
Gaming In The Underworld

I pulled an Elvis… not in a cool ‘I have an amazing singing voice and I’m suave as fuck’ kind of way. No sir not me. I pulled an Elvis in the most embarrassing of ways. I somehow died while sitting on a toilet dropping the fattest deuce. Now I’ve got letters floating in front of me telling me I died. That’s not why I’m angry though, I’m not even mad at the embarrassing way I died I’m mad at the fact that ‘You Died’ was in Comic Sans. Fucking Comic Sans! *All recognisable characters belong to their respective owners. I only own the OCs* *Status: Complete

Vargr_the_Skald · 映画
14 Chs

World Jump

Selene was surprisingly accepting of Lena… is what I would have liked to say. The moment I brought home the platinum haired vampire Selene had bombarded me with questions. It took nearly three hours to explain everything to her fully and even then she eyed Lena warily. I could sense some sort of rivalry forming between the two and I didn't know how to feel about it. On one hand I was glad that they weren't at each other's throats. On the other hand, well… 


"I don't care if I'm not even a wife, I am even willing to be a concubine, so long as you understand that I will never leave his side." 


"Concu- What do you think this is?! A harem? I will not be subject to having to share MY life mate." 


" YOUR life mate? He was mine first!" 


"Yours? Don't make me laugh… he is not Matthais Corvinus. He is Blake Corvin, the father of my child and my life mate." 


"It does not matter what his name is, his soul is still the same as when he was called Matthias Corvinus!" 


"And you know this how? Some convoluted ritual that supposedly lets you see visions?!" 


"Ladies, please… let's not fight there's…" I tried to interrupt.


"Shut up Blake!" 


Apparently that had been the wrong thing to say, I sighed and took a step out of the room. Clearly their argument wasn't going to be resolved soon. I wandered down the hallway of the hotel we were in as I scrolled through the messages on my system. 


World Story Complete


World Jump Unlocked


Prior World Jumps Available for Revisit


Seeing that I had nothing better to do while I waited for Selene and Lena to settle their argument I opened the World Jump tab and looked at my options. 


New Worlds Available:

[Warning: Jumping into a New World will lock the Jump option until the main quest of that world is completed]


[AU] The Last Olympian 


Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (2003)


Prior Worlds:

[You can freely come and go from these worlds]


[AU] Rise of the Lycans (2009)


Twilight: Breaking Dawn (2012)


Earth (2022)


My eyes widened at the amount of worlds I could jump to. I knew I still had to help the Greeks so that was a priority. The thought of taking part in Tolkien's world almost made me jump then and there. That was until I spotted the 'Earth' option. I didn't know if there were any movies called 'Earth'. That meant that it was either the world that I had originally come from or an alternate reality of the real world… which was highly unlikely leaving only the first option. I was definitely visiting that world first before I went to give the Olympians a piece of my mind for manipulating me.


'Wonder how Lucian, Sonja, and the others are doing? Might as well go visit them while the duo sort themselves out.'


I selected the 'Rise of the Lycans' option and closed my menu. The world shifted around me before I was deposited back to where mine and Selene's tent had been when we left this world. Time had clearly passed since I was last here since the jump put me in an unknown room. There was a feminine shriek behind me and I spun around while summoning Dark Sister to my hand. There behind me, was a woman staring at me in shock while clutching a towel to preserve her modesty. She screamed again before tossing some sort of wooden bucket at me which I promptly deflected with my sword. 


"Who are you! Get out of my house!" She screamed while reaching for something else to throw at me. 


I fought the urge to snicker before flashing away in a small burst of fire. I reappeared outside the woman's home and looked around in wonder. The old camp had been transformed into a bustling town. Thankfully no one paid me any attention as I changed into the period appropriate clothing and sheathed Dark Sister at my hip. 


'Way to make an entrance father… should I expect bodice ripping in your near future?'  


'There will be nothing of that sort Tia, it was merely a miscalculation on my part.'  


'That woman clearly enjoyed your miscalculation.' She responded with what suspiciously sounded like a dragon version of a giggle.


I rolled my eyes mentally at her behavior, sometimes she acted like a teenage girl. I guess in a way she sort of was a teenage girl. If teenage girls were the size of building, covered in diamond hard scales, and could breathe cursed fire that is. From the look of things a few years, maybe a decade had passed since I was last here. I explored the town a bit, enjoying the sights and various stalls that sold miscellaneous items. I asked around a bit and finally got the information I was looking for. Apparently Lucian had become the local 'Mayor'. He and Sonja lived in a modestly sized home just outside of town between the old ruins of Selene's original town and the former Lycan Camp. 


