
Chapter 314: Haunted... Haunted?

In the light-tight studio, only the red lanterns in the high places emit a hazy red light, and the walls seem to be painted with a layer of light red rouge, and the atmosphere is eerie and eerie like a ** scene.

The employees sat in front of the computers, their faces were green and reddish, and they looked like ghosts. To speak, to communicate is also through the computer, only the sound of typing on the keyboard can be heard.

Wang Jian looked around and nodded with satisfaction. The effect of the red lantern seemed to be better than he thought.

Heimi lay quietly on Wang Jian's table, watching the tools and people working, his eyes glowing like a pair of small laser lights.

Suddenly, as if he had discovered something, he jumped off the table, turned on the sneak stance, and moved furtively towards the door.

Wang Jian found out when Heimi just jumped off the table, he quickly leaned over, held it down, and muttered, "It must be cotton candy."

Only when the marshmallow came, Heimi would make such an appearance of planning to sneak attack.

Sure enough, the door was pushed open with a small crack, and Marshmallow slipped in quietly. Seeing Heimi being pressed to the ground, he stared at himself with his beard up angrily, and his body suddenly froze.

Wang Jian flicked Heimi's head lightly: "Are you trying to bully others again? Remember to live in harmony, or else I won't give you canned food."

While smiling, he beckoned to Marshmallow, "Come on Marshmallow, I'll give you a taste of the high-quality canned food sent by the Cat Association!"

At the same time, Huang Xing just finished reviewing an author's submission and also stood up from his seat.

Looking around, I didn't see any trace of Marshmallow, so I thought helplessly: "Marshmallow probably went to Longyuan to play again. I'll go to visit too!"

In the process of walking towards the door of Longyuan Studio, I suddenly felt a little strange.

It turned out that the walls of Longyuan Studio were made of that kind of translucent frosted glass. Although the corridor outside could not be seen, it could increase the lighting.

Today, however, the interior of these frosted glass seems to be covered with a layer of board, and half of the shadow cannot be seen. Why is this?

Suddenly, a person came across the corridor, it should be Long Yuan's employee.

However, his eyes were not focused, his eyes were scattered, he didn't know what was thinking in his head, and his walking posture was also very strange. Instead of raising one foot and falling down, two feet rubbed back and forth on the ground.

Huang Xing glanced secretly, a strange feeling rose in his heart, but he couldn't say why.

As she walked towards the door of Long Yuan's studio, she pondered in her mind: "This person's walking posture is so strange... like a floating ghost?"


Huang Xing suddenly stopped, startled by his own thoughts.

Longyuan Studio, will it not be haunted?

She laughed dryly and comforted herself: "How could it be?"

My heart still beats a bit.

Standing at the door that was also hung with a shutter, I carefully pushed the door open a crack, and my heartbeat suddenly became faster!

Why is it so black inside? And there's blood coming out! ?

She hesitated for a moment, and boldly glanced into the crack of the door, but saw an eye also staring at her!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!"

The screams broke the silence of the corridor. Wang Jian looked at Huang Xing who was screaming with his eyes closed, and hurriedly covered her mouth and pulled her behind the door.

He thought it was because the previous employee went to the toilet and did not close the door properly, and was about to close the door, but it seemed to cause a misunderstanding?

This is to let people see, maybe they think what happened!

keep your voice down,

He whispered: "Shh, stop screaming, stop screaming! It's not haunted!"

Huang Xing was stunned when she heard Wang Jian's familiar voice: "Isn't it haunted?"

When I opened my eyes, I saw an extremely terrifying scene.

In the dim studio, a strange red lantern hung on the top, emitting a hazy blood-colored light. Inside and outside the room, there were completely different scenes, and she seemed to have accidentally entered the hell.

In front of him stood a pitch-black shadow, surrounded by green and reddish faces, like zombies, all looking at her with "eerie" eyes.

In the darkness, there are two pairs of small bulbs floating in the air like ghosts.

Is this in a haunted nest? Long Yuan is too haunted!

When Huang Xing was about to start screaming again, Wang Jian hurriedly explained: "We are making a horror game! Add a terrifying atmosphere to the studio!"

Huang Xing was shocked for a while, and then looked closely, and sure enough, the employee's face was not "gloomy", but a snickering expression.

She breathed a sigh of relief and patted her chest: "Hey, scare me!"

Then he also asked in a low voice curiously, "What horror game are you doing?"


Wang Jian is going to make a horror game!

And also participate in the Qingming horror game theme competition!

When the news leaked out, it immediately caused heated discussions among players.

"Wang Jian is going to make a horror game, you know?"

"real or fake?"

"I don't think Wang Jian is suitable for horror games! Horror games are completely different from other games!"

"Although I'm a fan of Wang Jian, I also think... it's quite inconsistent. It's hard to imagine the production of a game like "Cat, Live", which is full of soft and cute cats and has a sad and touching plot. Man, suddenly run to make a horror game?

This gap is also too large, I don't think it is possible. "

"Hey, it's true! An employee of Long Yuan made a rant, saying that the boss had turned the studio into a ghost in order to make the horror game more atmospheric. hung up a post. The red lantern, the window is not transparent, and it scared a girl who came to visit! This is the link to the post."

"233333, this operation is too insane! It makes the work environment terrifying, and the games you make will also become terrifying. What do you think?"

"So, spraying the workstation with insecticide will reduce the bugs in the code? /dog head"

"Human Confusion!"

"Wang Jian is just fooling around! He knows a P's horror game!"

"Wang Jian also said that he wants to win the competition prize, can you believe it?"

"Surprised, I remember that there is still Red Candle Company's "Strange Campus" to participate in this competition. Where does he have the courage to say that he wants to win the winning prize?"

"I don't think Wang Jian is doing a horror game. Have you ever played "Under the Legend"? There are also many scary scenes in it. The terrifying atmosphere was created especially strong, first was the mother sheep's instructions, then the broken branches and the dark shadows came, which made people tremble, but it turned out to be just a prank."

"Yes, yes, isn't Xiaohua scary?"

"Adding a little horror element to the game is different from making a real horror game! The Red Candle Company specializes in making horror games, and this time it has been brewing for a long time, and Wang Jian guessed that it was a temporary idea. He took a Hammer to compare! Also winning the prize, who can't brag?"

"If Wang Jian can win the prize, I will stand upside down and eat shit! I'll leave it here!"

"I remember! I'll call you at that time!"

"Anyway, I'm looking forward to it, and then I must play!"