
The Flame and The Hothead [2]

I groaned as I woke up. I felt Aubrie laying on me and looked down at her. I looked up at the roof and felt my throbbing headache. I sighed softly then closed my eyes. Aubrie made a tiny noise as she woke up. She sat up slowly then stretched. I opened my eyes and looked at her. She looked at me and smiled then got on me and kissed me. I kissed her back and she made a happy noise. She sat up and I sat up as well to kiss her again. She held my shoulders as she kissed back. I began to kiss her neck and she bit her bottom lip.

"Mmm..You seem to be in a very sexual mood this morning..~" Aubrie said softly.

I pulled away and smiled a bit. "I don't know what got into me.."

"I'm not complaining, I like it...let's do that some more but only after we've had breakfast." Aubrie smiled at me.

"Alright." I chuckled and let her go.

{Aubrie's Affection rose by 80}

{Friend Status Reached!}

{Aubrie's Affection Points: 510}

{Love Trait Level Up! Lust Level 11!}

She stood up and went to the kitchen. I got call on my phone and looked at it and noticed it was Shiro. I answered it.

"Hello?" I said.

"So, Kyu-Pit told me you're hanging out with Aubrie. Hopefully you can handle her party animal side." He chuckled.

"I got a glimpse of it, I still have a slight headache from the little party I had with her last night." I said with a slight smile on my face. "But...I really like her energy. She's gotta be one of the most interesting people I've met other than Chloe."

Shiro chuckled over the phone. "Listen, be careful when you do sexual stuff with Aubrie. She gets turned on pretty easily, her libido is uncontrollable."

"I think I might've figured that out already." I said.

"Papa! Hurry up! Let's get ice cream before mama finds out!" Lusette said to Shiro.

"Oh! Gotta go! Talk to you later!" Shiro said then hung up.

I looked at my phone and smiled. "He's...really interesting. For being the God of Esoria, he really isn't much different from us normal people.."

Aubrie hummed as she cooked breakfast. She was making waffles, eggs, and bacon. She had finished cooking and set the table and fixed both plates and poured juice for both of us. I stood up and went to the kitchen and she looked at me. She smiled then went to turn the stove off and oven, and unplug the waffle maker.

"I haven't cooked breakfast for anyone before, so I really hope you like it.." Aubrie said.

I sat down and she sat down in front of me. I looked at the food on the plate and it looked amazing. I picked up my fork and did my best to ignore my slight headache. I took a bite out of the waffle and smiled. "It tastes amazing.."

"Really? I'm happy you like it." Aubrie smiled happily then began to eat.

We sat at the table and ate until all the food was gone off our plates. Aubrie sighed happily then got a call on her phone. I picked up our plates then went to go wash the dishes.

"What's up?" Aubrie answered the phone. She stood up. "Shit! I totally forgot! Okay I'll be there in a few!"

I looked back and Aubrie began cleaning swiftly. "What's wrong?"

"I forgot me and Dilya were supposed to go to the karaoke today! I made plans while I was high last night! We've got to hurry!" Aubrie said then hurried off.

I looked at the dishes that were still drying. I began to emit heat from my body to make the dishes dry faster. I began to put away the dishes and hurried to get ready as well.


I parked the car at the karaoke and noticed Dilya and her friends were waiting at the Karaoke. Aubrie and I got out of the car and walked to them. I noticed Kali and Kayleigh were with her. Aubrie stopped when she saw a woman with a ponytail wearing a white t-shirt with a puppy on it and wore a white jacket, and white pants, and a woman whose hair was down and also wearing a blue shirt with black jeans. Apparently they were Whitney and Chelsey, two people who disliked Aubrie.

"Big crowd huh?" I said then walked ahead.

"Leon! It's been a while since I've seen you at work." Dilya waved and smiled.

"Oh! Leon! I didn't know you were here as well!" Kali smiled at me. "You kinda disappeared from the radar I was getting worried you weren't around anymore."

Kayleigh looked at me and smiled as well. "Good to know you're still alive."

"Yeah...things have calmed down a bit. Just needed some space from things." I chuckled then looked back and noticed Aubrie frozen in place. I walked to her and held her shoulder. "Aubrie. What's the matter?"

"Why are they here? I didn't know Dilya was friends with them as well." Aubrie said then looked at me.

I looked back at Dilya and the others then looked at Aubrie and smiled. "Listen we are here to have fun. Don't worry about them okay? Good vibes only okay?"

Aubrie looked at them then back at me and nodded. We finally entered the karaoke bar and I rented us all a private room. We went to the private karaoke room.

"You've been here before?" Kali asked.

"Mhm, when I was on a date with Clarissa a while back." I said.

"You've been on a date with a lot of women huh?" Kayleigh teased.

"I mean...only a few." I chuckled, blushing slightly.

"I got an idea, before we get to singing, we should get some drinks from the drink bar and get food." Dilya said.

"Good idea." Kali smiled.

I stood up. "I'll help you girls out with it."

"Thank you." Dilya nodded.

Dilya, Kali, and I walked out of the room to get drinks and food.