I arrived at the door and raised a hand to knock only for it to swing open and a small girl to run into my legs falling on her butt with a 'omph'. 


"Serana I thought I told you to wait."


I couldn't help but smile upon hearing Sonja's voice. She came around the corner of a hall beyond the door and stopped in her tracks when she saw me. She gaped at me, eyes wide in surprise. Lucian followed her and ran into her back. 


"My love what is it did you…"


Looking around the inside of their house from the doorway I grinned. 


"I see you've redecorated," I feigned a look of disappointment.


"I don't like it." 


Serana, their daughter, I realized, brushed herself off and glared at me for getting in her way before turning to her parents. 


"Mother, Father? Who is this?" 


[Scene Break]


Markus Corvinus sat with his twin brother William in the gardens of their home. Years had passed since they were reunited and their common enemy, Viktor, had been dealt with. They now enjoyed the peace and quiet that came with their 'retirement'. Markus hardly needed to kill for blood and William was no longer bound to the rage the full moon used to force on him. All of this was thanks to one Balthazar Corvinus. He was their descendant, their sire, and dare they though… their friend. The man had disappeared with his mate years ago after the defeat of Viktor's army and the death of the Tyrant. The bond that was formed when Balthazar had turned them into Hybrids never disappeared, but it had faded into a dull tickle in the back of their minds. It was as if Balthazar was very far away. They knew that the man could fend for himself when they witnessed him fight in that battle so they didn't worry for his safety. 


Markus suddenly stood from his seat, sending the chair toppling backwards. His eyes wide, a small grin forming on his face. He turned to his brother who shared his smile showing that he had felt it too. The feeling of their sire bond flaring to life, like it had just woken from a deep slumber. 


"He's back…" Said William.


Markus nodded, "Do you reckon we should look for him?" 


Shaking his head William replied, "No, if he has returned I have no doubt that he will find us soon." 


The brothers made their way back into their villa planning a welcome for their brethren. 


Sonja stared at the man standing at her door, shock, confusion, annoyance, and finally resignation. The emotions flashed through her like a gust of wind. Her husband stood beside her just as baffled by their friends sudden appearance. 


"Mother, Father? Who is this?" Their daughter asked with a huff. 


"So you've finally come back?" Sonja asked, she felt a pang of annoyance when Blake merely gave her a crooked grin. 


"What? Didn't expect me to visit?" 


"Serana dear, meet your Uncle, Blake Corvin." Lucian said as he walked to his daughters side. 


"Uncle?" Asked the girl looking up to her father. 


"Yes, now be off for your classes. It's best not to keep Katalin waiting." Sonja added. 


Their daughter looked at Blake with a small furrow in her eyebrows as if trying to figure something out before shrugging and running past the man. Lucian looked at his daughters lovingly as she ran to the town. 


"Well, I see we have a lot to catch up on." Blake said, the grin never left his face. 


"Indeed." Sonja drawled her reply. 


"So are you going to invite me in or not." 


[Scene Break]


After Sonja gave me a piece of her mind for leaving without saying anything I went ahead and recounted my side of things. I went into detail about what had happened after Selene and I teleported back to camp, leaving out the sex, of course, and I finally gave them the truth. Well most of it at least. I left out the fact that I had a Gamer system, and the fact that I was basically a god masquerading as a simple hybrid but I told them about my ability to jump between worlds. 


"As hard as all of that is to believe, I believe you. That story sounds too nonsensical to be made up. Besides, we live in a world where immortal blood drinkers walk among mortals." 


"Obviously I wouldn't lie… but that's enough about me and mine. What about you? How do you feel about being parents?" 


"It is a handful, our Serana is too smart for her own good and takes after her mother." Lucian answered ignoring the glare Sonja sent him. 


"Don't listen to him, she's a sweetheart. Just a bit free spirited." Sonja added. 


"I have a daughter on the way, I can already tell that I'm going to be running around a lot when she is born." 


"Selene hasn't given birth yet?" The surprise was clear on Sonja's face. 


"I forgot to mention, time flows differently here. It's been years for you but only a week or so for us. That doesn't matter though, the pregnancy is a strange thing. Selene is hardly two months along but she already looks ready to burst." 


"That is strange, our children grow like regular humans up until a certain point where they just stop aging." 


"I figured it was something along those lines. Maybe ours is a special case." 


"Aye, that is a possibility. Though, how do you know you'll be having a daughter?" Lucian asked. 


"Dunno, I'd like to think that I'm having a daughter, Selene seems to believe that she's carrying a girl." 


"Well, our best wishes to the two of you." Sonja said with a smile. 


