
Gates To Earth

The year is 2035 and Earth has a new problem, Gates have begun to appear in locations all around the world, each one leading to different worlds or dimensions entirely, follow Lewis in his adventure as he discovers his newfound abilities. (THERE IS GORE AND VIOLENCE) You the readers will be able to take part in deciding some outcomes for Lewis, I hope you all enjoy this story, and thank you for giving it a read. on another note, I'm a beginner writer so there will be mistakes. I will try to fix any errors, so if you see any, feel free to let me know, and I will fix them.

wikid81 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Chapter 1: What Just Happened?

"ugh. . . What happened?" Lewis grumbled as he placed his right hand against his forehead, slowly getting up.

Lewis looked around the room, his eyes landing on the unmarked brown book.

"That's right, I touched the book then . . . A shock was sent before . . . I guess I fell asleep?" Lewis said to himself.

Lewis slowly extended his hand to the book, preparing for the shock. As his hand touched the book he prepared himself for the shock to happen. However this time there was no shock. Lewis picked up the book and opened the first page, there was nothing on the page it was simply blank.

Lewis then flipped through the book to look at the other pages. Each one was the same, Just blank with nothing on them. Lewis then closed the book and let out a sigh of relief as He set the book back down on the nightstand.

Lewis stood up and looked at his phone, the screen was pure black. No matter what Lewis tried the phone stayed Dark. He plugged his phone into his phone charger just for it to not work still, Lewis placed his phone down.

"Did the electric shock fry my phone and make me unconscious?" Lewis sighed looking back to the book before walking into the living room.

Lewis looked up at the clock hanging on the wall. "Oh, I'm screwed," Lewis said seriously.

The clock read 4:17 pm Lewis had missed his shift, and now he will have to go in tomorrow and try to explain to his manager why he did not show up. That was the moment lewis saw a dim light in the corner of his vision.

He turned and saw the unmarked book was the source of the dim light. It was a soft light blue color, Lewis slowly approached the book and placed his right hand on the cover, the light vanished as he did. Lewis opened the book and the first page now had words written on the page.


Class Options

Summoner - Summon beings with mana.

Robotic Engineer - Make robotic creations using the required materials that follow your every word

Necromancer - Raise the dead back to life while being able to summon the dead using mana


Beginners Gift Options

Random Companion - Will be given a random companion that will follow your every word this may be anything

Random Equipment - Will be given a random piece of equipment from weapons to clothes to even objects that may be useful

Random Class Ability - will give you a random ability for your class this is a new skill for the class or an upgrade to the class


Lewis stared at the page blankly as he let out a small laugh before closing the book. Lewis then changed his clothes and got ready to leave his apartment. Thanks to the shock Lewis now needed to get his phone fixed. Once Lewis got ready he grabbed his phone then went to the kitchen and grabbed his keys before leaving his apartment.

He closed his apartment door and began to walk down the staircase, once he reached the first floor he went down the hall and then went out the main door. He was greeted by the sun and continued to his vehicle which was a dark red minivan.

He sat in the driver's seat and looked in the mirror as he pulled out of his parking spot. After he left the parking lot he went onto the main road and drove to the nearest IT repair store which was about 2 miles. He got stuck in the occasional traffic like always before reaching the IT repair store. He pulled into the parking lot taking a look around the place, to see that it was not too busy. There had to be around four other vehicles as he pulled into an open spot.

Lewis left his vehicle and walked over to the IT repair store and proceeded to enter the store. There was only one other customer who was sitting on one of the waiting chairs.

"Welcome, what can I help you with today?" A woman asked while Lewis walked up, " I was wondering if this could be fixed." Lewis set the phone down "It got shocked by electricity and won't turn on anymore." Lewis said as the woman picked up the phone.

"How did it get shocked by electricity?" The woman said without taking her eyes off the phone, "I touched a book and that happened." Lewis said with all seriousness.

The woman looked up at him with a face of confusion and then replied "Yeah this thing is completely fried there is nothing we can do about it I'm afraid." She then handed the phone back to him.

