
Genesis A MHA FF

Midoriya izuku a boy constantly berated and abused by the society he lives in learns that he isn’t as useless as he was told he was when he Awakens a quirk that would turn the world on its head.

manga_king_kuger · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs


Authors note: so this is another fic I have written on Ao3 it's the most recent thing I had posted on there so hope you enjoy.

Btw I only had 2 chapters written on Ao3 I'll likely post everything I have written on my different series present on Ao3 here before I post any new chapters for this particular fic to come out


Izuku midoriya age:14 at school

Izuku was feeling extremely strange today because he was constantly feeling a pounding headache and a stomach turning nausea. As he raised his hand to tell the teacher that he wasn't feeling good he was ignored as he continued with his lesson. He knew the teacher saw him because he saw him look in his direction but he was still ignored, it was a common occurrence especially since he was part of the 5%.

The five percent is known as such because they are the five percent that didn't manifest a quirk, a superpower that most of the population possessed. As class ended he decided to skip the rest of the school day to nurse himself at home, something he tried not to do often but he was beginning to feel worse and worse as time passed. As he left the school grounds he was pulled to the side by a relatively pretty woman as she looked at izuku she started asking

"Are you ok do you need me to call a doctor for you" izuku could barely understand what was being told to him as he tried to explain he told her "can you get me home please" the pretty woman grabbed his arm and put it over her shoulder as she make it to his home. Izuku's mind was spinning after a while he began to hear something the indistinguishable voice kept saying "change her, make her better" the voice became louder and louder until he couldn't stand it any longer as izuku was told by the girl that they've arrived izuku thanked her as she began to walk away up the stairs.

As izuku slowly made his way up the stairs the stomach pain suddenly became worse he felt that he was about to be sick as he heeled over feeling like he was unleashing his stomach's contents but instead of partially digesting food like he was expecting to see a dark purple mist close to black came out of his mouth slowly dissipating as it got further from him. As izuku continued making his way up to his home he was stopped by one of his neighbors a lady with waist length black hair and onyx eyes, her name was sasori kutsuki and she was one of the kinder residents being kind to him even knowing that he is quirkless.

As he slowly wobbled up the stairs she immediately rushed towards him seeing how sick he looked. As she approached him he could feel his control slipping from what he didn't know and he didn't want to find out as she got close to the lingering smoke she didn't seem to notice how it rose but izuku who was looking down to avoid her gaze tried to tell her bout couldn't say a thing but by the time she noticed what he was looking at it was too late as the mist immediately clung to her form climbing up her body.

Izuku wasn't having a great day


As izuku arrived at the school he was greated by the usual harassment he gained recently he has been hearing voices telling him to do things it was constantly giving him migraines but today was different. Instead of the slight headache that was usually present it was far worse that day with his headache being nauseating he wanted to take the day off of school but decided against it when he heard his mother yell "brat are still here! Get out of here you disappointment". This was a common occurrence for him because he was diagnosed quirkless, as a person who was diagnosed quirkless he was treated marginally better because he at least had a quirk factor.

A quirk is the manifestation of a person's quirk factor those who at least have a quick factor can pass on a quirk while someone quirkless wouldn't so those who at least had a quirk factors were treated a little bit better. Those with a quirk factor have the tiny possibility of manifesting a quirk under strict circumstances that differs from person to person, izuku at one point in time wanted to be a hero. A profession that was made to protect others from villains, people deemed dangerous that used their quirk to hurt others or break laws.

Izuku stopped wanting to be a hero when he learned that people don't deserve to be saved, his mother, his father, the teachers, the principal, kachan, nobody. Everyone abandoned him, discarded him, refused his existence all because he didn't manifest a quirk and nobody help him, saved him, and no-one will he accepted that as nobody cared for a quirkless kid.

As Izuku spiraled into another spiral he began to question what would his life be like if he had a quirk because people with strong quirks have children with strong quirks and he had pretty strong parents not that he would ever bring them up. His mother Inko Midoriya was a hero in the top hundred of the hero leaderboard with her quirk sensation: it allows her to create move sensations from person to person indefinitely she used this quirk to send pain onto villains or on him when he doesn't want to "help" her friends relieve some stress. She would use her quirk to induce lust within his body to help "persuade" him into helping her and her friends. Izuku's father on the other hand was a completely different story his quirk was so powerful that it was said to be on par with even the likes of all might his quirk was named change: it allowed him to freely change and manipulate his body it was said to be the strongest and the peak of the mutation and the transformation quirks. He could change his body to use another quirk as much as he pleased as long as he has information on the quirk and how it worked simultaneously with the users body.