"A child brings out the best in some." Lucian nodded sagely. 


Sonja scoffed at him, "You nearly lost your mind when Serana kept waking us up in the middle of the night." 


"Need I say more?" Replied Lucian.


I chuckled at their bickering. "That brings me to why I'm here," They turned to me. "I'd like the both of you to be her godparents." 


"Blake, surely there are others you could consider?" Sonja said with a frown. "I mean no insult, it is just that- oh, fine…" 


"Hardly, you are the only people Selene and I can call friends." 




"Yeah… I've never been much of a social person. Selene, even less so. I had little time to make friends with what I was doing."


"Very well, we are honored to be your daughters' godparents." Sonja said with a smile as Lucian gave a confirming nod. 


"Good, I'll be back later today, I've got other people to visit." 


"You mean harass?" Snarked Sonja. 


"Of course," I grinned. "How else would I get my entertainment?"


Lucian shook his head in amusement, bidding the couple farewell, I got up to walk out of the door when it opened again revealing a smiling Serana. I turned to face Lucian and Sonja giving the two a sly wink before flaming out of their home. I laughed as I caught the tail end of Sonja shouting at me and her daughter's amazed gasp. I felt for Markus and Williams 'auras' before flashing over. 


I found myself in a botanical garden at the front of a sprawling villa and whistled in appreciation at the amazing architecture of the home. Markus and William came out of the double doors with smiles on their faces and I grinned in return. I clasped forearms with the two brothers in greeting. 


"How have you two been?" 


"Fantastic really, the clean air, the solitude. It does wonders for troubled minds." William replied. 


"Enjoying the peace." Added Markus. 


"Good, good. I suppose neither of you have heard from Amelia?" 


"None too recently, she came by a year or so ago with her mate Thomas and their son David. I think they're up in the north. Amelia will have felt your arrival though, William and I sure did." 


"Huh, you felt my arrival?" I asked. 


"Through our bond as your progeny yes." 


"Gods that's weird, don't say that like I'm your father. You two are older than I am." 


William chuckled, "Aye we are, yet you are still out sire and last I remembered you were our house's lordship ring." 


I raised my hand and dispelled the illusion on the ring that made it invisible. The polished metal glinted in the afternoon sun. 


"Oh, will you look at that? Almost forgot I had it on." 


"It suits you…" Hummed Markus. 


"Mindedness aside, how would you two like to attend a wedding and the birth of your niece?" 


"Niece?" Markus and William spoke at the same time.


"Well, seeing that there's three of us and being your 'father' is just plain fucking weird I figured me may as well be brothers so that my daughter can have uncles." 


"So our name will continue on?" Markus asked. 


"Why wouldn't it? Corvinus blood flows through all of our veins and the same goes for my daughter." 


"I just figured that you'd change your name to avoid the taboo that has been placed upon it. As Lord Corvinus you certainly have the power to do so." William said with a tired sigh.


"It's a name, one I'm proud to carry. Besides, how would I redeem our House if I changed the name I was trying to redeem?" 


"Fair point… so when do we leave?" 


"As soon as I return from visiting Amelia. You need not pack anything, everything will be provided for once we arrive." 


The two nodded before turning to return back to the estate. They spoke quietly between each other about what to expect from the wedding and birth. I even heard the whispered mentions of a wedding gift. 


'Tia? Fancy a flight to the Nordic Coven again?'  


'Did you need to ask?'  


Tiamat burst from my arm and I jumped on. Two flaps of her powerful wings later and we were thousands of feet in the sky flying north. With my new levels Tiamat clearly also grew in power. Sure her stats only displayed an HP and an MP but I was positive that I would find hidden stats if I actually looked. She was fast, not as fast as I was on land, but she was fast. Faster than you'd think possible for a dragon of her size. From tail to snout she was over two hundred feet and at nearly a hundred feet tall, she was in essence, a flying artillery cannon. Yet she still flew at near Mach speeds. From the Carpathian Mountains we reached the Norwegian coast in less than ten minutes. She was circling over the Coven's castle in the time it takes for a cup of ramen to cook. 


'Stay up here, I'll go see if I can find Amelia. Let's try and keep things discrete here.'  


'So no flaming entrance?'  


'No flaming entrance. Well, maybe a little. I'll be back Tia.'  


I jumped off her back and flashed away in a burst of flames. I reappeared in the pool room which I was pleased to discover was empty. Spotting a spare white fur coat I threw it over my simple tunic and breeches before walking out. I fought a smirk from my showing as I walked past a few vampires unnoticed. I caught Amelia's scent and followed it to the courtyard where I found her playing with a boy. 


