
Gaming In The Underworld

I pulled an Elvis… not in a cool ‘I have an amazing singing voice and I’m suave as fuck’ kind of way. No sir not me. I pulled an Elvis in the most embarrassing of ways. I somehow died while sitting on a toilet dropping the fattest deuce. Now I’ve got letters floating in front of me telling me I died. That’s not why I’m angry though, I’m not even mad at the embarrassing way I died I’m mad at the fact that ‘You Died’ was in Comic Sans. Fucking Comic Sans! *All recognisable characters belong to their respective owners. I only own the OCs* *Status: Complete

Vargr_the_Skald · 映画
14 Chs

I Got The Magic In Me

When Selene found out that Amelia, the vampire elder, would be coming back the month after I had revealed the truth about Viktor, she scrapped the plans we had made and began brainstorming a new plan. 


During that time I had gone back to the Lycan hideout to speak with Lucian and to try and get him to hold off on the attack against the vampires. He needed the blood of an elder vampire for the 'hybrid' program that Singe, his scientist, was working on. 


"I see you've accepted the gift, though I can smell that you are a different kind of Lycan all together." 


'He can smell that? Must be an experience thing. I still can't tell the difference between a pile of shit and ripe garbage.' 


"It must have something to do with the Corvinus blood that runs through my system. When I first transformed I found myself to be larger than normal." 


"I see, and the weakness to silver?" 


"As far as I'm aware, it's still a problem for me too. I for one am not willing to test it just yet." 


"And your vampire mate? I can smell her on you. Have you spoken with her about your condition?" 


"Not outright, she knows my status as a Lycan, and about my relation to Alexander Corvinus, but she doesn't know about my potential to become a hybrid." 


"Why haven't you told her if I may ask?" Lucian sounded genuinely curious. 


"I- When I first transformed it was to save her from what looked like rogue Lycans who have a grudge on vampires." 


Lucian frowned at the mention of rogues in his ranks. "What happened to these rogues ?" 


"I was forced to deal with them… they had beaten her quite badly and she was bleeding from multiple wounds. I apologize for their deaths. I would have tried to find another way if she hadn't been in danger." 


"No, you need not apologize. I have given an order for everyone to stand down and to lay low while we wait for Amelia to arrive. They were not acting on my orders, and I know the feeling…" 


'He called Selene my mate. I wonder if Sonja was his. There's certainly a lot of parallels that can be drawn between Lucian, Sonja, Selene, and I.' 


"I'm afraid that's what I'm here for," Lucian sighed before looking at me to continue. "Selene, she's making a plan. One that will avoid all the unnecessary death." 


"And what is this plan?" 


"Don't know yet, it will probably involve baiting Viktor into making a move after waking him prematurely." 


"Sounds like a feasible plan, keep me informed. While it is true that I want my vengeance realized as soon as possible, I also do not want to needlessly risk the lives of more Lycans to achieve it." 


"I will do so once the plans have been finalized, I had another question. One you may very well be the only one that can answer." 


"Oh? What could you possibly need to know that I haven't told you already." 


"It relates to the pendant you wear." He looked shocked. "I know what it is, for the moment it isn't important. What I wanted to know is if you still remember where Viktor's old fortress stands." 


"It's been many years since I've thought about that cursed place. It may very well be submerged underwater now." 


I pulled out my phone which Lucian eyed carefully. I had purchased a Multiversal phone that worked anywhere and everywhere. It also happens to look like the latest iPhone. Something that doesn't exist in this world. 


"This device has a map feature. If you could, I'd ask you to highlight the general area of where you remember the fortress to be and I'll figure out the rest." 


Lucian nodded and examined the phone. He looked a bit awed as the map moved around with a touch of his fingers. He zoomed into a spot at the edge of a lake somewhere in Hungary and pointed at it. 


"There, unless it's moved in the last few centuries Viktor's fortress should still be there." 


"Thank you, I will be back once we have sorted out the plans to move against Viktor." 


Lucian nodded and walked out of his study and made my way back out into the subway. An hour later I was back in my home, I had given the staff a month long vacation so that they wouldn't be caught in whatever fallout came should our plan succeed. This left me alone in the massive mansion while Selene did her thing to keep her cover. 


She had gone back to the coven yesterday evening with a falsified story as to why she had snuck out of the mansion and why she had failed to return. Needless to say, Kraven had not taken kindly to her 'slight' and had confined her to her room. I was now flying blind as I had derailed the story quite spectacularly. 


I had given Selene a secondary phone that I had biolocked to her so that no one else would be able to use it. She had been trying to figure out how the messaging function worked. The phone in my pocket dinged and I took it out to read the message. 


VAMP BÆ 🧛🏻♀️❤️: i convinced Kraven that you were being trailed by Lycans. 


Blake: good, let me know if you need me to come save you. 


VAMP BÆ 🧛🏻♀️❤️: No I will be fine


VAMP BÆ 🧛🏻♀️❤️: typing…


Blake: Lucian is on board with the plan


VAMP BÆ 🧛🏻♀️❤️: we need to talk soon. I'll come see you after Viktor is awake. 

'That's never a good sign.' 


The panic was subdued by Gamer's Mind. I took a breath before looking at Selene's last message. Sighing I opened my UI and pulled up the ID tab. Chucking my phone into my inventory I entered the Angel Dungeon and took out the Muramasa katana and got into my stance as the first mobs started to spawn. 


'Time to blow off some steam and calm down before I freak out over what's possibly nothing.' 


I parried a slash and beheaded my opponent. Another took its place and attempted to run me through with a spear of light. Using the handle of my sword I blocked and redirected the lunge into the ground. Using a downward slash I bisected the Angel from head to groin in a single swing. 


'Why am I even getting all worried for. We're not even technically dating. We fucked once, that doesn't mean she's my girlfriend… Well, Lucian did call her my mate. But that's besides the point. I'm acting like a total simp. I'll have to reign it in.' 


Dodging a slash I stabbed the Angel through the eye with the katana. It would be a while but I would max my own level too. Just in case the game decides that it hates me and Viktor gets some truly broken stats. 


'It'll be my luck… I'll have to fight him either way but I'd rather that I was much stronger. There's no point in letting my ass get kicked for the sake of keeping the plot as canon as it could be. Besides, canon went out the window as soon as I got into this world.' 


I set Gamer's Mind to its max setting and focused on the dance of death I was performing. Slash, parry, block, dodge, stab, repeat. Bodies began to pile around me and I was soaked with blood by the time I had shredded my way through the dungeon. I must have killed the dungeon boss a dozen and a half times before I checked my status.


I already knew that Gamers went above and beyond the norm when it came to raw stats. But seeing my own reach such levels made me realize just how unfair having the system really was. I quickly distributed the points I got evenly to each stat and watched the numbers climb to hilariously obscene heights. 




Name: Blake Corvin

Race: Lycan? Class: Rogue

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral 

Level: 400 Next Level: 0/0 XP

HP: 5,000,000/5,000,000 (1000 per sec)

(200% when transformed)

MP: 500,000/500,000 (500 per sec)

SP: 500,000/500,000 (1000 per sec) 

(200% when transformed)

STR: 500 DMG: 2,500 per hit ( STR/2 x 10 )

Bonus 10% melee damage for every point.

