
Chapter 1:- Colourless life of Lily

Lily is now a graduate student, she is now preparing for further studies, and for her further studies she has to travel far away from home. She has never been away from home in her 23 years of life. Lily thinks, can she do it? New place, New faces, New journey, New life can she really pull off a new journey . Lily has always been alone from her childhood whenever she tries to make friend they all used her for their own goal as lily was good in studies.

(Flashback:- In grade 5 Lily made a friend called Candy, other used to avoid Lily because they think Lily was boring but despite that candy came forward and offers a hand of friendship, Lily thought to herself that finally I have my first friend and candy will also be my best friend . They started going school together, eat together, have fun together Lily started to change by having candy in her life, As she started smiling , and her Colourless life finally started showing some colours of friendship,but God Made a joke to Lily, After being five years together (Now in 10th Grade) candy finally shown her true colours, Lily overheard candy talking to others that How foolish of Lily to think of me as her sister as her best friend who does she think she is ? How can I compare to her , look at her how unattractive and boring . I am just using her because she is somehow good in her studies and if I just spoke to her she would help me with my studies , I think you should also talk to Lily and play with Lily like me , I bet she will also help you with your studies,smirk! After hearing this from her only friend Lily was devastated and her Colourless life becomes more dull, Now Lily cannot put her trust in anyone and she can't tell her family because they will blame this on Lily , because candy creates such a good girl image in front of her parents that lilies parents will not listen to Lily in these matter, So Lily decided to keep these matter a secret as they were going to start a new chapter of their life, college life. After leaving 10 th grade candy never contacted Lily and the last rope of hope Lily was holding that atleast candy would give her a call was also lost. After that Lily never tried to be anyone's friend nor she thought that she will need one because she was afraid of being betrayed by her only friend) End of flashback .

Till now Lily is used to being in her own world and she talks with her classmates like any other would do but none of them is considered her actual friend it's more like she is used to repeat her routine. But now it's going to be a lot more challenging for Lily to be in a completely new environment. She has to face a lot more things than she never has faced . It was Rainy seasson, Lily is packing her bags for her University studies, Lilies heart was heavy as she has to leave her house for 4-5 years , she was used to her comfortable life at home. Sometimes she wishes to leave her home because her family's environment was not always peaceful but couldn't bring up the courage to leave the house. Now that Lily has to leave her home her tears couldn't stop and her parents eyes were also in tears and theirs heart was heavy as their only daughter who was always with them is going away for 5 years. Lily with heavy heart bid farewell to her family and gone for her new journey.