'That must be David.' 


Amelia stiffed as if she noticed that I was watching her. She whispered something to her son and the boy ran off in the opposite direction. Amelia stood and I saw her shoulders tense.


"If you're here to kill me, please. Spare my son." 


'The fuck?' I thought, before speaking out loud. "Amelia it's me, why the hell would I want to kill you?" 


Amelia spun around and released a drawn out sigh of relief. She visibly sagged and looked at me, almost pleadingly. 


"Balthazar, what are you doing here?" She asked calmly. 


"Visiting to invite you to my wedding and possibly witness the birth of my child, but it sounds to me like you've got some people after you. Who are they and who do I have to kill?" 


"It's nothing, I'll handle it on my own." She said dismissively. 


"Amelia, I just came from Markus and Williams estate. They told me that they felt my return because they're my 'progeny'. You are in that same category. So please, save me the time and tell me what's going on." 


She sighed before nodding, "Alright, it's the Eastern Coven. They've all but demanded that I hand my son over to them, the regent I appointed has usurped my seat and disposed of the council. Thomas was killed when he held them back while David and I escaped." 


"Let me guess, your regent's name is Semira?" 


"How do you know?" She asked in mild alarm. 


"I have my way. I take it that they've sent out assassins already?" 


Amelia nodded, "Twice already, they've snuck past the castle guard."


"One more question before I deal with the lot of them; is there anyone there you'd spare?" 


She paused for a moment before shaking her head. "None that I can think of, anyone loyal to me has already fled or been executed for not supporting Semira's reign." 


"Fantastic, that'll make burning the whole place to the ground much easier. How many vampires are I left in that coven?" 


"Less than a thousand… what do you mean by 'burn the whole place to the ground'?" She asked. 


"I mean it in the literal sense Amelia. Once I'm done with them only ash will remain." 


Before she could sidetrack me further from planning the slaughter I had in mind I teleported back onto Tiamat's saddle and took a breath of cold night air. 


'Let's go commit arson Tia.'  


Tiamat roared in approval as we flew towards the direction of the Eastern Coven. Finding the property was easy since vampires in this world seemed to hate moving around. The mansion, or in this case sprawling estate, was exactly where it was in the alternate future I was from. Tiamat and I flew high enough not to be spotted and while we hovered I spun the wheel on how I would raze the coven to the ground. Tia insisted on roasting them all with her fire, and while that would have been entertaining it wouldn't be satisfying and I wasn't sure I'd get any exp out of it. Earthquake powers would be able to collapse the building down on everyone but again, it wouldn't give the same satisfaction. I felt like a total psychopath, here I was planning on committing mass murder without a care in the world. Finally I decided that it was best not to draw it out, I still had things to do and emulating a dragonlord from GRR Martin's world made me feel kind of dirty. 


I poured a large amount of my MP into a massive ball of black flames and launched it at the Coven home. The ball of flames shot forth like a missile and impacted the roof. A sound reminiscent of a seismic charge from Star Wars. It was a VERY satisfying sound. The shockwave reached Tiamat where it ruffled my clothes a bit from her back. The notification sound pulled me away from the trance-like state I had been in while staring at the burning wreak. 


Hidden Quest Completed


'Fall of the Eastern Coven'

The Eastern Coven have overstepped their bounds. As Lord Corvinus teach them the error of their ways. 


Eliminate Semira: Complete

Kill at least 30 Vampires with Fire: Complete

Destroy 50% of the Property: Complete


Eliminate Everyone Without Taking Damage: Complete 

Only Use One Skill: Complete



Random Legendary Perk

500,000 EXP

Dawn (GoT)


'Must be that 120 luck stat… everything convenient just fell into place. That's absolutely absurd, then again my life is anything but normal.' 


I checked on the perk I got and scoffed, all things considered it was almost useless but I could see the potential it carried. 


Magic: (HP Edition)

You can now cast spells from the Harry Potter universe. You are only limited to the spells you know, casting an unknown spell will cause a random effect to happen. Spells are as strong as however much MP you put behind each spell. Spells cast with wands are more precise and accurate. Wandlessly cast spells while powerful are less accurate and consume more MP.


I hummed as I read through the description. I didn't know if I counted as a 'magical' since technically I was a demon if my stats were an accurate description. Magic also didn't really appeal to me since I already had a plethora of Skills that could do everything spells could do and more. That said, the thought of being able to alter reality around me even if it was only temporarily made me want to cackle like a demented idiot.