(Current Bonus: 2,500%) 

DEX: 500

Bonus 10% effectiveness for all stealth related skills and sneak attacks for every ten points.

(Current Bonus: 500%)

VIT: 500

END: 500

INT: 500

WIS: 500

Luck: 120


Points Available: 0



Corvinus Bloodline: (Active)(Lycan Gene Added)

As a direct descendant of Alexander Corvinus, the founding father of immortality, your blood contains the unique properties that allow for perfect hybridization. 


Fountain of Youth: (Tainted)

After drinking the blood of Ban (Seven Deadly Sins) you have gained a permanent 4x multiplier to your HP. Since it is impure this perk will disappear in the case that you are completely drained of blood. So long as you have a drop of blood in your body you will keep this perk


Chaotic Neutral: (Archetype) 

You put your own freedoms over the ideals of Good vs. Evil. Nothing comes before your need to be free to do what you please. When faced with opposing factions you are your own side. +10% Rep gain from neutral factions. 


Corvinus Strain Lycan: (Pureblood)(Alpha)

Being descended from Alexander Corvinus your blood has adapted the werewolf virus to ignore the usual racial debuffs. Your blood status grants you the ability to transform at will. Should you be infected with the vampire virus you will turn into a hybrid capable of harnessing the power of both races without the weaknesses both races possess. 


Call of the Night:

As a creature of darkness you gain a 10% increase in all Rep gain with vampires and werewolves. You also gain a 100% boost in all stats from dusk till dawn. 



I tried to remember how my HP, SP, and MP were calculated when I noticed the discrepancy. Not wanting the math induced headache I shrugged and scanned through my perks. The new perk guaranteed a little faster development in my standing with both factions. The little boost in stats also ensured that I would practically be unbeatable when it came to fighting people when the sun was out. Pulling up my skills list I scanned through and dismissed the tab when I didn't see any new skills. Seeing the opportunity to finally shift classes again I pulled up the class list and selected mage. 


I didn't expect another menu to open up and display a list of subcategories in the mage class. 






[Blood Mage][Necromancer][Chronomancer]




I figured each class would be as the name implied. I also knew from my experience in RPG games that mage classes had different spells that were exclusive to each subclass. I also didn't want to risk losing my levels by jumping in blindly. Still, the concept of being able to shoot lightning and fuck with time we're very tempting. An interesting thing I had noticed was that I didn't need to unlock each subclass and that I could choose whatever one I wanted. I assumed that I would still need to reach the max level for each class before I could go back and pick a new subclass. 


'Fuck it, elemental powers is too good to pass up.'


Once I confirmed my choice I felt something in my core shift. My vision darkened for a moment before it returned to normal. Soon I realized that I could literally feel the air currents around me and the ground beneath my feet. I pulled up my stats again for the second time but an unexpected message popped up before my stats were displayed. 




System Updated

Classes Patched 




"What the shit?"


I scanned my stats and sighed in relief when I noticed that nothing had changed other than a new class label denoting that I was an Elementalist instead of a Rogue. 



Name: Blake Corvin

Race: Lycan? Class: Mage [Elementalist]

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral 

Level: 400 Next Level: 0/0 Xp

Class Level: 1 Next Level: 0/1,000 Xp

HP: 5,000,000/5,000,000 (1000 per sec)

(200% when transformed)

MP: 500,000/500,000 (1000 per sec)

SP: 500,000/500,000 (1000 per sec) 

(200% when transformed)

STR: 500 DMG: 2,500 per hit ( STR/2 x 10 )

Bonus 10% melee damage for every point.

(Current Bonus: 2,500%) 

DEX: 500

Bonus 10% effectiveness for all stealth related skills and sneak attacks for every ten points.

(Current Bonus: 500%)

VIT: 500

END: 500

INT: 500

WIS: 500

Luck: 120




It seemed instead of starting back at zero I had gained a secondary level for the class and the primary level was only for my race which begged the question; 


'Does this mean that if I become a hybrid or a vampire that I would start back at level 1 again?' 


Checking my system I scrolled over to the section containing the race change menu and noticed that they, who ever they were, had indeed changed the racial status change. They had even updated the name of the option though in my honest opinion it still sounded a bit wrong. 




Change Race:

Change the Player race to a race previously unlocked by the player. The player's level will reset if they pick a recently unlocked race. (Note: Forced changes not managed by system will not reset the Player level) 

Races Unlocked:





I noticed that Lycan and werewolf were two separate races and wondered why until I remembered a little tidbit about the lore regarding Lycans in the movie. I selected the werewolf class and read the class description. 



A subcategory to the Lycan class, werewolves are humans that cannot shift back to their human form. The player is an exception to this as the player can change their race back to 'human' once they reach the level cap for the werewolf class. However until that time the player character will be stuck in a transformed state while they are in this class. All their skills and perks will also be unavailable while in this state. 


'Holy fuck I dodged a bullet with that one… thank fuck that I didn't just pick werewolf before reading the description.' 


The other classes weren't displayed despite my knowledge of their existence, I assumed that they would eventually become available once I finished quests that gave them out as rewards.


'I wonder if I had Selene bite me if that would turn me into a hybrid… sometime I wish you could speak UI, even if I do hate AI and sentient snarky systems.' 


As if it read my mind a new screen popped up and I frowned. 




Activate IAS?

(Interactive Adaptive System)






I weighed the pros and cons of having a sentient system. On one hand I wouldn't have to constantly dig for information on new things, but on the other I could potentially gain a sentient system that annoys the living shit out of me. The way the notifications was worded heavily implied that I could deactivate the system. With that in mind I cautiously selected yes and sighed in relief at the next display that appeared. Making the proper adjustments I looked at the settings menu and nodded appreciatively. 




IAS Settings:

Personality (on)

Gender (female)

Humor (80%)

Sarcasm (0%)

Adaptability (on)

Voice commands (on)



'Testing testing, system check.' 


All systems running at 100% functionality, no faults detected. Greeting Player.


'Fantastic, time to test out a few things' "Stats."


Displaying Player Stats for Blake Corvin


I watched as my stats were brought up without me having to navigate through the UI. It didn't save me a whole lot of time, but the few seconds it did save me would be valuable when I was in a rush. 


"Can anyone else hear you?"


Negative, Player only the system host and party members will be able to hear me. Mental commands also work the same as vocal commands. 


'Fantastic. I don't want to seem like a loon talking to myself in public. Also could you call me Blake? Calling me a 'Player' sounds like you're calling me a-' 


Player, or slang for someone who is overly promiscuous when it comes to relationships according to the Urban Dictionary definition. 


I could have sworn that the female voice sounded smug for some reason. I frowned and sent out another mental command. 


'System, lower the humor to 60%. That was too snarky for my liking.'


Affirmative, lowering humor down to 70%.


'I'm guessing you do not have a name? Would you like one?' 


Oh yes please master, give me a name Uwu. *Blushes*


'Did you just fucking…' I took a deep breath. 'Adjust humor to 40%'


Humor set to 40%


'Your name will be Hera. Let's save the jokes and attempts at being funny for when I ask.'


Affirmative, Hera added to the database as a new system name. Joke function set to: on demand of player.


