
Gene Seeds

In the year 2100, the Seed Company developed a medicine to eliminate cancer, they succeeded in it. However, this medicine coincidentally activated a certain region of the human brain leading to the unlocking of the human potential aka supernatural powers. They experimented on human subjects and eventually gained "Super Humans." Eventually, countries discovered this and tried to monopolize it for themselves. The escalation of the events to monopolize the medicine would be remembered in history as World War 3.

Woodsticks · SF
10 Chs

Life in Seed Labs


#### POV: Rayner

It had been a month since we were tossed into the laboratory, stripped of everything down to our birthday suits. Life here had its perks—spacious rooms, unlimited food three times a day, and no worries about money or rent. But it came at a steep cost: military precision and grueling discipline. Our daily schedule was a strict regimen:

- **0600:** Wakeup call

- **0630:** Breakfast

- **0730:** Start of experiments

- **1200:** Lunch

- **1300:** Start of experiments

- **1900:** Dinner

- **2200:** Bedtime

Every single day. The "experiments" were nothing short of relentless training sessions. We were whipped into shape like racehorses—running, swimming, cycling, weight lifting, and other military drills. One would think we were thrown into an army camp. On the first week, professional staff watched over and taught us the drills, but on the weeks that ensued we were cycling through unending series of exercises. By the end of each week, we were subjected to testing. We were required to surpass our personal records and those lucky bastards who couldn't keep up were "discharged" and sent back to where they came from. The training was growing more intense and demanding as the weeks went by. Many gave up by the third week and were sent packing. After today's tests, only 52 of us remained from the original 300. Altercations were becoming more and more common, likely because of the pent-up stress on the tests and environment. Hell, even I was dragged into one against my will. Everybody was getting wired and so the lab staff began taking matters into their own hands to suppress the tension, or at least that's what I think they did it for.

"Carter in the adjacent room went splat. He's the sixth this week," said Antonio, my roommate.

"I heard he missed the sleeping time and was playing around," I replied.

"Who'd kill a person for such bullshit reason?" Antonio grumbled.

"This week's killings have been too frequent and random. I don't know what's up, but it probably means something. We should know soon," I said.

"God save their souls," Antonio said, making the sign of the cross. 

Besides the good food, making a friend in Antonio was one of the few joys in this facility. We had no phones, no internet, no privacy—even in the toilet. No girlfriend, no hobbies, no nothing. As I thought of this, a heavy tiredness overtook me, and I slipped into sleep.


The next morning, after breakfast, we were called to the training facility. Instead of training, we were informed we would be administered medicine and strapped to beds during the process. Blood drained from everyone's faces at the news. Clearly, nobody expected this. Just as commotion began to brew, a pair of eyes as bright as stars locked onto us. Everyone was drawn to these eyes. After a few moments, I shook my head to regain control. Cold sweat ran down my cheeks as I thought about the feeling of drowning in my own consciousness. I couldn't explain what was going on. Those eyes belonged to a beautiful young woman, likely in her early 20s, with long, rich blonde hair cascaded in luxurious waves down her back. Her eyes were a striking blue, deep and captivating, framed by long, dark lashes that added to her enigmatic allure. Her face was sculpted to perfection, as if shaped by the goddess herself—high cheekbones, a delicate nose, and a jawline that exuded strength and elegance.

Her ruby red lips, always curved in a knowing smile, adding a touch of vibrant color to her flawless complexion. Sofia's body was a masterpiece of nature, her curves and lines perfectly proportioned, a testament to both genetic blessing and dedicated care. Every movement she made was fluid and graceful, her posture exuding confidence and poise. She was the kind of woman who could elicit envy in any other woman, her beauty and presence leaving a lasting impression on all who beheld her. She was the same woman with unforgettable eyes watching over us in the observatory deck on the first day we arrived. One look at her and Rayner inadvertently said "Goddess," she was the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in his whole life. He could not move his eyes away from her. 

Sofia's attention was drawn to me, likely because I managed to regain control from she did or maybe because she heard what I said, "Interesting," she softly remarked. She then clapped, and everyone's consciousness returned. It was as if everybody was released from a daze or a spell, prompting everyone to shudder at the echo of her clap. "What just happened?" Rayner muttered. 

"Get moving! It's what you came here for, remember? Or does anybody have something to say, hmm?" Her voice cut through the air, snapping us to attention. Our faces were as white as paper, but we had no choice but to comply, especially after witnessing this week's horrors.

"So it was for this," I muttered. I tapped Antonio on the shoulder. "Get ahold of yourself, man."

"Thanks, man," Antonio replied, shaking off his fear.

Everything proceeded in an orderly manner after that. We were strapped into beds and administered a red vial. The moment the liquid entered my veins, a burning sensation spread through my body, and darkness enveloped my vision.