Aubrie, Kayleigh, Whitney, and Chelsey sat in silence in the room. Kayleigh looked a bit uncomfortable feeling the high tension in the room.

Chelsey closed her eyes and exhaled. "So, I see you're with another guy. Pretty ironic how you sleep around and try to get on my head for having a child when all you're doing is spreading your legs open for the next guy that comes around."

Kayleigh looked at bit surprised and scooted over a bit from the three girls.

"I've...changed since then. I know my actions are wrong and..I just..." Aubrie started.

"There's nothing you can do to fix what you caused. Your selfish, mega bitch attitude towards me, Whitney, and Gloria all the time. Talking shit about MY daughter. Fighting me. Like seriously, bitch, what did you think was going to happen? You even LOST that fight as well." Chelsey said.

Whitney stayed quiet and looked at the floor.

"Who is that guy you're with? We all know you're just gonna throw him away once you're done screwing him over." Chelsey said.

"He's Leon and he's not like the other guys I've known. He really reminds me of Shiro albeit a lesser version of him. I really do like him a lot, and I'm not gonna screw him over. My days of being a bitch are over." Aubrie said.

"Wish we could believe you." Whitney said.

Aubrie looked down and closed her eyes. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry isn't gonna cut it this time, Aubrie. It just won't fix this situation anymore. We've given you countless chances and you blew it." Chelsey crossed her arms and looked away. "Even still...after seven years...all you could say was sorry."

Aubrie balled her fists and stood up then ran out of the room. I sensed Aubrie's sad aura then noticed her running past us. She ran out of the building. I set the remaining cups down.

"Hey, I'll be right back. I need to make a phone call." I said.

"Okay!" Kali smiled at me.

I hurried out of the building and went to find Aubrie. I looked around then noticed her standing against the building, lighting up a cigarette. I walked to her and took the cigarette out of her mouth. "Aubrie, what's the matter." I asked as I wiped her tears.

"I can't do it. I just can't...I don't want to be there with them!" Aubrie cried softly and leaned against me.

I held her and felt her gripping my shirt. I looked at her and rubbed her hair. "What really happened between you all? I don't take you for the girl who can be this easily hurt."

"I've done some fucking shit to them...I've been nothing but a bitch to them...I've talked shit about Chelsey and her daughter...I used men for their money and shit. I was so bad..." Aubrie said. "They even think I'm using you, but I'm not. I really like you...that's why I said I wanted to hang out with you more.."

I closed my eyes and sat her up straight. I opened my eyes and held her cheeks. She looked at me and sniffled. "We are at the karaoke...You can use this time to convey your emotions through song. Let your words reach their heart.."

"....It won't work. They hate me." Aubrie said then averted her eyes.

"Even if it doesn't work...they will know you've changed. They won't see the new you if you don't show it to them." I said then fixed her hair.

Aubrie looked at me then I gave her a reassuring smile. She sniffled and smiled back then hugged me. I hugged her back. "I hate how much you remind me of him...Alright..I'll do my best.."

I nodded and ran my fingers through her hair. "Good.."

We let go of each other then walked back into the building and went back to the private karaoke room. Aubrie wiped away her tears. The women looked at us. I went to sit down and looked at Aubrie. She picked up a microphone.

"Oh! You're back! You're gonna sing Aubrie?" Dilya asked.

"Yeah..." Aubrie nodded then selected a song.

The instrumental played and it sounded like a calm alternative rock song....then the drums played and the guitars played...then the drummer began going crazy.

"What the-" Chelsey started.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Aubrie sang in her death metal voice.

Everyone in the room was taken aback from this sudden change in character...well everyone but me and Kayleigh.





Kayleigh was feeling it and was headbanging. The other women were still taken aback by this performance.

'This is not what I had in mind...' I thought to myself.



BUT I'VE CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNGGGGGGEEEEDDDDDD!!" Aubrie sang and panted after the song ended. She coughed and looked up with her hair all wild and messy.

Kayleigh clapped then noticed no one else was clapping and stopped. "I mean...I thought she was good.."

"Now, what...the fuck was that?" I asked.

"That's how I felt on the inside...I didn't intend for the death metal side of me to come out because I didn't think the song was death metal.." Aubrie said.

I looked at Chelsey and Whitney, noticing they were stunned. I snapped my fingers at them and they both snapped out of it. They looked at me then at Aubrie.

"That was..." Whitney started.

"Interesting..." Chelsey said.

"I really am sorry...I want to make it up to you by showing you I can change. I've calmed down, I truly have over the years and I'm ready to show you who I can really be." Aubrie said then smiled at Chelsey and Whitney.

Whitney and Chelsey looked at each other then at Aubrie. They sighed and Chelsey spoke up.

"We accept your apology, but this doesn't mean we are friends again. Gonna take a while before I decide to be your friend once more but we can hang out and have fun as long as Dilya is included. That should be enough." Chelsey said.

Aubrie nodded and smiled at them. "Sounds fine to me."

"Good...Now let's get back to singing!" Chelsey said.

"Yeah!" The other women said excitedly.

I watched and smiled then chuckled softly. I was happy that they made up even if they didn't become friends again. Seeing Aubrie smile happily, brought me joy.