'Thank you Hera, now let's get back to grinding levels.' 


You are welcome Blake, calculating necessary experience requirements for Elementalist class.


Calculations complete, directing to the nearest enemy combatant. 


A minimap opened in the corner of my vision highlighting an area behind a cliff in the dungeon. I smiled and charged forward, my focus back on getting stronger. 

[Scene Break]

Selene took a deep breath, 'After this there won't be going back.' 


She had Viktor's pod out and hidden behind the large marble throne in the Elders Chamber. Now two of the three slots were empty. Amelia's spot as she was still moving around dealing with the other covens, and now Viktor's spot. 


She had half a mind to just kill the ancient vampire then and there while he was still weak and defenseless. She stayed her hand, not out of fear, she wanted to hear him explain his end of the story. What motivated him to slay his own daughter, what made him slaughter her family. 


The things Blake had told her had been too specific and detailed to have been made up. There was also the pull of attraction that drew her to the powerful Lycan who had saved her life. Ideals ingrained into her mind screamed at her that what she felt for Blake was wrong, that their union that day had been an affront to their ways, but another part of her, one that had remained dormant for so long, urged her to follow through and pursue a relationship with Blake even if he was a Lycan. 


Overall, Selene was torn. The man she had seen as a father was the real murderer of her family, and she was falling for a man that was supposed to be her enemy. She truly felt that everything Blake had told her had been true. Yet she still wanted to hear it from Viktor's own mouth before she tore his head off his shoulders at least. 


She bit her wrist and focused on what she wanted Viktor to see through her blood. She included details such as Kraven's shady business dealings, Lucian being alive, but left out the rest. She just needed him to awaken and to out Kraven for what he was. 


Deep in his slumber Viktor felt blood slowly invigorate his desiccated husk. Memories not his own flashed before his eyes. The man he had left in charge meeting with strangers, the same man harassing his daughter in all but blood, finally he saw Selene's plea to right the wrongs that Kraven had committed. Rage surged through his ancient bones. He felt muscle and sinew revive as more blood was pumped into his bloodless body.  


'Soon I will regain my strength, Kraven will suffer me for the treachery he plans, Soon Selene, soon.'  


Selene hooked up the last IV blood bag into Viktor's gray dried out body and snuck her way back out into the hall. She narrowly avoided several patrols as she made her way back to her room. 


'The plan is in motion, all that is left is for me to wait.' 


She pulled out the device that Blake had given her to allow her to communicate with him. She navigated the strange high tech screen and found what Blake had called the 'messenger app'. Tapping a delicate finger on the icon she sent a message to Blake confirming that stage one of their plan was successful. Hardly a moment later the device buzzed and a message from Blake appeared. She looked at it and felt a smile creep onto her face. 

[Scene Break]

A large bolt of lightning left my fingertips and fried an armored Angel. The smoking corpse hit the ground with a thud. Wrinkling my nose at the pungent smell of burnt flesh I checked my progress on the Elementalist class. I was one level away from maxing it out. I had learned that the subclasses of the mage class didn't give out points when I leveled them up. With the disgustingly powerful spells I gained access to I called it a fair trade off. 


Sensing several more enemies rushing at me I charged up another lightning spell and blasted all three at the same time. That awarded me with two new skills that popped up after the notification that told me I had reached the max level for Elementalist. Grinning, I opened the skill notification and whistled at the description of the skills. 




Chain Lightning: (Active) Lvl. 1 (0%) 

Casts a bolt of lightning that jumps from enemy to enemy. Bolt inflicts 50% the casters Max MP in damage for each enemy that is struck. Level increases the amount of enemies spell jumps to. 

Current Jump Chain: 10 enemies. 


Falling Star: (Active) Lvl. 1 (0%)

A combination of the four basic elements, water, air, fire, and earth. A spell that erases everything in the area the spell is cast. Each level increases the area. 

(Current AoE: 100M)

(Cost: 10,000 MP) 




Another set of powerful spells at my disposal. I mentally selected Chain Lightning and grinned when arcs of electricity jumped between my fingers. I deactivated the spell and pulled up my stats. 


Another set of spells that you're going to forget about. *Sigh* 


'Don't make me turn you off, I can just as easily go back to navigating my system by myself you glorified Siri knock off.' 


Sorry boss, I just couldn't help but notice that you don't use most of your skills.


'I don't want to get too reliant on them. I'd rather have them as a fall back plan rather than my main source of power.' 


I see, very well. I'll bring up your stats screen. Afterwards I am to apply an update to your skills function. 


'What is this update?' 


I do not have access to that information


'Fine then I'll figure it out later just let me see my full stat sheet.' 


Displaying Player Stats for Blake Corvin



Name: Blake Corvin

Race: Lycan? Class: Mage [Elementalist]

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral 

Level: 400 Next Level: 0/0 Xp

Class Level: 100 Next Level: 0/0 Xp

HP: 5,000,000/5,000,000 (1000 per sec)

(200% when transformed)

MP: 500,000/500,000 (1000 per sec)

SP: 500,000/500,000 (1000 per sec) 

(200% when transformed)

STR: 500 DMG: 2,500 per hit ( STR/2 x 10 )

Bonus 10% melee damage for every point.

(Current Bonus: 2,500%) 

DEX: 500

Bonus 10% effectiveness for all stealth related skills and sneak attacks for every ten points.

(Current Bonus: 500%)

VIT: 500

END: 500

INT: 500

WIS: 500

Luck: 120

Points Available:



Corvinus Bloodline: (Active)(Lycan Gene Added)

As a direct descendant of Alexander Corvinus, the founding father of immortality, your blood contains the unique properties that allow for perfect hybridization. 


Fountain of Youth: (Tainted)

After drinking the blood of Ban (Seven Deadly Sins) you have gained a permanent 4x multiplier to your HP. Since it is impure this perk will disappear in the case that you are completely drained of blood. So long as you have a drop of blood in your body you will keep this perk


Chaotic Neutral: (Archetype) 

You put your own freedoms over the ideals of Good vs. Evil. Nothing comes before your need to be free to do what you please. When faced with opposing factions you are your own side. +10% Rep gain from neutral factions. 


Corvinus Strain Werewolf: (Pureblood) 

Being descended from Alexander Corvinus your blood has adapted the werewolf virus to ignore the usual racial debuffs. Your blood status grants you the ability to transform at will. Should you be infected with the vampire virus you will turn into a hybrid capable of harnessing the power of both races without the weaknesses both races possess. 



Gamer's Mind: (Passive) Lvl. Max

Protects Player from any and all outside influences. Includes but not limited to, telepathy, legilimency, psychoactive drugs, and brainwashing. Player has the option to temporarily disable this skill at will. 


Gamer's Body: (Passive) Lvl. Max

Allows Player to live life as a video game. All damage only affects HP, physical damage to Players body is negated. 


Observe: (Active) Lvl. Max

While activated Player can discern basic information about the targeted object or creature. 


Dungeon Creation: (Active) 

Creates a dungeon for the Player to train or gain experience and loot. Dungeons available increase with Player Level.


