
Genshin Impact: Another Life

A Genshin Impact addict dies due to being murdered by a notorious serial killer. His soul is transferred into the body of Aether, The Traveler. Memories of his past life are still intact. What will he do with this info? Will he follow the plot or cause chaos? (Author's note: And also, don't let the bad reviews scare you away from reading this book. Just enjoy it. There is a little One Piece crossover.)

some_writer · ゲーム
285 Chs

Mondstadt Pt. 3

After a while, Amber needed to go to the headquarters to report to Master Jean.

"Will we ever see each other again?" Amber asked sadly. She didn't want to lose a friend she just made.

(Friend? More like a married couple with the Author's haram mind writing this.)

"Of course we will. It's pretty easy to find you with what you're wearing. Which is very beautiful by the way. Don't take it the wrong way." Aether added. It does sound like he's calling her clothes ugly in the first part.

"Th-thank you Aether. Well I have to go now or else Master Jean will be mad at me for stalling her." Amber said before turning to go to the Knights of Favonius headquarters.

"Bye Beautiful! See you very soon!" Aether waved goodbye and Amber almost tripped at what he called her.

" Y-yeah. Bye bye Aether! S-see you very soon! " Amber ran away quickly blushing.

(Note that the Stormterror incident won't happen for a long time. So take note in that so you guys don't complain about me not following the plot.)

" And that is blush number whatever. Alright so where's Katheryne?" Aether asked himself. He went back to the front gates and saw the receptionist of the Adventurers Guild standing behind a counter. Behind her was a book rack full of different topics of books. There was also a door for her to enter the building.

Aether went back to her. Katheryne noticed him "Ad astra abyssoque. Welcome to the Adventurers Guild. How may I help you?" Katheryne introduced herself to Aether

"Who are you?" Aether asked knowing who she was but he had to act confused sometimes.

"I am Katheryne, the receptionist here at the Adventurers' Guild." Katheryne introduced herself to him.

"It's my job to assign quests to Mondstadt's adventurers and provide intelligence support. The Adventurers' Guild is open for business all year round." Katheryne explained her job.

"What does the Adventurers Guild do exactly. If I want to buy something I need to know what it does first. You get me?" Aether asked.

"Yes I do. The Adventurers' Guild is an organization that was set up to support all of Teyvat's adventurers, all across the seven nations. We provide a platform to help newcomers adjust to the adventurer lifestyle, while also supporting veteran adventurers and allowing them to adventure more freely... The Guild collates all the complex word-of-mouth information it receives and redistributes it in the form of quests and adventures assigned to adventurers." Katheryne explained what the guild is and does.

"That's a far reach you have. And there are good benefits too. So does every nation have a receptionist?" Aether knew how she would answer but he just had to.

" All Guild members should be well aware that Katheryne is the receptionist of the Adventurers' Guild in all seven nations. " Katheryne replied automatically.

"Sounds off but I won't pry into it. So.... do you have any quests for me?" Aether asked.

"Yes, we do. The guild usually assigns four commissions per adventurer every day. You can do extra if you want but everybody else is satisfied with only four. " Katheryne replied.

"So what are those quests that are available to me?" Aether asked even more. He needed to have connections to a big name. And he can start by completing these tasks those other lazy adventurers wouldn't complete.

"Well for starters, we have an old lady who wants weeds to be cleared out from her garden, some farmers who want some help in food transportation, Sara from Good Hunter wants some fowls and there is a hilichurl camp that needs to be cleared out near Windrise." Katheryne listed off the commissions that are available.

"We'll take all of those four commissions." Aether said and Katheryne picked up a notepad. She ticked a tick mark under 'Awaiting Completion' Bracket.

Paimon appeared." Are you sure you want to take those commissions? There are a lot more to choose from you know. Paimon certainly does not want to carry something." Paimon whined.

" Katheryne. Do we get Mora for completing commissions?" Aether asked.

"Ooooooooo Mora... Yes Katheryne do we get those after completing those?" Paimon turned 180° in decisions and asked Katheryne.

"As I thought Paimon couldn't resist treasures. Especially if it's Mora." Aether thought snickering to himself.

"Yes. All adventurers get compensations for their hard work. Mora is one of those treasures." Katheryne answered.

"What are we waiting for Aether let's go finish these commissions!?" Paimon said and flew away.

"You don't even know where these commissions are located. Why are you flying away?" Aether said looking at her like she was a baka.

"E-ehhhh I forgot. Sorry hehe." Paimon flew back and scratched her head.

"So where are these commissions at Katheryne?" Aether asked. Katheryne handed him four papers.

"These papers are the commissions issued by the people who issued it. They have the location and the things you have to do when you get there. You have to hand the paper to the right people who commissioned it. After the commission is complete,they have to sigh it as proof of completion." Katheryne explained.