I took out my other Reward and whistled at the beauty of the sword. The greatsword in my hand faintly glowed an ethereal white. I could almost smell how sharp the blade was. The pommel was a stylized sun, polished til it reflected the glow from the sword. The handle was wrapped in black leather with ridges to add grip. While the blade lacked the ripples like Dark Sister I knew it would be just as effective in cutting people in half. The whole sword was about five feet in length and around four inches wide towards the crossguard. Carrying it on my back in a scabbard would made me feel silly so I kept it in my Inventory while Dark Sister remained on my side. I nudged Tiamat to start flying back to the Nordic Coven as I browsed the Gamer Store for an appropriate wand to supplement my new perk. I saw that the Elder Wand was still available to purchase. Depending on what version of the wand it was, the one billion price tag was well worth it. I had the money to burn so with a shrug I purchased it and felt it appear in my Inventory. Summoning it to my hand I looked at the slender length of wood. It looked exactly like it was in the movies which wasn't much to go on. I cast Observe on it and read the information that popped up. 


Elder Wand (Relic):

One of the three Deathly Hallows, crafted by the primordial being Death. Spells cast with this wand are 200% more effective. The Elder Wand grants its wielder the magical knowledge of all its previous owners. The wand is indestructible and can be summoned to the owner's hand no matter the distance. 


'Huh… that's nifty.' 


I felt a tendril of magic brush against my hand from the wand. Grabbing hold of the tendril I felt a connection snap into place and shivered as thousands of spells etched themselves into my mind. Gamer's Mind didn't stop the influx of information so I assumed that it wasn't harmful. When the 'download' completed I chuckled at one of the spells I had learned. Apparently one of the wands previous owners was a deviant as they had invented a bunch of kinky spells. The thought of some wizard or witch using an artifact made by Death for such a specific task was hilarious to me. 


I gave it a few test waves and frowned when nothing happened. Narrowing my eyes I focused on what I wanted to happen before flicking the wand again. An honest to god lightning bolt burst from the wand crackling through the air. I felt the wand recoil in my hand from the force of the blast and grinned. I had poured 10,000 MP into that spell. The bolt traveled through the air before impacting the side of a mountain hundreds of feet below where I was flying. I saw rocks explode from the mountainside and gaped at the destruction. 


'Maybe I should tone down the magic.' 


'What was that?' Tiamat asked. 


'Nothing Tia, just testing out a new toy.' I replied. 


I glanced at the wand before promptly returning it to my inventory. The 'return to user' ability the wand had was practically pointless with my inventory. Though I guess it would be useful in situations where I couldn't access my inventory. Tiamat landed outside the castle ground a few minutes later and jumped back into my tattoo. Amelia was already waiting for me with a child in her arms. 




Amelia nodded, I put my hand on her shoulder and teleported us to the Corvinus villa where Markus and William were also waiting. In another burst of flames we were back in Lucian and Sonja's home. I grabbed the couple and their daughter before and with a thought jumped back to my world. A fair amount of gasping and gagging later everyone got their bearings and looked at me. 


"Alright, two options. We can teleport again or-" 


"No! No more teleporting. It's unpleasant, I'd rather not lose my lunch." Wheezed Lucian. 


"It's not that bad…" 


I received several glares in response. "Alright fine, I guess it's a little disorienting. Flying it is then. Tia would you mind?" 


"Who's Tia-"


Tiamat burst from my arm and snorted a plume of smoke at William who gulped at the sight of the massive dragon. 


"Tia, or Tiamat, my daughter." 


The dragon let out a rumble which I took as her 'greeting' everyone. 


'The wolf smells like he would make a good meal father.'  


'Let's not eat anyone Tia.'  


'Very well, I shall carry them then.'  


"Alright, she's agreed to carry everyone over. I'll meet you all at my home." 


"Wait you're not coming with us?" Lucian asked. 


"I have to wrap up some business here, Tia will take you back to my home across the sea."


"Across th- that'll take a while." Markus said with a frown. 


"You're underestimating just how fast Tiamat can fly, she'll get you there in an hour tops. I'll see you later." 


Giving them a wave I flashed away in a burst of fire before they could ask anymore questions. I reappeared back in the hallway of the hotel and walked over to my room. I couldn't hear Selene or Lena arguing anymore so I carefully opened the door and peeked inside. Both women were standing side by side giving me identical looks. 


"Where the hell have you been?" Snapped Selene. 


"I would also like to know the answer to this." Lena added. 




"Don't give me that look, you're up to something." Selene huffed before crossing her arms. 


"It's nothing bad… I promise." I gave her a reassuring smile. 


My words didn't seem to assuage Selene who raised an eyebrow. Lena mirrored Selene and crossed her arms too. She gave me a glare and turned to Selene. 