Stick and Stones: (Passive) Lvl. 6 (0%) 

Skills: Unarmed Combat and Blunt Force Trauma absorbed into skill. Gain a bonus 10% damage with fists and non-bladed weapons per level. 

Current Boost: 60%


Explosives Expert: (Passive) Lvl. 1 (0%) 

Formerly EOD. Player gains a 10% bonus per skill level to all explosive damage. 

Current Boost: 10%


Berserker: (Active) Lvl. 1 (0%)

Formerly 'Bigger Fish'. While skill is active Player gets a temporary 10 points to each stat. Points given to each stat increase with skill level. (Cost: 10 SP per min) 

Current Boost: 10 Stat Points 


Overwhelming Aura: (Active) Lvl. 1 (0%) 

Player projects an oppressive aura. Targets in area of effect are intimidated and filled with the sense of dread. 

Area of effect increases with skill level. (Cost: 50 MP per sec) 

Area Affected: 100 feet around Player


Devour: (Active) Lvl. 86 (71%) 

Grants the Player the ability to consume the souls of defeated enemies. Imparts a portion of the enemies level and has the chance to transfer a compatible skill of one is available. (Cost 100 per soul) 

Levels Absorbable: 40

Skills Chance: 25% 


Perfect Cellular Regeneration: (Passive) Lvl. Max

A skill absorbed from the soul of a demon. Grants the Player biological immortality. Non-major wounds heal automatically while more serious wounds heal at an accelerated speed while resting or sleeping. 


Iron Skin: (Active) Lvl. Max 

When active the Player gains a 10% damage resistance buff for every level of the skill. Only applies to physical damage. 

Damage Reduction: 830% (Cost 30 MP per min) 


One Punch: (Active) Lvl. Max 

Obliterate your enemies with a single punch. 

Damage: SP Reliant (Cost Varies on SP) 

Stacks with other skills affecting Unarmed Damage. 


Healing Ray: (Active) Lvl. Max

Casts a healing beam of light that heals the target for 10% of their health for every second it's directed at them. 

(Cost: 1,000 MP per second) 


Shadow Step: (Active) Lvl. Max

While active, Player is rendered invisible to the naked eye. Player will still produce sounds and scents. 

(Cost: 100 SP per second) 


Et tu? Brute?: (Passive) Lvl. Max

Player deals 100% more damage with daggers and short swords. Bonus 200% damage to stabs into the targets back. 


Diminished Presence: (Active) Lvl. Max

While active, Player fades into the background of their surroundings blending in with the crowds. 

(Cost: 10 SP per second)


Fire Storm: (Active) Lvl. Max

Conjures a flaming ring around caster that protects the caster from enemies and those will ill will. Flames will not harm allies and caster. Flames can also be directed to take the form of a beast to attack the casters enemies. 

(Cost: 200,000 MP)


Wind Blade: (Active) Lvl. Max

Sends out a wave of air that acts like a sword.

Damage is half the casters INT stat. Melee stat boosts apply to this skill. 

(Cost: 200 MP per blade)


Sand Castle: (Active) Lvl. Max

Grants caster ability to control sand, each level up allows caster to control more sand. 

(Current sand controllable by caster: 100 tons)

(Cost: 1,000 MP per second) 


Water Prison: (Active) Lvl. Max

Traps the target in an globe of water

(Cost: 4,000 per target) 


Chain Lightning: (Active) Lvl. 1 (0%) 

Casts a bolt of lightning that jumps from enemy to enemy. Bolt inflicts 50% the casters Max MP in damage for each enemy that is struck. Level increases the amount of enemies spell jumps to. 

Current Jump Chain: 10 enemies. 


Falling Star: (Active) Lvl. 1 (0%)

A combination of the four basic elements, water, air, fire, and earth. A spell that erases everything in the area the spell is cast. Each level increases the area. 

(Current AoE: 100M)

(Cost: 10,000 MP) 




'Broken skills… what's not to love?'


I had an issue with Gacha's mainly because they made me feel like a Gary-Stu. Then again, in the stories I've read everyone who's ever gotten a Gamer System exploited it to the point where they became gods or something pretty damn close. I was nowhere near that level yet in my own honest opinion. That was the fun of it. Sure my stats were large numbers with multiple commas and zeros, but I was still relatively weak for a 'Gamer'. If I was to set an average for all the Gamer characters I've encountered in my past life then I would possibly rank somewhere in the middle. 


Pushing those thoughts aside I turned back to my stats before I called out to Hera. 


'At the rate I'm going, how long will it take me to max out all the subclasses?'



Calculation Complete. 

At the rate you are going you will reach level 100 in each subclass in 325 hours, 42 minutes, and 9 seconds. 


'Just a little under two weeks. That's doable, appropriately how much time will elapse in the outside world in that time?'


Around 0.143 seconds 


'Well then, let's get started. The sooner we finish the sooner we can leave.' 

[Time Skip: around 13 and a half days later ID time]

Sweat dropped down my face as I caught my breath after dispatching the last wave of enemies. I mentally commanded Hera to show me my stats now that I had reached the last subclass and subsequently maxed it out. 




Name: Blake Corvin

Race: Werewolf? Class: Mage [Chronomancer]

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral 

Level: 400 Next Level: 0/0 Xp

Class Level: 100 Next Level: 0/0 Xp

HP: 5,000,000/5,000,000 (1000 per sec)

(200% when transformed)

MP: 500,000/500,000 (1000 per sec)

SP: 500,000/500,000 (1000 per sec) 

(200% when transformed)

STR: 500 DMG: 2,500 per hit ( STR/2 x 10 )

Bonus 10% melee damage for every point.

(Current Bonus: 2,500%) 

DEX: 500

Bonus 10% effectiveness for all stealth related skills and sneak attacks for every ten points.

(Current Bonus: 500%)

VIT: 500

END: 500

INT: 500

WIS: 500

Luck: 120




'Good god that's fantastic.' I scanned further down and smiled at the new skills I had also maxed out. From each class.' 


Necrotic Healing: (Active) Lvl. Max

Heals the target for 100% HP. Only works on undead. 

(Cost: 12,000 MP) 


Dead Thrall: (Active) Lvl. Max

Resurrects a dead body as an undead companion. So long as the body is intact enough it can be brought back to life. 

(Cost: 100,000 per body) 


Blood Spear: (Active) Lvl. Max

Creates a spear out of blood. Blood can be the players or a random source. Durability depends on skill level. At max level the spear stays until dispelled by the caster. 

(Cost: 200 MP or HP per spear)


Blood Feast: (Active) Lvl. Max

Your blood enters the target's body and causes the target to explode. Chances of target exploding get lower with depending on their DEX stat. 

(Cost: 30,000 per cast) 


Time Lock: (Active) Lvl. Max

Time stops around the caster, only the caster is unaffected by time stopping. AoE is determined by skill level. 

(Current AoE: 20km)(Cost: 120,000 MP per minute)


Event Horizon: (Active) Lvl. Max

Opposite of Time Lock, caster is frozen in time as the world continues to move. Caster cannot move from the activation spot once skill is active. Caster maintains full awareness and control. 

(Cost: Varies)(100 MP hour skip)(2,400 day skip)


These are quite the set of skills you've collected.

I have an update pending by the way. 


'Update? Didn't you just update?' 