Lewis nodded his understanding and said thanks to the woman and turned to the door and left. Lewis looked at his phone and sighed as he entered his vehicle once more and pulled out of the parking lot. Lewis now had to buy a new phone on top of dealing with the strange book.

Lewis stopped at a traffic light as he began to drive to his work, hopefully, catching his manager still there and explaining why he did not come in. The traffic was now even slower as people got off of work, Lewis made it to the store where he worked and parked in his usual spot. It did not take him long to see his manager as he was walking out of the store over to him.

"Where were you I called you multiple times and it went straight to voicemail!" Lewis's manager said angrily. Lewis closed the door to his van and replied to his manager, "My phone got fried." Lewis showed his phone, "And I'm sorry for not coming in today, Is it possible to work a longer shift tomorrow or come in on one of my off days?" Lewis asked.

"I guess that would make up for it, your lucky it wasn't too busy today." Lewis's manager said while going back inside the store. Lewis sighed as he went back into his vehicle.

Today was not going well for Lewis as he got stuck in more traffic. Lewis drove to get to the phone company to replace his broken phone. Lewis got on the main road as the sound of screeching sirens was heard approaching behind him. As Lewis pulled over to the side of the road a police car flew by a few minutes later.

Lewis was about to go back onto the road when another Police car flew by followed by another one. Lewis was confused and shrugged it off as some speeder or multiple calls in the same direction. shortly after the traffic resumed, as the third police car was no longer in sight. Lewis turned off the radio as he was no longer in the mood for music.

Lewis continued on the main road until he arrived at the phone company just for it to be closed for the day. Lewis was not having the best of luck today. lewis then once again pulled out of the parking lot. Lewis decided to make his journey back home, turning on the main road once more and going on his way, as he stopped behind another vehicle at the traffic lights a familiar sound was heard this time coming ahead of him.

The sound of sirens approaching, and the cars on the opposite side of the road all moved out of the way. two more police cars flew by going at a much faster speed than all the others today. this time behind them was a large truck that was all black. The large truck had white letters that spelled "Police" in the front with bold white letters spelling out "S.W.A.T" in the middle of the vehicle.

"What was going on that required such a large amount of police and even swat?" Was all Lewis could think as he continued on his way home. He slowly pulled into the parking lot, stopping his vehicle in his spot. As he was approaching the door to the apartment building the sound of a car horn was heard in the distance. Lewis paid it no mind as he entered the apartment and went to his floor.

He walked past one of his neighbors giving him a simple greeting and entered his apartment. He set his keys on the kitchen table once more, while walking over to the window in the living room that had the same view as his bedroom just a larger window. He opened the curtains and looked towards the bridge the view was pretty great.

He saw traffic had come to a halt below his apartment, and the people on the sidewalk were looking down the road. Lewis turned on the television and walked over to the kitchen to look for something to eat. He grabbed a bag of plain chips and walked back over to the television and saw the news was on.

Before Lewis could focus on the news the sound of muffled yelling was heard out of his window. Lewis turned off the television and placed the bag of chips down, then walked over to the window. He looked at the cause of the commotion to see car doors flung open, and people running in the opposite direction of where they were looking before.

People dropped what they were carrying and were rushing away, some people held their children as they ran Lewis was confused for he could not see down the road. The buildings blocked his view, some of the small stores across the street had people walk out and the expressions on their faces changed to fear. They looked inside the store once more before running.

People in the buildings began to leave the stores and other buildings had the same thing happen to them as well. Some people just stared into the distance, the flashing lights of red and blue bounced off the building's windows. A police cruiser arrived down the road and came to a stop before two officers got out carrying rifles. They looked down the road before turning to look at the bystanders who were just standing there, some recording something.

The two officers yelled something to the bystanders before the people finally started to come out of a daze, the bystanders then began to flee. before Lewis could understand what was going on the two officers began to lift their rifles and began to fire down the road. The sound of the rifles rang out and echoed off the buildings. Lewis stopped watching as he heard the gunfire and ran to his bedroom. He did not hesitate as all he thought about was grabbing his firearm.