Izuku's dad had left him and his mother after he was diagnosed as quirkless his family had fallen apart that day as his mother always claims that it was his fault that he was so useless. He after reaching the age of 10 began to be sold to "help her friends relieve some stress" izuku knew better he knew that he was being sold as a plaything to a-few heroes because he easily recognized the heroes he "Helped" many of the female heroes who came to his mother for the services she offered were heroes and other people of high standing he was forced to serve anyone who paid man and woman alike. He shuddered at the memories of what some of the people he served did to him, as he got was snapped out from his musings he realized that he was already at the school

Flashback end

As he saw the close to black mist rise and enter sasori through her orifices he immediately felt something he felt a connection form as he looked at her he could also see himself it was a strange feeling it was like a thread connected them but what was strange was that it wasn't just sasori he felt there were others he could clearly feel two besides sasori the feeling was overwhelming as sasori helped him to his apartment he was greeted with a "what are you doing here brat shouldn't you be at school, I don't want to hear the school call me and also you have a client for Thursday" as izuku silently nodded he made his way to his room where he immediately passed out

As izuku rose he found himself sweating profusely in a completely foreign room, the room was a bit run down but relatively spacious . There was another bed next on the other side of the room he was startled as he heard a voice behind him as izuku looked behind him he saw as a non descriptive woman called out to him he heard her say "are you feeling better kaguya, nobody wants a sick child I can't wait to get you out of here it'll be even better if you have a strong quirk then you'll be worth all the more" izuku was disgusted at what was said so blatantly but was caught off guard by the hight of the woman before him. Izuku although small for his age and stature wasn't by any means small, he only noticed the size of everything when his now smaller hands were grabbed and pulled along.

When izuku tried to pull away he only then realized that he had no control over the body, he tested this theory by trying to stretch as a way to inconspicuously move his body to no avail. Izuku decided to allow the complete control he had over the child like body as a way to figure out who this person was and why he was present. As izuku watched from the child's eyes unable to leave he soon found himself In front of a doctor. As the doctor introduced himself he told the pair "hello you two I'm doctor Jake I'm going to be your quirktician for today, are you ready to find out what your quirk is" izuku was curious at what would happen watching and hoping that this child was luckier than he was not wanting anyone to go through what he has.

As izuku began to focus on the doctor he watched from the girl's eyes as he got closer saying "I will need to make physical contact to test your body using my quirk scan, my quirk allows me to scan your body giving me your information like if you have a quirk and guesses on what you're quirk could do. My quirk can only tell what's in your general quirk factor not what it'll manifest as" as the doctor finished his explanation he touched kaguya watching as the doctors hand released a pale aura that covered over kaguya. After a few minutes the doctor looked confused as he told the duo "I can't tell what her quirk is because her body is completely different from everyone I've ever tested, she doesn't even seem to possess a quirk factor she has something completely different her body structure is completely different then how it should be because even mutation quirks have certain aspects that remain the same, same could be said for transformation type quirks as well meaning that this girl is an anomaly. I really need to call this in"

as the doctor left the hospital room the doctor called a few other well known doctors who arrived in only a few minutes the doctors began running tests on to kaguya before continuing to explain that her quirk was being placed under a new and extremely rare category of quirk with the decided name being called an alternate quirk: a quirk that permanently alters the users species from human to anything else. Izuku heard as the doctors told the girls "we were unable to do any conclusive analysis similar to another patient who recently had awakened a quirk." The doctor paused before saying "there has only been a single other case similar to this ever reported and it was the daughter of the pro hero Ryukyu who is a literal dragon." The doctor unsure of whether to say anything or not decided to tell the caregiver "alternative quirks are a new type of quirk that only just started to manifest this generation so we don't know much about them so please if you have any information please let us know" before leaving the room with a few of the doctors.

Izuku was shocked at the information he never imagined a new type of quirk manifesting though he reasoned that it made sense since quirks are becoming stronger it was likely that humanity would soon begin to die off because of quirk singularity the theory that as generations pass and quirks become more complex humans would become unable to contain the power and begin to die off. Izuku who got lost in thought finally remembered the pro here Ryukyu was Ryoko Tatsuma one of his mothers clients she came over once a month to blow off some steam but stopped after her engagement a few years ago. The engagement was a big event as a top hero so she never told the public who her husband was to avoid attacks on her family.

As izuku continued to watched from the eyes of kaguya he was beginning to feel tired as he began to close his eyes he felt himself start to drift again while also feeling a slight tug making him feel disoriented as he awoke.

