
Respite and Revelation

The rumbling of the cart's wheels echoed through the Control Room as Jameson pushed it into a dimly lit corner. The room, dominated by a myriad of screens and control panels, didn't resemble anything remotely comforting, especially not a place to rest. Although devoid of beds, there were several chairs that looked ergonomically designed, possibly for long hours of operation. 


Jameson glanced at them, noticing the high-back design which appeared to be adjustable. Maybe, just maybe, they could be reclined far enough to offer some semblance of comfort. With a sigh, he cracked open the crate on his cart and rummaged inside. Pulling out an MRE, he ripped it open and began eating. The flavors, bland to most, were a feast to him. In situations like these, he mused, hunger truly was the best seasoning. 


As he ate, the room's ambient lighting shifted, and the Red Queen's interface appeared on the central screen. Her voice, cold and mechanical, echoed through the speakers, "Jameson, it is crucial we discuss the next steps." 


He chewed thoughtfully, eyeing the AI. "Before we dive into that," he said, swallowing a mouthful, "are there any more of those... biological experiments running loose?" 


The Red Queen's interface displayed a brief animation, simulating thought. "There are no experiments of immediate concern currently active," she responded. "However, it is essential to note that prolonged power outages could compromise any stasis chambers in the facility." 


Jameson raised an eyebrow. "So, it's a race against time then?" 




Finishing his meal, Jameson discarded the packaging and leaned back in his chair. His attention shifted inward, thinking about the considerable EP he had accumulated. The allure of spending it was tempting, but the memory of the agonizing process to upgrade his stats made him hesitate. 


Jameson rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "If I'm going to stand a chance against more of those Lickers, not to mention any other surprises the Hive has in store, I'll need to arm back up. The armory should be my first stop." 


The Red Queen's interface pulsed softly, a visual indicator of her processing. "That would be a logical decision. However, the armory's defenses have been compromised. You'll need to tread with caution." 


Jameson frowned. "Isn't the armory supposed to be one of the most secure locations in the Hive?" 


"It was," the Red Queen responded. "Before my temporary shutdown, one of the Hive's biological experiments was moved there for high-priority weapon testing. Given the current circumstances, it has likely been released. The armory might be guarded by something much more dangerous than a Licker." 


Jameson frowned, confusion evident in his eyes. "You said there were no experiments of immediate concern. How does something more dangerous than a Licker not count?" 


The Red Queen's interface briefly pulsed, indicating processing. "The creature is in a dormant state and therefore not active. It was not deemed an immediate concern at that time." 


Jameson let out a frustrated sigh, bringing a hand to his face in a facepalm gesture. "That wasn't exactly what I meant," he muttered under his breath. Shaking off the annoyance, he refocused his gaze on the Red Queen's interface. "Fine. Just tell me, what am I dealing with here?" 


The Red Queen's interface momentarily glitched, a sign of her calculating possible scenarios. "The Chimera Project. It was designed to be an amalgamation of various deadly creatures, retaining their most lethal attributes. Imagine the agility of a panther, the strength of a gorilla, and the venom of a snake, all combined into one entity. The Chimera was unpredictable and extremely aggressive during initial tests." 


Jameson took a moment to process this information, his expression a mix of disbelief and horror. "Bio research is one thing, but this..." 


The Red Queen's response was devoid of emotion, as always. "T-Virus mutations generally manifest randomly and are inherently unstable. The Chimera project aimed to harness and guide these mutations by using a specific biological template. The intention was to dictate the direction of the mutation. While the process proved to be both labor-intensive and costly, it successfully demonstrated the viability of the concept." 


He sighed. "Just another day in the Hive, I suppose. Once I'm geared up, what then?" 


"Given the possibility of the Hive's reopening, efficiency in elimination should be our priority," the Red Queen suggested. 


Jameson looked surprised. "Wait a minute. Wasn't the Hive supposed to be sealed forever after an outbreak? That was the protocol, wasn't it?" 


The Red Queen's interface pulsed a deeper shade of red. "You are correct. Sealing the Hive indefinitely was the immediate policy post-outbreak. However," her voice lowered, almost ominously, "the value of the research conducted here is unparalleled. It is only a matter of time before either an official directive or covert operations attempt to access it. The Hive's reopening is, in all probability, inevitable." 


The Red Queen's holographic interface pulsed briefly. "The Chimera's presence in the armory means it's now a priority target. Clearing it will not only remove a significant threat but also provide you with more resources for the battles ahead." 


Jameson cracked his knuckles, determination in his eyes. "Then let's begin with the Chimera. Once it's down, we can use the armory's resources to tackle the other infected zones." 


The Red Queen displayed a schematic of the Hive, highlighting the path to the armory and marking out potential hotspots of infected activity. "I'll guide you, but be cautious. The Chimera was designed for unpredictability. It's going to be a tough fight." 


Jameson slouched back in the chair, exhaustion evident in every line of his face. "Before we tackle the Chimera or anything else, I need rest. Real rest," he admitted, his voice edged with fatigue. "Every muscle in my body is screaming, and I can't trust my reactions to be quick enough in a fight right now." 


The Red Queen's interface dimmed in acknowledgement. "Rest is logical. Fatigue will reduce your effectiveness and increase the risk of injury. I'll monitor the Hive and ensure no threats approach this control room while you sleep." 


Jameson reclined the chair, threw his feet up on another chair, and used his jacket as a makeshift blanket. "Wake me if anything urgent happens, okay?" 