Lewis opened his closet which had a safe, after entering the code to the safe it unlocked and Lewis opened it. inside was a G19 pistol with a box of 9mm, Lewis grabbed the pistol and pulled the clip out of the weapon. Lewis then began to fill the clip with the 9mm, then grabbed the other 2 empty magazines in the safe filling them with 9mm as well.

After he loaded the 3 magazines, he then loaded one into the pistol. Lewis had 5 extra rounds in the box which Lewis simply picked them up and placed the rounds in his pocket he went into the living room once more to take a look out of the window the sounds of gunfire were no longer audible. As Lewis looked outside he gasped as he saw the two officers were no longer standing. One of the officers was slumped on a sedan and the other was lying flat on his back with a few arrows sticking out of his body.

Standing next to the two dead officers were small lizard people about 9 of them. Two held a bow, and the rest held anywhere from swords or spears, one held an axe that was dripping with blood. They looked to be around 4 feet tall, like a small fence, the two holding bows were standing on top of vehicles drawing arrows and firing the arrows down the road.

The others were standing around the dead officers looking through their clothes, pulling out anything that interested them. One even grabbed a pair of handcuffs as they soon began to run down the road, towards the direction where the people were fleeing. Lewis remembered seeing them from somewhere what were they?

That was when it hit him. They were Kobolds from movies or even books. "what the hell was going on?" Before he could answer that a larger group of kobolds ran by the apartments each one holding weapons of different types. The ones with bows were jumping on top of cars and the ones with melee weapons used the vehicles as cover.

That was when Lewis saw a kobold's body fly backwards as it slid down a sedan's windshield. The kobold's bow fell and the blood of the kobold was now spilling onto the white sedan's paint. all the kobolds began to move in different directions, each forming small groups behind the vehicles. The ones carrying bows fired arrows at the oncoming fire. Lewis moved to the other window which was facing down the road where the people fled.

He opened the curtains to see a small police force held up behind their police cruisers, making a small roadblock. They all held rifles and fired at the oncoming kobolds. The small group of kobolds that went ahead of the large group was all laying dead just before the barricade. There were about 2 civilians with the officers they held small arms, and were supporting the officers the best as they could.

Lewis ran back over to see how the kobolds were doing and saw 2 kobolds jump onto vehicles. The two kobolds then had fireballs that were forming in front of their hands and they were soon launched down the road. The sound of an explosion was heard as the buildings shook. The group of kobolds got ready to charge.

Lewis held his ground as he aimed his pistol at one of the kobolds on the vehicles. He did not hesitate as he watched them form new fireballs, he pulled the trigger 3 times the sound of the G19 rang out as the glass of Lewis's window shattered. the kobold could not react fast enough. Two bullets hit the body of the kobold the other hitting the top of the vehicle.

The Kobold stumbled back as it looked at Lewis. Lewis did not stop as he shot another 3 times. Another kobold fell off of the top of the vehicle. Lewis aimed at another kobold that was still trying to form a new fireball, Lewis shot 5 bullets and watched as the kobold was hit in the skull and in the arm. The other 3 bullets missed entirely, the body of the kobold fell on top of the vehicle and the blood soon leaked out.

The other Kobolds had time to react as 3 arrows flew and landed inside Lewis's apartment. Lewis shot his last 3 bullets at the kobolds. The kobolds all ducked behind vehicles while yelling in some strange language, Lewis took out the clip and loaded a full one back into his firearm. The sound of rifle fire picked back up which meant some of the officers were still alive.

Lewis Peaked the window one more time just dodging an arrow as it struck his ceiling. He fired the 15 bullets down at the kobolds some bullets hitting others missing, the kobolds began to run back to where they came from. Lewis hurried another clip into his pistol before firing at the fleeing kobolds. Another 2 kobolds were hit, one fell dead the other limping away, two more kobolds turned and helped their ally as they continued to flee.