When Izuku looked around his room he quickly looked over his self unsure if everything he had experienced was an extremely vivid dream or a hallucination caused by his newly discovered quirk witch he still didn't know what did. All he knew he could do was Release smoke from his mouth that could choke others a quirk that even if he wanted to couldn't be used for hero work. As izuku looked at the clock in his room It read 4 o'clock meaning he had an hour to himself before he had work with his mothers clients until late into the night, izuku worked four days of the week from five to three with clients his mother chooses.

Izuku has tried countless times to go to the police or anyone to help but nothing ever came of it after all who would risk their livelihoods offending a top Japanese hero for a quirkless kid. Izuku had long since given up trying to escape learning from the Immense pain his mother would inflict onto him when he tried. As izuku stripped down preparing for today's client he was surprised see none other than the president of the local police force… the chief of the police force was a grotesque fat man who seemed to have a snobbish attitude, the man's name was po utahara. Po was one of his mother's more frequent clients visiting at least once a month, from what he knew the man already has a wife and two children going on three because of his wife's recent pregnancy. The man was easy to take care of already knowing what the man likes especially because of his recent increase in frequency, the man had a quirk that allowed him to eat and digest almost anything it was a passive quirk that also slightly increased the body's ability to absorb nutrients.

After po finished using his body and left a generous tip like always he had to serve a man who went by the name spark he could always tell that the man was one of the villains his mom does business with because he and a few others were always given a discount something that his mother rarely did. Izuku knew that his mother wasn't always like this, when his father was still around she was a true and genuine person who helped people just because she could she only changed when his father left at first she had a bout of depression before she eventually pushed everything onto him blaming his father leaving on his uselessness saying that it was his fault that he didn't have a quirk everything changed after one of his mom's friends came over a hero named "recorder" she can record and transmit events that she's seen and heard.

One day after a particularly brutal villain bust inko decided to take up recorders offer to go for drinks with her, izuku particularly remembered this night because he was waken up that night by the drunk recorder touching him all over his body, he remembered being so scared at the time that he had called out to his mother who after looking at the scene just left giving him a look of disgust he remembered as the drunk recorder asked "yo inko you won't mind if I use him right I haven't gotten any in a while because of how busy I've been" after a bit of silence he heard recorder tell a runoff joke to his mind saying"you know I'd be far easier and more fun if I could do this whenever I wanted" as he saw his mom putting some actual thought into it he begged his mom to help him as she seemed to have a dark look on her eyes before she began walking out of the room he could do nothing but beg for his mother to save him but after realizing the futility he could do nothing but follow the orders given to him to hopefully make the woman stop and she did after she used him to pleasure herself… that night Izuku lost his purity and innocence that night at the unripe age of 8.

Meanwhile with sasori kutsuki

She has been feeling weird since the incident with the smoke earlier that day. Sasori was having a repetitive day like any other when she ran into none other than izuku midoriya, izuku was the son of a pro hero that lived in the same apartment building. Izuku like her brother didn't manifest a quirk, she unlike most didn't look down on those without a quirk being raised with someone in a similar situation, Sasori had manifested the same quirk as her family a quirk called blood burn the quirk allows for the manipulation and enhancement of the body using the user's blood. The quirk is relatively strong but was made unsuitable by her because of her anemic body.

Izuku seemed to be extremely sick as he wobbled up the stairs of the apartment building as she quickly made her way over to izuku to help the boy she was assaulted by a dark purple mist that seemed to enter her eyes, mouth, nose, and ears. The smoke was slightly disorienting for a bit likely being the reason midoriya seemed to be sick, he must have inhaled the smoke making him feel sick. As sasori quickly got over the disorienting feeling that she was getting from the smoke she grabbed midoriya escorting gin to his floor.

When she finished escorting midoriya to his floor she made her way back downstairs returning to her original goal of going grocery shopping, she as an executive manager of a decently large well known company didn't often have much free time to herself leaving her to constantly try to be more efficient with her time. As sasori walked to the supermarket she felt as her throat began to dry up leaving her craving a drink, sasori ended up walking over to the closest store that sold drinks to buy herself a cold drink. The disorienting feeling that she felt earlier came back full force after she drunk the cold water she brought at the store. As she was walking she felt as the world around her seemed to warm up becoming extremely hot, her mouth and throat became sore and horse, her nose began to start running, and her body seemed to feel heavier the more she walked.

Sasori was feeling miserable causing her to quickly finish the water she had brought, as she quickly made her way to the supermarket she bought a lot of easily quick to assemble food believing that she had caught a bad cold or the flu. When she arrived at the checkout she quickly had her things scanned buying thing like eggs, instant ramen, celcer water, chicken, beef, ect she tried to keep it light but she didn't want to make another trip so she got the bare minimum of what she would need.