"What about the hilichurl camp? Who do I give it to?" Aether asked.

"You just have to sign it yourself,I trust that you will complete all of these. Especially the hilichurl one." Katheryne asked narrowing her eyes.

"Don't worry. I have Paimon here as my witness. She will tell you if I had completed them or not." Aether pointed to Paimon who nodded her head.

"I won't tell any lies. Then again it's not like I'm a good liar." Paimon said smiling.

"We'll get going now. See you Katheryne!" Paimon waved goodbye.

"Farewell, Adventurer, and thank you for supporting the Adventurers' Guild." Katheryne waved goodbye and smiled.

(A robot huh. I don't believe that until I see proof not conspiracy.)

Meanwhile with Amber,she had arrived at the Knights of Favonius Headquarters. While walking there she kept thinking about our dear traveler.

"He's such a pervert! And he accused me of holding his hand! Hmph you can't fool an Outrider of the Knights of Favonius! But..... why do I feel like I want to hold his hand some more? No! I don't wanna hold a perverts hand!" Amber thought of his face.

"His smiley face is so.... beautiful. His red eyes are so amazing..... I want to see both of it again. Stop Amber why are you thinking about him again!? You have to focus on what your here for!" Amber readied herself and knocked on the door.

"And that's why this book is the best storybook in the library." Lisa finished explaining to Jean who was looking at the cover of the book. The book was titled. "The Journey of The Travelers." How funny.

*Knock knock*

"Oh it must be Amber. Come in!" Jean said and Amber opened the door.

"Master Jean! Miss Lisa! I hope I'm not too late." Amber asked walking in nervously.

"You're exactly thirty minutes late Amber. Tell me, did you go on a date with somebody? Was it a handsome boy? I would love to meet him~" Lisa said smirking seductively. If only Aether was here,he would lose control in an instant.

"D-date. With that pervert! Heck no! It's not like his handsome smile and his amazing red eyes would attract me or anything!" Amber thought and she saw Jean smirking and Lisa giggling.

"D-did I say that out loud?" Amber asked hoping that's not true.

" Hehe. Of course you did Amber. So it was a handsome boy. Now I definitely want to meet him. " Jean giggled.

"Ooooooooo Jean~ you're learning from me~." Lisa said smirking.

"I am not! I'm just interested in him." Jean denied and huffed.

"Uh-huh. I believe you. But where is he now? Did he crap his pants and left or something?" Lisa asked smirking.

"N-no! If he did I would've smelled it. He ran off to the Adventurers Guild. I think he's doing commissions right now?" Amber said sadly.

"Why do you sound so sad? Relax you'll see him again. When you see him give him a big hug and a big kiss! And tell him that Lisa wants to see him." Lisa seductively licked her lips.

(I think Lisa's BI. Isn't it pretty obvious.)

Amber shivered. "Miss Lisa can be a little vulgar sometimes." Amber thought.

"How did the mission go? Did you destroy the camp?" Jean asked Amber to get back to the main topic.

"Well umm.... hehe..... It wasn't me who destroyed it Master Jean..." Amber rubbed her hands behind her nervously.

"Is it the unknown guy again?" Jean asked interested.

"Well you know the guy I was with just now?" Amber said looking down. "I'm sorry Aether but it looks like you're going to get in trouble again." Amber thought sadly. Lisa raised her eyebrows in interest.

"Yeah. What's his name by the way and what does he have to do with this?" Jean asked interested.

"His name is Aether and he destroyed the camp I was going to destroy. Twice." Jean's eyes widened while Lisa just giggled to herself.

"Handsome and strong. I like him already." Lisa licked her lips again.

"Why didn't you bring him here?" Jean asked narrowing her eyes

"W-well it didn't cross my mind just now." Amber stuttered.

"Having a bit to much fun are we? Tell me, is he aggressive?" Lisa asked getting closer.

"A-agressive?" Amber stuttered thinking about that cold glare Aether gave just now. Amber shook her head.

"Oh so he is. Do you like it that way~" Lisa whispered behind her.

"Lisa stop teasing her. She must be tired from the battle. Let her get some sleep." Jean interfered.

"Alright alright. But you have to give me juicy details next time.How big is it~?" At this point Amber ran out as fast as she could. Her face was steaming.

"Huhuhu. How interesting. You think she has a crush on him?" Lisa asked Jean who was now reading the storybook.

"Only time will tell. Don't tell me you want to date him or something?" Jean looked up at Lisa narrowing her eyes.

"No no I won't do that...yet...." Lisa muttered the last part to herself.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." Jean looked at her for a while then went back to reading.

To be continued.....

(Some of you think Jean is supposed to be serious, but in this fanfic she has a playful side. When she's around the Knights she serious but when she's around friends and family she's playful and fun to hang around with.)