Lewis took shelter back into the living room loading the 5 last bullets into a clip, when Lewis looked out the window again all he saw was nothing besides the corpses of the kobolds as well as the two policemen's bodies. Lewis scanned the road as a group of 5 officers wearing vests entered into view. They scanned the road before seeing Lewis who was looking out a large window that was now shattered. The window was half the size of Lewis making everything but his legs visible.

The officers called out to Lewis, "are you alright?" Lewis responded with a "Yeah" before pointing in the direction in which the kobolds fled. "Thanks for the assist there." One of the policemen said before continuing down the road. Lewis grabbed his keys from the kitchen table and left his apartment. He looked down the halls and saw some of the doors were open while some had people peeking out of their apartments.

Lewis closed his door locked it then ran past the people with his firearm visible. Some people looked at Lewis in fear while they kept their kids inside, while others were just in shock as they too must have seen what happened outside. Lewis went down the stairs as the sound of grunts and sound of gunshots rang on the bottom floor. Lewis passed the second floor where he saw some people injured or just bloody from helping the injured.

A man stood just before the stairs holding some kind of shotgun. Lewis paid it no mind as he continued to where the shots were heard. Once on the bottom floor, he saw what the sounds were. People were firing at kobolds as they broke down the main door to get inside the building. As the gunshots stopped three men holding bats began to run and swing as the five others with guns reloaded their small arms and a woman reloaded a rifle.

Lewis rushed off the stairs and yelled "MOVE!" the men with bats moved to the sides as kobolds began to swing Lewis fired the last 5 bullets hitting the small group of kobolds. three of the kobolds dropped dead while the other two rushed forwards, thankfully the other people with firearms had time to finish reloading. They fired as they finished the last two kobolds off. Lewis looked down the hall and saw there was a pile of dead kobolds outside of the main entrance as well.

"Thanks for that." one of the men said. Lewis nodded "is everyone alright?" Lewis asked " Besides the few that got hurt fighting those things then yeah, nothing too serious thankfully." the woman said.

"That's good I shot some outside from my window and helped out some officers. However, some died outside on the road, I'm going to grab their rifles and any ammo they have." Lewis said to the group. "Is that not illegal?" a man asked, "It is but they will understand," Lewis said as he left through the busted glass door.

Lewis ran outside. In the distance, gunshots were heard in every direction. screams were also heard as a police helicopter flew by. The city was filled with all sorts of sounds as fires were seen in the distance and smoke filled the sky. Lewis walked over to the two dead officers and looked over to the barricade and saw it was destroyed by the fireballs. He grabbed the two police rifles and any magazines that were on them, including the two pistols strapped on their belts. Lewis also took the magazines for the firearms as well.

He placed the two pistols on safety as well as the rifles. He placed the two sidearms in his pockets and held the two rifles. Lewis began stuffing his pockets with the 15 magazines of 9mm and 5.56 before running back to the apartment. The group of people was now just guarding the main door. There was also a large group of people forming in the main hall.

"What's happening?" Lewis asked, "We are going to try and reach the air national guard air base." one of the men said. "you do realize that it's across the bridge right?" the man nodded as he replied, "It's worth the chance. The bridge leads to the other state so we should be fine." The man said.

Lewis nodded as he handed him the two rifles and gave him the two pistols as well. Lewis also gave them ammo, only keeping 3 clips for himself, "Take these you will need them more than I will." The man took the weapons and ammo before giving them to a few others who were unarmed. "do you wanna come with us?" He asked. Lewis shook his head.

"I will stay here and try and wait this out." the man nodded as he said one last thing before leaving. "You are the only one staying. . . I wish you the best of luck and thanks again for the help." the man said before leading all of the residents out.

Lewis watched as the group took everyone with them including the wounded. Thankfully they were able to walk a little bit now. Lewis watched as families took their children as well, and they soon disappeared outside. Lewis ran upstairs and saw it was true most doors were left open. Lewis approached his room and went inside locking his door behind him.

Lewis walked over to the brown unmarked book and then let out a sigh of disbelief. "I can't believe this is happening."

Lewis then chooses his options.