"Is he always like this?" She asked. 


"Unfortunately…" Selene sighed "So, where have you been." 


"Fine, spoilsport. I gathered some people to celebrate Lina's birth." 


"And who are these people you gathered?" 


"Just a few old friends from another world." I replied. 


Selene let out another sigh. "You do realize that if this worlds Lucian sees Sonja-"


"That it'll be awkward? Yeah, I know. That's why I sent that Lucian on a little trip, a vacation if you will." 




Lena was looking back and forth between us. 


"I sent Lucian out on an extended vacation in another world." 


"Why, pray tell, would you do that? What if he gets killed?" 


"Oh relax, he'll be fine. The world he's in is relatively harmless." 


"I'm sorry, but did you say you sent Lucian, the first Lycan, to another world?" Lena interjected. 


"Yeah, sparkly vampires and everything." I grinned. 


"You did not." Selene glared at me. 


"I think he'll find it entertaining that that world's incarnation of him is- or I guess was a vampire." 


Selene rolled her eyes, "Fine, let's just go. Your guests probably already arrived." 


"Oh yeah, they're riding my dragon so they should already be there." 




I teleported us back to my home before Selene could go on another tirade. 


[Scene Break]


As it happens, they had arrived before we did. Lucian was kissing the ground while Sonja and Serana comforted him. William looked a little green, Markus seemed to be alright. Amelia was cooing at David who was babbling happily at Tiamat who was eating up the attention she was getting. 

She had also shrunk down to the size of a horse, an ability I didn't know she had. While Selene took Lena to greet the guests I walked over to Tiamat and spoke with her. 


'Since when could you shrink?'  


'I just discovered this ability today father, it seems that I have a multitude of skills along with it.'  


She demonstrated, turning nearly invisible by camouflaging herself and teleporting behind me. 


'Huh, that could be very handy when we have to sneak up on prey.' 


'I was of the same mind…' She jumped back into my tattoo. 


The dragon tattoo swirled a bit before settling, I turned to my guests and smiled. 


"Alright then, let's get everyone situated." 


Selene and Lena spoke in hushed whispers, strangely enough they got along now whereas before they had been almost at each other's throats. Everyone else from the past looked around my home marveling at the modern fixtures. I had almost forgotten that suddenly going from medieval Europe to modern day America must have been utterly strange for them. The kids got along well, David was being held by Serana while he babbled incoherently. If I didn't know any better, from the way she was nodding along and replying, I'd say that Serana not only understood but was having a full on conversation with the small toddler. 


"Everything should be set, I'll get the food out and we can all start by going around and giving an update on how our lives have been." 


Selene looked at me strangely, "You have no idea what you're doing do you?" 


"Not a god damn clue…" 


She rolled her eyes, "Well, seeing that this is supposedly a celebration for my baby I'll start


"I just want to thank you all for being here, no doubt my mate has dragged you away from your very busy lives to be here. I also want to introduce Lena, who insists that she is to be my 'sister wife'." 


'Huh, so she's still on the fence about that… I'm not even sure how to feel myself. I've always been a monogamous sort of man, this will be a whole new experience.' 


"I guess most of us already know each other so there's no need to introduce ourselves. We would like to congratulate the soon to be parents." 


I nodded at Lucian and Sonja, Markus stepped forward with William behind him. 


"This marks the rebirth of our family name, something genuinely worth celebrating. My brother and I do not have much to offer as gifts but should you ever need anything just say the word and we will stand by your side." 


"Us too." Added Sonja. 


"Fantastic, I was planning on making Lucian and Sonja here our daughter's Godparents." 


Selene glared at me, "My Dearest, I think that sort of thing needs to be discussed between the parents first before you go off making the decision on your own." 


"Right… but do you know any better candidates?" 


She frowned, for a second I thought that I had fucked up again and she was going to go off on a rant but Selene just sighed. 


"Fine, I guess you're right. How will this work though, they live in a whole different world?" 


"Huh, I hadn't thought that far ahead…" 


"Of course." She sighed again before shooting another glare at the other men who had been stifling their chuckles. 


"She's right, I can't ask you all to uproot your lives like that." 


"William and I don't mind moving here." Markus interjected. 


"What about their counterparts in this world?" Amelia asked. 


"Dead, unfortunately. They were too far gone." 


The brother shuddered at the mention of their counterparts deaths. The two shared a look before turning back to me. 


"May we ask who killed them?" 


"Me, or I guess Selene and I." 


"Thank you, that is all we wish to know. At the very least it was family that ended our suffering in this world. I have a suspicion as to why we were too far gone here." 


