
Chapter 2:- First Encounter With Him

Lily finally reached her University,but this university was not her dream university because she is persuing wrong Field, she didn't have any interest in her field but have to study because Lily doesn't have any option. Lily was shocked to see her huge university it was one of the best universities in her field.Lily started looking around her University after looking for a while she wanted to look for girls hostel, she asked a girl who was passing by, Excuse me , My name is Lily , can you tell me where is girls hostel?, The girl smiled, and said sure follow me I was going in the same direction. Lily was shocked to see that this girl didn't look at her like she is some trash, boring or unattractive girl. Her smile was a gentle and genuine one. Lily asked her , what is your name, she replied my name is May. In front of their hostel room both were surprised to see that they were going to be roommates. Lily and may entered their room and started organising their rooms suddenly may said to Lily, hey Lily we are roommates now ,so we can be best of friends in those 5 years, Lily went silent , she couldn't utter a single answer to May's question but nods her head showing yes . May understood that something is the matter with Lily.But she doesn't want to introgate Lily On a very first day of their meeting.May is a very outgoing , bubbly type of girls so she can get along with anyone. But Lily is different she has put a lot of efforts in opening up to someone. After an hour their room was organised very beautifully it was clean and neat. After looking at her phone for a while may stated to tell Lily about her brother who is 1 year senior to them. May started praising her brother saying my brother is the most famous boy in the university, He is handsome, Always got good grades , And is a gentleman. He is very famous with girls and is very sweet boy. That's the kind of introduction given by may to her brother Karan.

After hearing may, Lily was like why is she talking about her brother to me, it's not like I would like to hear about him. Anyway Lily picked her college bag and said to may that she is going to library for some time, she didn't ask may if she would like to come with her, may said Sure I have some unpacking to do otherwise I would come with you,Lily nodded her head and leaves the room. Lily was in an completely new environment so now she wanted some time alone to organise her thoughts. So Lilies best option in this rainy season was library . After arriving at a library Lily found a empty desk near the window and sat there opening her books. After some time everyone seems to looking at someone with an awe. It was Karan,may's brother who also came for a piece of mind ,but by the reactions of others it doesn't seems to be the case. Karan found that Lily desk has one empty seat so he sat in front of lily. Lily doesn't have a single clue that someone is sat in front of her because she was so immerged in her books , Karan also thought how could anyone not notice him. Ignoring that Karan also starts his own study. After an hour Lily finally finished her study and surprised to see someone was sitting in front of her. Lily was mesmerised by karan's long slender fingers who were doing problems on a book. Lily looked up and saw a boy who was really carrying a different aura around him. Lily suddenly blurted out 'How Handsome'.