
Gene Seeds

In the year 2100, the Seed Company developed a medicine to eliminate cancer, they succeeded in it. However, this medicine coincidentally activated a certain region of the human brain leading to the unlocking of the human potential aka supernatural powers. They experimented on human subjects and eventually gained "Super Humans." Eventually, countries discovered this and tried to monopolize it for themselves. The escalation of the events to monopolize the medicine would be remembered in history as World War 3.

Woodsticks · SF
10 Chs

Body Enhancement


The days following Dr. Mikhailov's speech were a strange mix of familiar routines and new privileges. Training in the morning, lunch, afternoon training, dinner, then rest—this remained unchanged. However, the attitude of the staff had shifted, and the test subjects found themselves treated with unexpected kindness and respect. Initially disoriented by this change, they gradually grew accustomed to their improved accommodations and increased freedoms.

Rayner, now in his own room, couldn't help but miss the companionship of Antonio. Their late-night conversations had been a solace, a way to share their worries and fears. The other parts of the lab, once off-limits, were now accessible: the first floor of the library, the materials room, and the sports complex. Yet, these areas were heavily guarded by armed personnel in black uniforms, their faces obscured by masks. Rayner once attempted to speak with one of them, receiving only silence in return. The encounter left him with an unsettling feeling, as if the guards were more machine than human.

The increased privileges came at a price. Rayner was now subjected to grueling training sessions in individual rooms, each session more intense than before. Tests were conducted at least twice a day after training, focusing on isolated body parts. Some days his eyes were trained, other days his limbs, and sometimes his senses. The heavy exhaustion was evident in the faces of his fellow subjects during mealtimes, where conversations were nonexistent due to sheer fatigue. There was little to no interaction among them during this exhausted time. Everybody was just hanging on to live for the next day.

After a month of this rigorous regime, just as Rayner and everybody was nearing their mental and physical limits, Terese, his assigned lab staff member, informed him of a crucial detail: they had to endure only eleven more months before their release from the lab. This news spread among the subjects, lifting their spirits and bringing a rare sense of joy to mealtime. Enduring the intense training was still difficult, but compared to the life-threatening situation they had previously faced, it seemed manageable.

Sure it was hard for Rayner, but it had been a fruitful month. During this month, Rayner noticed significant changes. His facial features became more prominent and defined, transforming him from slightly handsome to strikingly handsome. His heights also increased which had stopped increasing many years ago, to a whopping 185 cm. His body was now chiseled, with bulging muscles and well-defined abs. His legs felt powerful, each step full of spring. Terese's frequent glances at him confirmed his newfound attractiveness.

More importantly, Rayner discovered his new abilities. His physical capabilities had vastly improved: He could easily lift weights of 200kg. He could run a kilometer in under a minute, more than twice as fast as the fastest Olympic record. He could hear conversations from a hundred yards away, follow scents like a police hound, and see with incredible detail from two hundred yards away. His thoughts were sharper, allowing him to process and learn information at extraordinary speeds, even solving two different complex calculations simultaneously. His skin had become more resistant to abrasions, and wounds healed remarkably quickly, with a knife wound taking only a single day to mend.

Rayner began to realize that Dr. Mikhailov's words were not an exaggeration. They were indeed surpassing regular humans—becoming Super Humans. His ability was categorized as Body Enhancement (BE), a rare form that allowed him to enhance all his body functions. This was highly unusual; most subjects with BE could only enhance specific body parts. Scientists were fascinated by Rayner's overall enhancement and frequently took samples of his blood for testing, subjected him to MRI scans, and other radioactive examinations. The results were astonishing: his heart was 1.5 times bigger than average, with a higher BPM of 200 and an average blood pressure of 250-160. His blood circulated faster, his bones were three to five times denser, and his cell activity was significantly more active.

Rayner's ability was not just a marvel but an anomaly. It set him apart from the others, whose enhancements were more limited and focused. The scientific community within the lab was abuzz with his unique case, constantly monitoring and testing him. This constant attention underscored just how rare and powerful his abilities were, highlighting his potential to surpass all other subjects.

As the second month of training drew to a close, the routine of testing and training continued. But just as the subjects were settling into this grueling schedule, an announcement came that would change their lives forever.