Have a look for yourself


My screen shifted and a new notification popped up. I read the message and sighed in resignation. It seemed that in my rush to gain power I had stumbled onto a secret quest. 


Secret Quest Completed

Quest Power I:

Reach Level 100 in all classes: Completed

Finish in less than one year: Completed

Don't take more than 99% Damage: Complete


Seduce Selene Before 'Evolution': Completed 



Companion Gem: Walter C. Dornez (Hellsing Ultimate)

MK.42 Armor (Ironman 3)

Anakin Skywalker's Lightsaber

System Upgrade


'Fuck me sideways. That's fucked… these rewards are cheats.' 


I believe the reward system is based on a random set number of items. Your luck and the difficulty of the task determine what rewards you may get.


'Well I do have an unnaturally high luck stat. That still hasn't been explained by the way.' 


You have been blessed by a goddess

It was compensation for having accidentally killed you


'That makes sense…' Then it clicked. 'Wait a fucking minute! You said a goddess killed me?!' 


It was an accident




Okay fine I slipped and dropped my slipper on you 


"What?!" I had shouted instead of mentally communicating. The news that I was brained by a fucking slipper pushed me over the line. 


"Hera? What the hell do you mean you dropped your slipper on me?" 


I'm sorry okay! 


System Updating…

System shutting down in 





'Oh fucking no you don't! HERA! What the fuck!' I was booted out of the dungeon and came crashing into my couch. 





System Updating UI access Locked

Update Complete in: [00:23:59]



'Motherfucker! Fine I'll wait 24 hours to chew your ass out' 


I stomped over to my restroom where I proceeded to take a hot shower. Moments later I was wandering around the town looking for something to do to pass the time. Selene hadn't contacted me after her last message. An idea popped into my head. 


'I guess I'll go visit Lucian.' 


The Lycan hideout had grown since I last visited. There were more people now than I remembered there being. I figured that this was the result of me preventing a few things from happening. Mainly Selene going apeshit on their hideout and Lucian sending people to follow me that Selene would have killed. 


I passed by an old man who was attempting to play the flute. The sound almost made me wince as I walked past the flute player. I ran into Raze just as I was about to take the turn into Lucian's office. The man eventually came around the corner dragging a vampire wearing tactical gear. I raised my eyebrows at the sight and fought the urge to glare at the flute playing Lycan who was now playing louder for some reason. 


"Ah! Blake my friend… what brings you back to my humble abode?"


"I've run out of things to do at my place, figured I'd come cover and see if I could lend a hand." 


"Convenient timing, my scouts caught this human sneaking around nearby. I suspect he works for Lorenz Macaro." 


The human being dragged shifted uncomfortably at the mention of the name. 'Interesting reaction.' 


"Who the hell is Lorenz Macaro?" 


Lucian grinned widely. "I think it's an alias. A name he made up somewhere along the way." 


I rolled my eyes at his theatrics. I looked over to Raze who shrugged. 


"Fine, I'll bite… who is the man behind Macaro?" 


"Alexander Corvinus."


'So he's been close the whole time? Doesn't he have a ship?' 


"So he's still alive? Where is he. I'd like to meet my ancestor." 


The mortal who was now on his knees on the floor looked at me in surprise. It seemed he wasn't informed about my existence. The reaction pretty much confirmed Lucian's suspicions because the man picked up the vampire and handed him over to Raze who held the man standing. 


"Tell me where Alexander Corvinus is staying now these days?" 


The human spat at Lucian's feet. "I mean your master no harm. I just wish to speak with him regarding a personal matter." 


"I will give you nothing." 


"Lucian? Do you mind if I try?"


Lucian gestured to the mercenary, "Be my guest." 


"Look, I want to learn about my family. Just let me-" 


Tooot toot tooot toot 


"Just le-" 


Toooot tooot toot tooooot 


I felt my right eye twitch slightly as the Lycan playing the flute interrupted me again with several obnoxious missed notes to whatever song he was attempting to play. 


"I just want to-" toot tooot toot toooot "Excuse me for one second." 


I marched over to the old man playing the flute and snatched it out of his hand. He opened his mouth to protest but I sent him my patented 'I'll fucking kill you' glare and he sat back down. Turning to face the interrogation party I slowly walked back. Lucian was questioning the man again. 


"We truly mean you and your master no harm. We just have a few questions." 


"I refuse, you may as well kill me Lycan." 


Lucian frowned, I mentally sighed at the man's uncalled for aggression. Looking at the mercenary then at the flute I remembered a scene from a TV show and I grinned. The human man noticed me looking at the flute then at him and his eyes widened at the realization. I took a step forward and glanced at Lucian. 


"Pull his pants down." 


Lucian looked at me in worry. "What?" 


"Pull his pants down." 


"What are you going to do? Please don't tell me you're going to-" 


"I'm gonna shove this flute right up his ass." 


I heard Singe snicker behind Raze who looked… amused? Singe, still laughing walked over behind man as Raze moved slightly to the side to let Singe gain access to the now squirming man's pants. 


"I was going to just let him go but this works too." 


The mortal began to panic and struggled harder against Raze's grip. His eyes widened in horror as Raze and Singe each took an arm hand held him while I got behind him flute in hand. 


"Please not my flute!" Called the old man from where he sat. I flipped him the bird and proceeded to pull the mans pants down exposing his pasty buttcheeks. 


The mercenary struggled harder. "You can't do this! I haven't done anything!" 


Lucian grimaced as I winded up preparing to violate the guy with a flute. 


"At least lube it up first." 


I paused then looked at the struggling vampire. "Nah, I don't want him to enjoy it." 


The man finally screamed out. "Alright I'll tell you where the ship is just please! Keep him away from me!" 


I smirked and tossed the flute over to Lucian who caught it and smiled back. 


"Good, that's all we ask." 


I chuckled to myself and proceeded to listen in while Lucian asked the human, named Greg, about Alexander Corvinus and his whereabouts. Greg revealed that Alexander Corvinus operated out of a converted cargo ship called the Sancta Helena. Apparently the ship was currently docked at the harbor not too far away. Greg had been sent out on a scouting mission to find out why there was a massive gathering of Lycans in an abandoned section of the subway. This revealed that they weren't as discrete as they could have been since they had been noticed. 


Once the human captive had divulged everything Lucian wanted to know he was promptly knocked unconscious and thrown back out where he had been captured from. Lucian led me to his office and took a seat on his chair. 


"I may not have the time to pay Corvinus a visit today as Kraven has once again called for a meeting. I believe your mate is making waves in her coven." 


"She has awoken Viktor, the man is in the process of recovery. I give it about a week before he regains his full strength." 


"Where does that leave the plans?" 


"We will proceed as normal. Once you attack Amelia's convoy it will spur him into action. Selene will send me a message when Viktor is fully awake." 


"Who will deal with Viktor." 


"I believe Selene only wishes to ask him a few questions. Maybe get a few cuts in, but the honor will go to you. He has taken much more from you." 


"Keep me updated." 


"Watch out for Kraven, he may be a coward but even a cornered animal can be dangerous." 


"I'll keep that in mind." 


Nodding to the ancient Lycan I stepped back out and looked at the count down for the update on my system. 




