
Future Tale : Beyond Fate

The future is doomed to fail by the hands of a singular force but the world seeks to defy its own fate. A group of soldiers is decimated, leaving a sole soldier named Sai alive to see the end of existence but a set of occurrences leads this soldier into a new deviant path gives way for a question : '' Can you...will you change the road that leads into the future doomed to annihilation? '' Armed with new tools that'll help him create a new future, how will this new future unfold?

Hakushin · アクション
15 Chs

Chapter 13 : Protect my Sister

Elashor was aware of Sai's presence and since they were far enough away from her sister she could do as she saw fit without worry of her sister's interference.

Sai would emerge from the thick shadows of the bushes and the trees nearby, revealing himself to the elven woman.

Her appearance to Sai was far too akin to the elven woman that was a part of the squadron, not counting the fact that the only distinguishing trait had been that Lila's hair was longer than hers and if not for that fact that they'd easily be mistaken for one another.

Elashor pulled out a single dagger, holding it in reverse grip before speaking in a cold tone.

'' Why're you following me? Were you trying to spy on me and my sister's conversation or are you an assassin wishing to do me in ? '' Elashor's posture gave off the sense that she wouldn't wait long for an answer.

Sai wouldn't leave her hanging long.

'' I'm a new friend of your sister's, my name is Sai. ''

Elashor's dagger glowed with a light green hue as she pointed it at the male, clearly some thoughts were going on in her own head.

'' You're one of her associates huh? I've been wondering if her new companions are capable of serving as her bodyguards. You're going to have to serve as a measuring stick since you've got the audacity of trying to follow me. ''

Elashor moved at lightning speeds in front of Sai with her dagger aimed at his neck, intent on cutting it open but Sai had backstepped quick enough to appear as a phantom with the illusion of his neck being cut.

Sai appeared several feet back whilst shooting bullets from his gun aimed at Elashor's torso which she'd deflected before chasing after him once more.

He pulled out his blade to combat her in closer range, proceeding in attacking several times with his blade which collided with her dagger.

The two continued their attacks against one another, each blow deflected or countered by the other which brought upon Elashor's curiosity.

She was certain that this person wouldn't be this strong in her mind, a shortcoming brought upon by her own ego to not think of this possibility.

'' You're stronger than I would've assumed, but I'm not convinced just yet what you'll be like when under the weight of my true power. ''

Elashor had pointed her dagger at Sai, causing the flames from her dagger to expand outward towards Sai and engulf the area around him and him as well , seemingly at the very least.

Sai's silhouette within the flames were visible to Elashor who had shaken her head as she presumed that he was done for and had turned her back to the flames and prepared to leave the area but two large forceful wind currents brought about by Sai's blade completely tore the flames apart, eliminating them from the area.

The elven woman's eyes widened as she looked back, having been confused heavily that he was able to stand through that.

'' You should've been burnt to a crisp. '' Elashor commented.

'' If I knew any better I would've assumed you wanted me dead. I thought you wanted to test your sister's friends? '' Sai commented in a tone that had a playful ignorance in it.

'' A part of me hoped that this wouldn't happen, I wanted unequivocal evidence that she needed to be home but I guess this is acceptable. If the rest of her friends are like this then maybe they'll suffice. ''

Elashor had put away her weapon and shrugged, clearly having put this behind her seeing as how her opponent's ceased acting as well.

'' I hope you and the others take good care of her, she might not show it but I know deep down she's not as tough as she portrays on the outside. Even she needs to be careful of the things she does in life and I won't forgive you guys if she breaks down. As it stands, she's your guys responsibility. '' Elashor finished speaking and got into her ship, departing immediately with no further words to share.

Sai sighed as a result, clearly not getting the answer he wanted due to everything happening so fast but a part of him was also grateful for this information.

He didn't get this kinda information last time involving Lila, he had no idea what kinda person she was behind closed doors but this was a step in the right direction.

If there was anything to take away from this encounter it would be that he had more information regarding Lila as well as the fact that she had a sister.

She had never shown up before so this was strange but seeing as how she had left he'd have to wait for another encounter before he could ask regarding why she had come.

For now the best option was to return to the ship wreckage and continue evaluating the other agents as well as eventually returning to the ship.

'' What a day but at the very least this mission should be coming to a close. ''

Sai made a closing statement in his own head as he started making his way to where the others were.