said.

"What?" Pan Ruiming froze for a moment, looked down, and it turned out that the blue monster in his homeland was in a refreshing state.

"How do you know." Pan Ruiming asked, looking up in surprise, but saw that the other party was already leaving.

"Because I play games," the girl didn't look back, just said this and disappeared at the stairs.

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