I put a hand on Markus' shoulder, "You are not them, and they are not you. Whatever they did you haven't done and won't ever do. At least I can hope that you won't descend into madness." 


"That I can promise, with William free I can focus on fighting the wrongs we've caused. Maybe make a few amends with the covens here." 


Selene winced at those words and Markus noticed. 


"Unfortunately that won't be a possibility. The Nordic Coven is all that is left, all the others have fallen and I recently wiped out the Eastern Coven for their misstep." 


Selene glanced at me gratefully when I drew the attention away from her reaction. 


"That is truly unfortunate, maybe we can rebuild anew and repurpose ourselves. We are immortal after all." Markus sighed. 


"That's a fantastic idea, Selene and I were planning on taking an extended honeymoon in another world so we'd need people we trust to look over this world while we're away." 


"You can leave that task to us then." William said with a nod. 


"Lucian and I can't stay, we have lives back in our own world." Sonja said. 


"As I've said, I won't force you to change the way you live." 


"David and I cannot stay either, though it is ju-" 


"I understand Amelia, you are free to return home. Now enough of this dreary conversation. Let's get back to the festivities."


The 'baby shower' went on for hours, Selene and Lena went off together to talk. William and Markus found my dungeon entertaining. Amelia watched Serana and David play in the garden while Sonja and Lucian enjoyed the modern comforts of my home, mainly the theater room. Lucian was a bit disturbed when I showed him Twilight. Sonja laughed when Aro came on screen pointing out that Lucian bore an uncanny resemblance to the character. 


Eventually everyone who wanted to return home was dropped back off in their respective worlds mere hours from the time they left. Markus and William bid me farewell before leaving to go search for the Corvinus Villa if it still stood. Selene, Lena, and I sat in the library silently waiting for someone to start talking. I sighed and decided that I may as well address the elephant in the room. 


"So, how will this work?" 


"How will what work?" 


"This," I gestured between the three of us. "How will this work? Will you two share me or is there going to be a schedule?" 


"Hardly… we'll have a schedule first. I'm not sure I'm completely comfortable sharing my bed with a woman yet." Selene said. 


"I-" Lena started. 


"What, you had other plans?" 


She looked at Selene, "As the second 'wife' I will respect your decision." 


Selene nodded, "Good, now we need to talk about where we're going." 


"What do you mean?" I had been watching the two of them like a ping pong match. 


"I mean, where we're going and if we're all going with you." 


"Of course you're all going with me. What kind of a question is that?" 


"Blake, I appreciate the sentiment but one of us has to stay to watch over your home." 


"Then the choice is obvious, I will stay." Lena spoke softly. 


"Are you sure?" I asked. 


"Yes, I have other duties I need to finish in the north before I can fully move here." 


"Very well then, now that that's out of the way let's get some rest. It's been a long day." 


The two of them nodded in agreement before following me out of the room. Lena bid Selene and I 'goodnight' and went to the room she had picked out. I crawled into bed after a quick shower and looked up at the ceiling. So much had happened in the short time that I had been in this world, I had gotten the opportunity to actually enjoy my life for once and I couldn't have been more happy with the outcome. I felt Selene slide under the covers next to me, her arm snaked over my chest as she snuggled into my side. Her breathing was slow and calm. Placing a kiss on her forehead I held her close. Her breathing eventually changed as she drifted off into sleep, I wasn't far behind.


I woke up to Selene frantically shaking me awake. My eyes shot open and looked around the room for a threat. When I found none my attention was back to her and the fact that the bed felt wet. 


"The baby is coming." She gasped. 


[Scene Break]


I was not prepared to deliver a baby… much less twins. Regardless of that fact, I was now a father. Aurora and Luna were born nearly splitting images of their mother. Only Aurora had inherited my dark brown hair. They had hardly been in the world for less than three hours and they already had me wrapped around their fingers. While Selene rested, she also hadn't expected to be the mother of twins, so I took the girls to my pocket dimension. The two babbled excitedly as I carried them, they pointed at different things before giggling and patting my shoulder to get my attention. I'd explain what they were pointing at and they'd nod as if they understood. 


'These are my sisters?' Tiamat asked. 


'They are, I will need you to watch over them when I can't. I understand now why people say that fatherhood changes you. I would declare war on the whole world for these two.'  


'As would I father… Can I meet them in person?'  


'They may as well meet their big sister.' I sighed. 


Tiamat jumped from my tattoo and appeared in front of me. The twins stared wide eyed at her hulking form. Luna pointed at Tiamat. 


"Bwig wagon papa." 


