
Gates To Earth

The year is 2035 and Earth has a new problem, Gates have begun to appear in locations all around the world, each one leading to different worlds or dimensions entirely, follow Lewis in his adventure as he discovers his newfound abilities. (THERE IS GORE AND VIOLENCE) You the readers will be able to take part in deciding some outcomes for Lewis, I hope you all enjoy this story, and thank you for giving it a read. on another note, I'm a beginner writer so there will be mistakes. I will try to fix any errors, so if you see any, feel free to let me know, and I will fix them.

wikid81 · ファンタジー
7 Chs


Lewis closed the door to his apartment locking it before continuing on his way, he walked past one of the other residents giving a simple greeting as he looked at his phone. "Shit I knew I should've left sooner," he said to no one.

Lewis picked up his pace as he hurried down the flight of stairs. Once he reached the first floor he walked down the hallway and left through the main entrance, living on the third floor is nice for the view. However, having to walk up the stairs is a pain.

As Lewis left the apartment building the sun was just rising past the buildings. A few rays of light slipped past in front of Lewis as he walked to his vehicle. Lewis approached the vehicle and unlocked the driver's side door.

He sat down in the seat while inserting the keys into the vehicle. as he turned the keys, the vehicle come to life making a low rumble, before going silent. The light of the interior came to life. Once the vehicle was ready Lewis pulled out of the parking lot and began to drive to work.

By the time Lewis arrived at work, the vehicle's clock read 8:13 am. Lewis sighed as he left his vehicle pressing the lock button on his key. He then started preparing himself for what was to come. Sure enough, as the automatic door slid open a man was waiting on the other side. Lewis gave his best smile as his manager gave him a talk about being late to work.

Shortly after hearing his manager talk for being late, he clocked in then went to his designated area and began his shift.

As his shift ended Lewis smiled as he could finally leave, he clocked out and left through the same door where his manager greeted him in the morning. Lewis went to his vehicle and went on his way home. The traffic was heavy, but it was expected for 5 pm. Lewis turned off to a side road to avoid all the heavy traffic. he passed by all sorts of houses and stopped at a stop sign and had to wait for a person to cross the road.

The person crossed and Lewis then continued down the road, he reached his right hand over to the vehicle's radio and turned it on. The radio came to life as music was now being played. Lewis arrived back at his apartment, he pulled into the parking lot and turned his vehicle off. Lewis started to walk to the apartment building and the scream of sirens was heard in the distance, he opened the door to the apartment building and entered through the doorway.

The sirens were now silent as the doors closed, the sound of his footsteps was the only thing audible as he walked to the staircase. A child and his mother walked by Lewis and soon disappeared outside. He arrived on the third floor and went to his door. He began to unlock the door before entering.

Lewis placed his keys on the kitchen table as he walked to his couch to sit down. Lewis reached for the remote on the coffee table and turned on the television to be greeted with the news. He changed the channels looking for something to watch but did not find anything that interested him. Lewis turned the television off and walked into his bedroom, moving to his window as he looked out into the city. As Lewis looked out of the window he could see the same bridge in the distance that was always bustling with vehicles, Lewis turned away and sat down on the bed before lying down.

Lewis sighed as he felt the exhaustion of work catch up to him finally. Lewis closed his eyes and focused on the sounds around him, only to hear himself breathe. Lewis opened his eyes once again just to be greeted by the same old grey ceiling, he got up and went to the kitchen to look for food. Lewis decided to grab some hotdogs with a bottle of ketchup. Lewis then microwaved the 3 hotdogs. Once they finished he grabbed 3 hotdog buns from the bag and tucked the hotdogs in between the buns, while placing ketchup on the hotdogs. Lewis began to walk over to the couch once again while eating his dinner. Lewis finished his food quite quickly, he returned to the kitchen placing the plate into the sink, he turned and walked into the bathroom as he began to take a shower.

Shortly afterward he back over to his window in the bedroom, taking one last look out of it. It looked the same as before just not as much traffic. Lewis closed his curtains and sat on the bed turning to shutoff off his lamp near his bed, as Lewis reached over to the lamp there was a single brown unmarked book. "That was not there when I first entered the bedroom," Lewis said while brushing his hand on the top of the book. It was then that an electric shock was sent from the book and traveled throughout Lewis's body, before Lewis could react his vision went dark and he went unconscious.