
Chapter 313: Red lanterns, start!

"Xiaoxue Xiaoxue, do you know what game you're going to do this time?"

Ye Meng found Bai Xueyao with a mysterious look.

Seeing that Wang Jian called the planning team to finish the meeting, she curiously asked Wang Jian if he was going to do a new game, and learned in advance that he was going to do a horror game.

Immediately excited!

Her favorites are scary and weird games, movies, and novels. Since middle school, most of the bookshelves at home are horror novels. After working to earn money, she even bought a projector to watch horror movies at home.

She also has a habit of watching horror movies, she must wait until it gets dark after 8 pm, draw all the curtains, and turn off the lights before watching.

Compared with daytime viewing, the degree of stimulation has increased several times!

In fact, it's not that she is not afraid, but while she is afraid, she is very cool at the same time!

It is precisely because of this that she has the talent of [Ferocious God and Evil], which increases the degree of horror when drawing terrifying or ferocious monsters.

When she heard Wang Jian say that she was going to make a horror game, she was so excited!

Bai Xueyao shook her head and looked at Ye Meng: "?"

Ye Meng took her hand excitedly: "Horror game! It's finally going to be a horror game!"

Bai Xueyao's face suddenly turned pale with tension.

She instantly recalled that the last time she was dragged by Ye Meng to her house and watched a horror movie at night.

It was rare for Ye Meng to invite her to the house. In order to show her solemnity, she chose a "Coconut" that she thought was the most terrifying.

After watching "Coconut", Bai Xueyao didn't dare to turn off the light when she went to bed for a week, and she was also cautious when looking in the mirror and taking clothes from the closet.

Next up, though, is making a horror game...

Bai Xueyao pondered silently: "I need to... find some inspiration..."

She looked at Ye Meng and said softly, "Mengmeng, can I go to your house today and watch a horror movie?"

She would never have dared to watch a horror movie by herself.

Ye Meng's eyes lit up: "Okay, okay, so welcome! Don't worry, I'm with you, don't be afraid!"

Ye Meng's mind was already spinning rapidly, thinking about which movie to use to welcome Bai Xueyao: ""Coconut 2"? No, Bai Xueyao seemed to be very afraid last time, this is still too exciting for newbies, let's watch it Just watch the more relaxed "This female ghost is obviously very beautiful but likes to live in the TV"."


In the dark living room, the two sat on the sofa and held their breath.

The movie is in the exciting part, the heroine stares at the video tape with some fear, hesitates for a long time, and puts it on the TV.

The TV screen was full of white noise snowflakes, making a "thorn, tick, tick" noise, which was disturbing to hear.

As the heroine pressed the remote control, the main film began to play on the screen, and strange pictures appeared, the sky with dark clouds covering the moon, the woman dressing up in front of the mirror, the text flowing like water, the person wearing a white hood ...

The background sound became more and more strange. The irritable "humming" sound like a mosquito made Bai Xueyao's face turn pale. She turned her head and glanced at Ye Meng, her face was full of excitement and anticipation?

Ye Meng reminded in a low voice, "There is high energy here."

Bai Xueyao hurriedly covered her eyes and observed only through her fingers!

If you can't stand it, cover your eyes at any time!

Finally, an ancient well appeared on the screen, and this video of unknown meaning was played, and there was no danger.

The heroine looked relieved, and Bai Xueyao also sighed in relief and put down her hand.

However, after the heroine turned off the TV,

He raised his head to see something, his eyes suddenly widened.

A shadow with long hair in white clothes appeared on the screen, look at the location, it was in the corner of the room!

She looked back suddenly, but there was nothing!

The heroine was in shock, rolled her eyes, got up from the ground, ran to the sofa and grabbed her backpack, but the urgent call of "ding bell bell" suddenly rang...

Ye Meng turned her head to the side and said with a grin, "Actually, he's just a little high-energy, hasn't he reached the real high-energy yet?"

Not hearing a response, he shook his hand twice in front of Bai Xueyao, and said in surprise, "Well, Xiaoxue, what's wrong with you? Cheer up, Xiaoxue! The movie hasn't been finished yet!"

Bai Xueyao was paralyzed on the sofa, mosquito coils were spinning in her eyes, and her mouth was tightly pursed.

Look closely, there are two words in her eyes: Difficult!


Inside the studio.

The planning team has sorted out the plans for "Corridor", and the art, programming, and music have all received their respective divisions of labor.

Bai Xueyao looked at the design document in surprise and thought silently: "This game, there is no bgm?"

There are some requirements for sound effects in the document.

For example, the "creaky" sound of the door opening and the "rustling" sound of the radio are required to render a terrifying atmosphere.


Wang Jian struggled for a long time, and finally decided to use the red lantern!

Soon, the employees all received the news, with curious expressions on their faces, and chatted with each other.

"Eh, is it true?"

"I also think it's too strange. This time when we make a game, we need to block all the windows so that no light can pass through, and the lights will not be turned on? We also need to hang a red lantern above our head to increase the horror atmosphere?"

"Isn't the reason very clear, let us experience the horror for ourselves and integrate this horror into the game. The boss should not joke about this kind of thing."

"Hanging a red lantern in a pitch-dark room looks terrifying just thinking about it..."

"Didn't you say it? This time it's voluntary. If you don't want to do it, you can go to another game group. If you want, there will be an additional psychological subsidy, 200 a day!"

"Gan! Am I the kind of person who gives in for a mere 200 yuan? I'm sorry, it's true."

"Poverty makes it impossible for me to say no."

Most of the employees actually felt that doing so was useless, and even a little stupid, but under Wang Jian's money offensive, they still reluctantly accepted the reason of "making horror games better by experiencing fear".

Well, you are the BOSS and you have money, you can come wherever you want!

First, put all the windows on the boards you bought, make day and night the same, turn on the lights.

Wang Jian stepped on a herringbone ladder and hung the red lantern with his own hands in the crowd of tool people.

He didn't want to leave the job of hanging the lantern to others, mainly because the lantern felt so weird, it felt cool and bouncy to the touch, for fear of scaring people.

Whose lantern is like this?

Lighting the candle in the lantern, the lantern suddenly emits a faint red light, covering the studio.

[Red Lantern]: Within the range covered by the light of the lantern, when making games with the themes of "ghost", "ghost", "fear", etc., the eerie atmosphere +1%~5%, the degree of trepidation +1%~5%, inspiration +1%, the lower the brightness of the light source except the lantern, the better the effect.


Wang Jian suddenly felt the difference, as if... a hidden fear was aroused in his heart.

Blood on the walls, spooky photos, dark, cramped rooms, faceless people in the shadows...

This kind of fear comes from the heart, but it does not make people afraid, but automatically associates with the game, and begins to think about how to apply fear in the game.

"Turn off the lights! Close the door too!"

There was only a hazy red light left in the studio, and the faces of the tool people showed strange colors.

"I seem to be inspired!"

"I thought of the chandelier in the hallway. If you add a little shaking effect, it will definitely be more scary!"

"Surprised, does this actually work?"

Wang Jian got off the ladder, clapped his hands with satisfaction, and told the tool people: "Okay, let's get to work!"