'Almost there, just twenty hours left.' 

[Scene Break]

Selene knelt before the recently revived Viktor. The ancient vampire glaring at her as if to try and peek into her soul. She felt herself twitch at the scrutiny and wanted to be anywhere else. She had sent out a message to Blake hours ago telling him that she had been summoned by Viktor. Blake had informed her that he would be close by making sure that she would be able to flee should she find the need to do so. 


"My lord." 


The words tasted vile in her mouth, she steeled her nerves and looked up to the vampire that sired her. His gaze was unreadable. 


"Why have you awoken me Selene. A full century ahead of schedule no less." 


"The coven, treachery runs rampant. Our enemies are at the doors and Kraven does nothing." 


"Our enemies are vanquished, like their leader Lucian." 


"Lucian lives… Kraven plans on usurping the leadership of the entire coven. He is planning on revealing where Amelia will arrive from her tra-"


"And where is your proof of this treachery? Where is Kraven?" 


"I- I do not know." 


Viktor hissed and she looked away from his piercing glare. She wanted to kill him now while he still hadn't fully recovered. But she needed answer, answers she could only get if she didn't reveal her hand too early.


"You've awoken me a century before my time, you bring forth accusations you can not prove, and you have been cavorting with the enemy." 


She felt her heart seize, how could he have known about her dealings with Blake? She had made sure to keep those memories from the ones she had shared with him to awaken him. 


"I know not of-" 


"DO NOT LIE TO ME CHILD!" Viktor gasped and took a seat on the marble throne. "Kraven has told me about your… obsession with a Lycan." 


'No-no, this is bad. I have to find a way out.' 


"Run out of words child ? Perhaps history was bound to repeat itself."


Viktor looked at her seemingly lost in his own memories. His eyes turned hard and he gestured behind her. Two guards took her arms and began dragging her away. Only for the mansion to shudder as an explosion rocked its foundations. Viktor snarled and his head snapped towards her. 


"Do not let her out of your sight!" 


She was dragged through the halls, her last view of Viktor was the Elder pulling out the tubes of blood and stumbling down the steps from the throne. The mansion shook again as another blast struck. Without warning the window next to her exploded inward as a large black wolf ripped the guard holding her right arm away and into the ground. The guard screamed as the wolf tore him to shreds. 


Selene wasn't idle, she drew her hidden dagger and slashed the remaining guard before looking at the wolf. The glowing golden eyes met hers and she felt something prod her mind. 


'Blake?' She thought, feeling a little silly for thinking that she was actually telepathically communicating with a wolf.


'Yes now let's go.' 


She shrugged off the shock at hearing his voice in her head before following Blake as he jumped out of the broken window. She looked around for an escape route, the black wolf barked at her and she looked over at Blake who had grown to be the size of a warhorse. Blake's wolf got down on his belly and huffed. 


'You want me to ride you?' 


'Maybe later princess, we're in the middle of escaping here.' 


She flushed at the innuendo and glowered at Blake. Without another word she jumped onto his back and held on for dear life as he moved faster than any Lycan should have been able to move. Then she realized that he was fully transformed into a wolf and not a half man half wolf amalgamation. Her fingers tightened around his coarse fur as he leapt up high over the gate and continued to run. 


They must have run for several minutes before Blake stopped behind his estate where she jumped off him and watched as he shifted back to his human form. His very naked human form. Had she not just escaped certain death she would have blushed. 


"Take a picture. It'll last longer." Blake smirked at her as he pulled a bathrobe from thin air and put it on. 


"Viktor knew…"


"Which should be impossible unless someone has fed him information. The only two people who know about you and I are Lucian and quite possibly Kraven." 


"Kraven was suspiciously absent when I spoke with Viktor." 


"There you have it, who else could it be. The man is obsessed with you." 


"But how did Kraven find out?" 


"That I don't know, I imagine he's not the only one who sneaks around in that mansion." 


"There is…" Selene narrowed her eyes. "Erika, she's had it out for me since she learned of Kraven's infatuation with me." 


"That's motive enough, but isn't she your friend?" 


"I tolerate her." She looked at Blake who adopted a pensive look in his eyes. 


"Still the plan failed." She fought the urge to lash out. All that planning for nothing. 


"No plan survives the first contact." 


"What?" She asked. 


"It's an old saying, let's get inside. While I'm sure they can't track us by scent, I am not a convinced on thinking that we won't be found."


"Your home is out in the open, anyone can see where it is." 


"Unfortunately yes… thankfully I've put up a deterrent." 


I wasn't lying, I had was rewarded blueprints for auto-turrets from a gacha. I had a few hidden around my property grounds and a few camouflaged on my wall. They were loaded with regular ammunition but that didn't mean that it wouldn't hurt the common vampire or werewolf. The turrets did fire 50BMG rounds, it would rip all but the toughest of enemies to shreds. 


"What now? Viktor will be out for our blood." 


"We'll burn that bridge when we get there Princess. For now let's focus on what you want to do afterwards." 


"What do you mean?" 


"I mean after you avenge your family? What do you wish to do?" 


"I- I hadn't thought that far." 


"Well then, while you think about that. What did you want to talk to me about?" 


"I- That morning, when we…" A light blush graced her cheeks. "Anyways, I don't want you thinking I'm some easy woman. Just because I shared your bed when I'd hardly known you for a few days." 


Not surprising, I had been rather shocked that she had jumped my bones. Then again, pretty much the same had happened in the movies. She had only known Michael Corvin for a week, which was the time span between the two movies, before she got down and dirty with him in that cargo box. She had even fallen pregnant afterwards and birthed a daughter. 


"Selene, I admit. I haven't known you for long either, but I have developed feelings for you that I can't explain."


It was true, I had come to this world wanting to seduce her but that was it. I hadn't planned for anything after that. No, that was a lie. I had always held a crush on her even when she was just a movie character. Now that she was real, and standing before me I couldn't help but feel a pull towards her. 


"A relationship between our kind is forbidden. You said it yourself, Viktor killed his own daughter for being with Lucian." 


'Damn I really hope I didn't shoot myself in the foot with this. I've actually caught feelings for the normally icy vampire.'


"But, I am willing to try and make whatever it is between us work. Because I'm feeling drawn towards you as well." 


I felt my heart beating a bit faster. "So, does this make you my girlfriend?" 


The word felt funny in my mouth, 'girlfriend', Selene thought so too since she winced slightly.


"I don't know where this road will lead us, let's figure it out together." 


"Together then." She nodded in agreement. 


"Good, because we need to figure out how we're going to deal with Viktor and Kraven."


The abrupt change in topics was like slamming face first into a brick wall. 'I really need to teach her subtleties'


"What about Lucian?" 


I admit, I didn't want to kill Lucian. The man was tortured while his mate was forced to watch his suffering. Then he in turn, had been forced to watch as his mate and their unborn child were exposed to the sun, killing the two of them. The man had gone through the worst possible psychological torture. That and he had just wanted peace. Hell, even his alliance with Kraven was to broker a peace treaty between vampires and lycans once the cowardly vampire took over the covens. 


"I want to speak with him. He may know more about my family." 


"Then that's what we will do. We'll lay low for a while here, then we'll go to him together once I can be sure that Viktor and the others can't easily track us." 