When sasori arrived home she immediately fell to sleep exhaustion filling her body along with sweat and grime, her sleep was terrible on the grounds that her body felt a pulse if pain all over her body causing her to constantly shiver as the feeling rippled throughout her body

Meanwhile in a laboratory somewhere within Japan

"We don't have any sort of leads for the sudden emergence of alter quirks it's a completely new phenomenon similar to the emergence of quirks we should capture those with them for testing" one of the scientists explained only to be shot down with "only three people possibly globally have verifiably awakened alter quirks all of which were in Japan we don't know if alter quirks are being hidden By other governments we need to keep them safe. We couldn't take the children anyways because because two of the three children are from high profile families with the first being the daughter of pro hero Ryukyu and the second of which being the son of the hero associations director's secretary making him untouchable the final one is an orphan whose parents likely died" the second scientist explained

As the second scientist looked at the first scientist with pity he elaborated explaining "while we could get our Hands on the orphan it's highly unrecommended because while they possess no visible signs of a quirk they possess large quantities of energy within their bodies" the first scientist arrogantly stated "it doesn't matter we have good quirks and their just children we could take care of it" the second scientist could only sigh at the pure arrogance being demonstrated by the man in front of him as the scientist looking the other dead in the eyes he explained " the energy within those children as you so graciously put it could blow up a few buildings, the most recent one the orphan as far as we could tell has the most energy so far being able to destroy around 2-3 city blocks." The first scientist was dumbstruck hearing about the amazing potential for destruction that those children possessed.

The first scientist concerned at the destructive capabilities that the children had asked "what exactly are they?" The second scientist explained "we don't know. We just based the names of their forms on their external characteristics Ryukyu's daughter is a literal dragon though she has a humanoid form that still possessed Draconic characteristics. The second girl the orphan seems to have the least amount of change only being unnaturally pale with horns growing in, she seems to have a crystal created from crystallized energy present within her body the final child the boy is somehow seemingly made of fire, like literal fire some scientists believe that they are the next step of quirk evolution because it surpasses everything known about quirks and doesn't fall into any particular category of quirk" the first scientist could only ask "what are we supposed to do, we won't find any information from nothing and the only one we could reasonably take is the strongest one, do you think that we could use a quirk to curb any hostility because doesn't Hamura's kid have a brainwashing quirk?"

The second doctor seemed to mull over the suggestion believing that it was an actually good plan to try out before telling the first scientist "you're plan might just work though I'll just have to bring it up with the higher ups in the hero association"

End of transport with the scientists

As midoriya woke up it was the next day Saturday he had this day off before multiple commissions on Sunday, he after serving po finished in almost half an hour after he started allowing him more free time than he would've had otherwise if his mother would've known. Izuku spent most of his newfound time meditating trying to find the feeling of the strings within himself while last time he could only feel three strings while that time he felt another each string was similar but different, each string seemed to have a personality likely being the other person's personality. As izuku sensed the strings he was able to distinguish their personalities from how the strings acted, the strange est one was the closest one the closest one he could feel was around his building he couldn't tell how far away but it was near his building the closest one was the warmest one while the other three were different the furthest one away was scolding hot and very lively completely different to the warm and sickly feeling that the one close to her felt.

The other two strings gave off feelings of skepticism and hostility he could feel that it wasn't directed towards him but it still wasn't a good feeling having Never felt somebody else's negative emotions, he wanted to follow the strings to see who it would lead to but decided against it not wanting to stalk some random people for seemingly no reason. Izuku was a reasonable and usually logical person but he was tempted to follow the strings craving the power each string held, izuku was always able to feel the resonance of the strings but he never had the courage to pull not knowing how it would impact the people on the other end.

When izuku finally gained the courage to pull onto a string he immediately felt a maddening pain wracking throughout his body constantly tourchering him not giving him a moment of rest or relaxation. The pain was causing his vision to spin uncontrollably he was finding it harder to focus as time progressed with soon everything going black.

Time skip 2 days later (Monday)

As izuku woke up he found himself inside of a bright room that he could tell was in a hospital by the potent smell of disinfectant in the air. When he was awoken he was told that his quirk had awakened causing his body to enter cardiac arrest izuku who was curious asked"do you know what my quirk is?' Wanting clarification on his quirk from a professionals perspective.

Izuku who looked at the doctor heard him say "your quirk is called genesis transformation" after a bit of a pause he continued telling him "I can only hear a quirk's name so I don't know much about what the quirk does" the doctor's simple quirk while unfortunate was helpful by at least giving a nome to his power whatever it was. As izuku was discharged he was wished safe travels because of a recent string of murders that have been reported as of late, his mother never expecting her useless son to awaken his didn't know what to do because he was likely going to be taken more seriously now as he now was no longer part of the 5%.