My head nearly came off when I snapped over to look at her. That wasn't a first word, he'll she was hours old, children don't usually start talking until a few years in and that's with single words. Yet here was my daughter SPEAKING in almost coherent sentences. I didn't know if I should have felt elated or scared that she was developing so fast. Aurora nodded along with her sister. 


"Bwig wagon…" 


Finally I snapped, I let the two girls down and started cracking up. Tiamat, the massive dragon that could vaporize mountains, was being called a 'bwig wagon'. When I finally composed myself I looked up and saw my daughters giggling excited while they clung onto Tiamat's snout. Tiamat seemed entertained at the fact that two small kids were using her head as a jungle gym. There was a flash of light that almost blinded me. I heard three thumps followed by shocked yelps. I opened my eyes again and sighed. There were now three girls giggling and laughing. I felt like the butt end of a cosmic joke when I recognized the newest arrival. Raven black hair, red eyes, two stubby black horns growing out of her head. It was the scaly tail swishing back and forth that really got the point across. 




"I don't know how it happened… I just wanted to play with them on equal ground so I tried to shrink. Only, now I'm human… well, mostly human." 


Tiamat scooped up Luna in her arms while Aurora jumped onto her tail and giggled excitedly as she was deposited onto Tiamat's back. Tiamat's human form looked around thirteen years old, fitting for a big sister. 


"Well, this'll make things easier I guess. More crap to explain to Selene and now Lena too I guess." 


I watched my daughters play together for a few more hours. Missing the fact that I had wholeheartedly accepted Tiamat as my own daughter. She may as well have been my blood born daughter. With how she had come into the world. Explanations were going through my head. I didn't want Selene nor Lena to think that I had seduced a dragon and got a half dragon daughter out of it. 


'I think just getting to the point and being upfront with it will be the best course of action. They already know about Tiamat so telling them that the big dragon they had seen before had gained a human form wouldn't be that hard to believe.' 


After a bit more time I wanted to get things over with so I called the girls over and brought us back to the outside world where Selene was speaking with Lena. She looked like she had already recovered. Tiamat handed me the twins who I held in each arm while she walked forward to introduce herself. I beat her to the punch though and introduced her before she could say something that would set Selene off. 


"Love, this is Tiamat. Who until recently was  a dragon but has gained a human form." 


Selene blinked, Lena stared, Tiamat looked between the two of them before bowing her head at Selene. 


"Greeting mother." 




"Yes, Blake is my father. He hatched my egg, you are his mate. That makes you my mother." 


Selene looked gobsmacked, her eyes kept darting between Tiamat and I. Lena looked amused I couldn't fault her for that. 


"I- fine whatever, what's one more daughter." Selene finally said. 


'Huh, she took that better than I expected and I didn't even say anything. Though that look on her face says that she wants to corner me later to either jump my bones or go off on a tangent about how strange my life, and in turn hers has gotten.' 


"Blake, what's the plan?" She asked. 


"Well, I was planning on taking this entire house in my pocket dimension but I don't even know where to begin with that. Everything is pretty much finished on this end, everyone can just hop in my pocket dimension and I'll jump us to another world." 


"Just like that?" Lena had a look of bemusement. 


"Just like that, I don't plan on dallying for too long." I replied. 


"Where are we going to?" 


"I thought it would be nice to visit my original world first." 


"Your original world?" Lena asked. 


"Damn, I forgot to explain that to you. I'll do that when we get there. For now everyone grab on." 


The two women shrugged and took an shoulder each. Tiamat disappeared in a flash of light and reappeared on my arm in her dragon form. Luna and Aurora cheered excitedly. In the blink of an eye everyone was back in my pocket dimension looking around. Lena looked the most intrigued by the small world I had created. Selene looked around before glancing at me. 


"You've been busy." 


"Well, I had a bit of spare time while you and Lena handled your differences." 


Which wasn't really untrue, I did have a bit of time but I spent that time slaughtering idiots over creating my dimension. I handed our daughters over to Selene who took them with a smile on her face. I walked over to a patch of trees and with a snap of my finger turned the land into an even plot of land. Another snap caused a modestly sized home to appear though it was bare and had no furnishings. I jumped back to the outside world and moved some furniture from the mansion to my inventory. Moments later those pieces were placed around the recently created home. Lena had gone to explore while Selene was now sitting on the floor playing with Luna and Aurora. I couldn't help but to smile at the image. The big scary Death Dealer, now playing peak-a-boo with our twin daughters. 


I jumped back to the outside world taking one last look at the gloomy landscape that had become my home in the past year. Letting out a sigh I opened my system and navigated to the world jump menu. Finding the world that I wanted I clicked on my choice and pressed confirm. 


"Here's to the next adventure."