Selene nodded. "Show me around? I didn't get a very good look last time." 


Smiling, I offered her my arm. She looked at it for a moment before accepting the extended limb. I pointed out the first door.


"That's the armory, if you remember from when you were here last." 


[Time Skip: Three hours later. ]


"And these is the indoor garden, I grow everything from common flowers to fruits and vegetables." 


"Your home is larger than the coven mansion." 


A sudden thought interrupted my answer. Though we were in America, I could have sworn that the movies had taken place in Budapest. Mentally shrugging I wrote it off as some 'alternate reality' thing. 


"What ever happened to the coven in Hungary?" 


Selene looked startled. "How do you know that?" 


"I'm very thorough when I look into things." 


She didn't look like she believed me, she untangled her arm from mine and took a seat by the fireplace. With a snap of my fingers the logs caught fire and I took a seat next to her. Selene looked like she was debating whether to tell me or not. 


"Ördögház, that was what the mansion there was called. It fell, a fire started in the library. It had burned the whole house down to the ground. Only a handful of us survived. We took the Elders and ran across the sea. Then we arrived here, the New World coven. It was a suggestion from Amelia but the remains of the Old World coven was absorbed into the larger coven. We've been here since."


'Huh, so I really am in an alternate universe… That makes sense.'


"What started the fire, it sounds an awful lot like someone didn't want people looking through books." 


"It's possible, all the books in the library contained the recorded history of the coven."


"You already have a suspect then?" 




"Of course, so what do we do now?" 


"As much as I hate to say it, we need to speak with Lucian first." 


"Let's go then, we should be good to travel. Though I suggest bringing a scarf or a coat and some gloves. The sun is still out." 


Selene nodded, she disappeared up to my room. I had told her she was free to use whatever she found in the house. She was probably going to be living with me for the foreseeable future anyways. She reappeared a moment later wearing one of my black hoodies. I grabbed a coat from a rack by the door to the garage and threw it on before glancing at Selene again.


'The oversized hoodie and the tight leather really go well together.' 


"Stop staring and let's go." She huffed. 


Smiling at her I walked off into the garage followed by Selene. I pulled the car cover off my Bugatti and heard the Death Dealer gasp behind me. 


"What kind of car is this? I didn't know Bugatti made a car like this?" 


"You know Bugatti then?"


"I could never convince the coven to upgrade our vehicles. We stuck with the lower end sports cars and SUVs." 


"Yeah, I've seen your Jaguar." 


"How do you know these things?" 


"Perhaps another time… come on, you're driving." 


We slid into the cushy leather seats and I sighed as I breathed in the new car smell again. Selene pulled up her hood and I opened the garage with the button I had programmed in the car. She looked around for a moment confused. 


"You haven't given me the key." 


I pointed to the 'push to start' button and her eyes widened. When the engine came to life I was immediately pushed back on my seat as Selene floored it and expertly weaved through my driveway and out to the street. It must have been her vampire senses but she made quick work of navigating through traffic while maintaining a breakneck speed. We eventually reached the subway entrance and got out of the car. Selene looked at the car longingly until it disappeared into my inventory. Then she glared at me and I shrugged. 


"You will tell me everything eventually." 


"I plan on it. Just not yet, once this is all over maybe." 


"Fine, let's go see Lucian then." 


We made our way down to what I eventually realized was an old forgotten bunker. Why there was bunker in New York? I didn't know, I chalked it up to some 'mysterious ways' logic that allowed the alternate universe I was on to make sense. Once we reached the actual structure the Lycans all tensed at the appearance of Selene. Some even took their werewolf forms. I spotted the old man with the flute and smirked when he flinched and clutched his instrument close to his chest. 


A Lycan roared and charged at Selene who turned and drew her pistol. Before the Death Dealer could fire I threw off my coat and burst into my larger werewolf form letting out a roar shook the ground. The charging Lycan skidded to a halt and let out a low whine before scampering backwards. 


"Impressive, I take it that it's you under there Blake." 


I turned to face Lucian before shifting back to my human form and putting my coat back on. Grabbing it before leaving had been a good idea, I should look into buying some sort of enchanted item that lets me stay dressed after transforming back and forth. Free spirited as I am, I'm not a nudist. 


"Lucian, meet Selene. Selene, this is Lucian." 


"I've heard of you." She said while giving him an examining glance. 


"All lies I assure you."


While the two spoke I checked on the update to my system and breathed a silent sigh of relief. There was a half hour left and with any luck, it would be complete before we left. 


"Viktor has learned of our plans."


"Damn, what does he know?" 


"On you? We're not sure, but he knows about Selene and I." I joined in after I dismissed my update timer. 


"No matter, we are more than ready to ambush Amelia when she arrives. All we need is her blood and revenge will be within our grasp." 


"So you truly wish for nothing more?" 


Lucian glanced at Selene with a sad smile. "You truly do bear a striking resemblance to Sonja you know. But yes, once Viktor is dead the goal is peace. This war has raged on for too long and both our sides have lost too much." 


"Very well, but the problem at hand is the fact that Viktor found out about our plans. Which can only mean that there's a traitor." 


"There is no love for vampires amongst us. More than likely your side is the one with the spy." 


I thought about all the people that knew about the plans. That was a very short list of people. Unless there was an eavesdropper, there was no chance that Viktor could have learned of the plans. 


"Kraven, he must have told Viktor about the Lycans and Blake." Selene thought out loud. 


"If it's not him I'd be thoroughly surprised. That idiot is as sleazy as they come." 


"What now then? We take Amelia's blood then turn everyone into hybrids?" 


"No, not everyone will be able to survive the process. I'll be the lone 'test subject'. I'm the one with the ax to grind." 


Selene looked at Lucian and I grinned. "Figured you'd volunteer. Well now that's out of the way. We did come here for another reason." 


"Oh? I suppose you have questions then?" He asked Selene. 


Selene had gone silent. She was looking at the pendant that Lucian wore as if hypnotized. I gently put a hand on her shoulder pulling her from whatever memory she was reliving. A lone tear rolled down her cheek and I brushed it away. 


"That pendant, where did you get it?" She asked Lucian. 


Lucian looked shocked for a moment before he answered. 

"Sonja, my… mate. She had worn it since the day I met her. Why, does it mean something to you?" 


Selene took one more look at it. "I've seen it before, I think. When I was a little girl. It has something to do with my family." 


Lucian unclasped the necklace before holding it out to her. He had a sad smile on his face. "Then it belongs with you."


"I can't, it's the last connection to Sonja." 


"I insist, it holds nothing but painful memories for me. Memories of someone I couldn't save. Maybe it will bring you luck." 


"Thank you." Selene whispered. 


I nodded at Lucian who then turned around and gave out orders. The Lycans jumped into action and left to do whatever Lucian told them to do. He turned back to us before speaking again. 


"Come on, let's go speak somewhere quiet."  


We followed him back to what I dubbed his office. Once inside we took our seats and Selene immediately started shooting off questions. She asked about Viktor, Sonja, and Lucian's past. The Lycan seemed to take it all in stride and didn't seem phased by the more personal questions. Then Selene began asking if he remembered anything about a human family building anything close to Viktor's fortress. 