The Red Queen's voice softened, a hint of synthetic compassion evident. "I will. Rest well, Jameson. We have a lot of work once you wake." 


Closing his eyes, Jameson finally gave in to the weight of exhaustion, his breathing steadying as he fell into a deep, restorative sleep. The Red Queen continued her vigilant watch, the room bathed in the gentle glow of her interface. 




The gentle hum of machines and the ambient light from the screens provided a comforting atmosphere, allowing Jameson a brief respite from the horrors of the Hive. Time seemed to blur in the confines of the Control Room, but eventually, a gentle chime signaled Jameson's waking. 


His eyes fluttered open, and he stretched, groaning at the stiffness that had settled into his limbs. Looking around, he saw the Red Queen's interface pulsing gently on the central screen. 


"Good morning, Jameson," the AI's voice echoed, sounding slightly warmer than usual. "I trust you had a restful sleep?" 


Rubbing his eyes, Jameson nodded. "As restful as one can get in a place like this. How long was I out?" 

"Approximately eight hours," the Red Queen informed him. "No threats approached the Control Room during your rest." 


Jameson grunted in acknowledgment and slowly got to his feet, flexing his fingers and rolling his shoulders. The rest had done him good; he felt revitalized, ready to face whatever the Hive threw at him next. 


As he took in his surroundings, he remembered the accumulated EP and the chance to upgrade his stats. Pulling up the holographic interface, Jameson took a moment to strategize. If the Chimera was as fast and deadly as Red Queen had said, he'd need to be even faster to have any chance against it. 


With that in mind, he poured his EP into his AGI. 



- Level 8 ➔ 9 – 430 EP 

- Level 9 ➔ 10 – 688 EP 

- Level 10 ➔ 11 – 1,101 EP 

- Level 11 ➔ 12 – 1,762 EP 


Total EP spent: 3,981 


Jameson had 37,738 EP left. 


As the points flowed into his Agility, the sensation was agonizingly intense. An overpowering, almost searing energy coursed through him, causing his muscles to contract and cramp violently. His bones ached as if they were being reshaped, his flesh burning with the rapid mutation. His breathing became ragged, each gasp filled with both pain and awe. Every nerve screamed in protest, each cell in his body seeming to rebel against the sudden change. The sensation was both excruciating and electrifying, pushing him to the brink of his endurance. 


Before he could fully absorb the change, the cold, analytical voice of the Red Queen resonated throughout the room. "Jameson, the rapid mutations in your physiology are... intriguing." 


He raised an eyebrow, catching a hint of fascination in her tone. "Intriguing? That's one word for it." 


The interface pulsed a brighter shade of red, indicative of the Red Queen's heightened interest. "The T-Virus mutations are usually random and unpredictable, yet yours seem... directed, controlled. It's as if someone—or something—is guiding them." 


As the Red Queen expressed her fascination with the directed mutations in Jameson's body, he pondered for a moment. Then, with a twinkle in his eye, he replied, "You know, I once read somewhere that mitochondria—those things powering our cells—were once foreign invaders themselves. Got integrated into our cells a really, really long time ago. Maybe the T-Virus in me found a... symbiotic relationship of sorts?" 


The Red Queen paused, processing the statement. "An intriguing hypothesis, albeit a simple one. The mitochondria's evolutionary journey into the eukaryotic cell is one of symbiosis, indeed. However, the T-Virus was designed for rapid and devastating effects, not harmony." 


Jameson shrugged, smirking a bit. "Hey, I'm no scientist. Just a guy trying to make sense of this crazy ride. But think about it: nature has its ways, doesn't it?" 


The Red Queen's interface pulsed, reflecting her contemplation. "Nature is unpredictable. It constantly adapts and evolves. And while your theory might not fit into the traditional understanding of the T-Virus, your mutations are unprecedented," she said, a hint of cold excitement in her voice. "It would be most illuminating to study you in greater depth." 


Jameson shot a playful, yet slightly wary look at the screen. "When you say 'study,' I'm getting visions of being pinned to a slab while you poke and prod me." 


There was a brief pause. "That would be the most effective method, but given our current circumstances, not feasible. Still, your transformation offers invaluable data." 


Chuckling, Jameson stretched his legs, feeling out his increased agility. "Well, you'll just have to be satisfied with observing from a distance for now. Ready to guide me to the armory?" 


The Red Queen's interface returned to its usual, more passive hue. "Certainly. But remember, Jameson, your unique mutation makes you a valuable asset—both to me and to whoever may desire control of the Hive." 


Jameson's smirk deepened, his tone playful. "You know, for a super-advanced AI, you really need to work on your motivational speeches. Ever thought about taking a course on pep talks?" 


The Red Queen's interface momentarily glitched, simulating a bemused response. "Noted. I shall endeavor to improve my motivational techniques." 


Jameson chuckled, "That's the spirit! Alright, let's get moving." 


Quest: Chimera's Demise 

The Chimera, a monstrous blend of predatory genes, has escaped its containment and true to form, has made its nest in the Armory. You'll need those weapons if you intend to follow through on your promise to clear the Hive. 


Objective: Confront and defeat the Chimera to gain access to the Hive's Armory. 


Rewards: 30,000 EP, Armory Access, and ??? 

A/N: Hey guys, I messed up the next chapter so I'm going to have to re-write it. So it might be a while before I can gather the motivation to do that. (No more than a week though. I'll force myself to do it before it gets to that point.)

Neoacoya1creators' thoughts