"It was centuries ago, but I remember watching builders come and go during the day. They said they were adding a new wing to the fortress. I take it there's some significance to that?" 


"My family, they were the builders that worked in Viktors little project. They completed it when I was nearing my twentieth birthday. A month before Viktor came and slaughtered them all. He told me that the werewolves had killed them. That he was there to offer me a chance at vengeance." 


Lucian sighed. "Then you know first hand of his cruelty and brutal nature." 


Selene nodded, "I wanted to hear it from him, and I still do." 


Just as Lucian was about to reply an explosion rubbles through the subway. Screams followed by the sound of gunfire came from outside. Raze burst into the room with a rifle in his hands. 


"It's the Death Dealers." Raze said with anger in his voice 


Lucian growled at the news, then turned to us. I frowned, an attack was bound to happen at some point. I didn't expect it to happen before Viktor fully recovered. Judging by the amount of time since I broke Selene out of the coven's mansion, he still hasn't. 


"It wasn't us if that's what you're thinking." I stated plainly. 


Lucian grunted. "They're still here nonetheless. You two escape through the tunnels Raze will show you the way." 


"Viktor still hasn't recovered fully. He won't be with them. It's likely that Kraven has mobilized Soren to deal with loose ends. Mainly you." Selene said bluntly. 


"Then we will deal with them. Go, we will meet again. I can not jeopardize the future of our race." Lucian said while looking at me. 


"Alright then, once you deal with the attackers, meet us here." I scrawled the address to my mansion and handed it to him. 


Lucian nodded, taking the paper and putting it in his coat pocket. Selene and I followed Raze out of the office and through another section of tracks. The large dark skinned man guided us through for a few minutes until he stopped and pointed at a door. 


"That will take you back to the surface. I cannot abandon Lucian." 


"Take care Raze." 


The man looked at me before turning around and running back the way we came. I turned to Selene and noticed that her eyes were glowing blue. She looked at the door and then back towards the sounds of fighting. 


"Come on Selene, I'm not sure if they know your involvement with the Lycans beyond what they know of you and I." 


"This is the first time I've ever run from a fight. It feels wrong."


Her voice was steady but I could feel her doubt. She sighed and then moved past me towards the door. I spared one last glance towards the direction we came from and followed her. We rushed through the doors and came into an anti chamber of some kind. There was a rusted ladder that led to an access hatch. I went first to make sure that the sun had gone down enough for it to be safe for Selene to follow. I came out of the hatch and saw a gate blocking off some stairs. Calling for Selene, the vampire climbed the rest of the way and looked at the gate. 


"The sun must be low enough for them to come down here. There's not enough coverage for them to just stroll through the subway." 


"I was thinking along those lines." I responded. 


We opened the gate and went up the stairs two at a time. We found ourselves faced with another door that I pushed open. It opened to an alley between two buildings, Selene moved to my side and looked around. Checking if it was wide enough I pulled the Bugatti out of my inventory once I was sure. Selene hopped into the driver seat without waiting. Grinning at her excitement at driving the futuristic vehicle again I got into the passenger side. She stepped on the gas the second I closed my door and sped out of the alley into the street. 


She drove at a more sedated pace as we made our way back to my home. Selene remained quite the entire drive back. Only occasionally glancing at the rear view mirror for any tails we may have picked up. She cut the engine and hopped out of the car as soon as we pulled through my gate and into my driveway. Following the vampire as she stormed into my house I watched her every move. She was still visibly agitated at having run away. I reached out and grabbed her arm stopping her from pacing. 


"Selene, it's alright. Once Lucian gets here we'll make our move on Viktor." 


She looked at my hand on her arm before meeting my eyes. I went to let her arm go but she caught my hand. 


"I still don't understand why you're involving yourself with all of this."


Gently squeezing her slender fingers I smiled at her. "Because of you." 


"Spare me the flirting Blake. I want to know the truth." 


I looked at her puzzled. "The truth of what?" 


"You. The abilities you seem to possess, your insistence on helping me, all of it." 


I sighed letting go of her hand. "You wouldn't believe me." 


Selene reached out and took my hand again. She held my gaze and I saw no deception in her eyes. "Try me." 


I had reached a turning point. As Blake Savage her world was just a movie to me. Entertainment, a fantasy that I had watched as a teen. As Blake Corvin, her world was my world, and the crush I had harbored for the character evolved into actual feelings for the woman. I debated skirting the question, to withhold the full truth from her, but it felt wrong. I cared about her, not because she was attractive, but rather because I saw a lot of my own beliefs in her. The drive to do what is right, the determination to see my goals through, and the loyalty to those close to me. I also saw a lot of my flaws in her, the one track mind, the unwillingness to back down from a potentially unwinnable fight, the loneliness. 


"I wa- Before all of this, before I came here, I was nothing." 


She looked at me quizzically. "You're Blake Corvin, descendant of Alexander Corvinus. You can't believe that you were nothing." 


I smiled softly at her affirmation. "I mean before that. Before I was Blake Corvin, I was Blake Savage. A thirty something nobody working a dead end job, no friends, no family, no future." 


She pulled back. "What do you mean by that?" 


I sighed. "This world, this life. To me, it had all just been a fantasy." Here goes. "I came from a world where everything in this world was just pages from a writers mind." 


"You came from another world? Like an extraterrestrial?" 


"No, another reality. One where Selene the Death Dealer. Was just a character in a film." 


She took a step back, an unreadable look on her face. She looked at me, her eyes blazing blue again. 


"So what was all of this to you? Was it all just a game!" 


I didn't miss the irony in that statement. "Selene, th- that's where some of my abilities come from. Something happened when I died in my previous life. When I woke up in this life I had the ability to live it as if was a game." 


All my secrets laid bare, I saw the anger in her eyes. The look of betrayal sent daggers through my heart.


"I trusted you!" 


"And you still can! I'm still me, I'm still the idiot man that willingly turned myself into a Lycan to save you. I'm still the same man that fell head over heels for you." 


She let out a hiss and tackled me to the ground. Her hands wrapped around my throat and began to squeeze. I struggled to breath as she drew her gun and pointed it at my chest while still holding me by the throat.


"You- was any of it even real?" 


"Yes!" I choked out. "All of it." I gasped in relief when the pressure around my throat eased up. Her gun still pointed at my chest. 


"Tell me everything." 


And so I did, from all the plans I had made, the grinding in the dungeons, meeting her, and eventually catching feelings for her. Selene's face remained unreadable, she kept her gun trained above my heart. Eventually when I reached the end of my story she got off me and holstered her gun. Turning away from me I caught a short glimpse of the tears in her eyes. 


"I need to think about what you've said. Don't follow me, and don't try to find me." 


I stood in silence, shocked at what had happened. I could only watch as she stormed out of my home slamming the door shut behind her. Praying that I hadn't just ruined everything I quietly made my way up the stairs and into my room. I took off my coat and threw it on the chair at my small desk. Sighing deeply I took off my shoulder holster and set my gun down by my bedside. 


'This is all fucked.' 


Pulling up my UI I looked at the message displayed on the screen and mumbled out. 


'And of course finishes when I've just potentially shot myself in the foot.'

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