
Future Tale : Beyond Fate

The future is doomed to fail by the hands of a singular force but the world seeks to defy its own fate. A group of soldiers is decimated, leaving a sole soldier named Sai alive to see the end of existence but a set of occurrences leads this soldier into a new deviant path gives way for a question : '' Can you...will you change the road that leads into the future doomed to annihilation? '' Armed with new tools that'll help him create a new future, how will this new future unfold?

Hakushin · Action
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15 Chs

Chapter 12 : Elashor

The two elven females had a bit of a staring contest before anything further was said.

The tension was palpable and it was difficult for anyone aside from the two elven females to say or do anything as this didn't feel like their place to intrude.

The other female that was not Lila had spoken up, her lips curling into a soft smirk as she asked the female intrusive questions.

'' So is this what you're doing these days? Going with other folks doing god knows what? What's happened to you, I can't recall the motivations as to why you left the Sylvan Fleet. You should know our parents aren't too happy with your decision. ''

The female responded to Lila, giving the onlookers a bit of context regarding who the lady was and who Lila was as well.

Sai had been confused, this news hadn't been something he was aware of before nor did this female show up in any capacity in his recollections.

'' Elashor, you shouldn't be trying to follow me if all you are trying to do is try to bring me back. I don't want to go back, mother is not who she used to be. You have to realize for yourself that she's changed. What I want and what she wants are two different things. You should come with me sister, there's nothing good that can be gained from sticking around. '' Lila replied.

There was a certain degree of tension that followed, leaving it unclear for a moment how the other female would respond.

Eventually Lila's sister did have words to say regarding that, responding in a confused tone.

'' I will admit I wasn't sure what I'd do if I found you considering what mother said she'd do to you if she got her hands on you. You left me all alone with our parents and while I'm not sure what I woulda done if I had known that you had intentions to leave ahead of time. Even so, it's probably for the best that I came here alone to survey the planet since the elven troops would have definitely done something if they saw you outright. ''

'' Let's keep it that way, I rather stay away from unnecessary violence especially amongst my own people. ''

Lila wasn't happy with the idea of running into the army, knowing full well how complicated it'd be for her to have to deal with them if they crossed paths but Elashor's tone changed after hearing how that came off.

'' Well it's probably for the best that they don't see that you've joined up with others, it might start a war if mother knew you defected to another group. She doesn't like compromise and if she has to, she will make sure that you've regretted leaving her. You know the density of mother's forces and if they all came down on you well that's pretty much it. You'll lose everything around you and there'll be nothing you can do about it, unless you either come back home and face punishment or keep to the shadows and never get found out again. It won't always be me I'm afraid but then again you found me rather than the other way around. '' She expressed.

The other onlookers continued to watch from a distance, curious how to proceed but it seemed they were beginning to part ways.

'' Be safe big sis and I'll make sure mother doesn't know we've met today. I'd like to say that I hope I can see you again someday but odds are I won't always be alone, nor am I usually alone long anyway. I hope better circumstances will eventually come about but that might just be asking for too much. '' Elashor had concluded her part in this conversation before having left in silence.

Lila had watched her sister turn her back on her and disappear into the forest, during that time Vorand,Skolas and Michael had joined Lila in the forest clearing where the ship they were meant to procure was located and she'd look at the group with a stern glare.

'' We won't talk about today, let's just focus on the mission. '' She said to the group before walking closer to the ship.

The group nodded in agreement while Vorand began issuing out commands to the two guys after observing the ship's condition in-depth.

'' Skolas, burn through the vines. I've seen the heat emitted from your built-in weaponry, surely you can concentrate them to be precise. As for Michael, your strength is sufficient enough to tear these vines apart. You both work from two different ends of the ship so as to not get in the way of one another. Once the ship is loose enough, we can work on getting the supplies within. I see quite a few crates being held up by the vines by one of the exposed holes in the ship's sides. Let's get moving folks! ''

As they went on to deal with the ship's remains, Sai had spent this time trailing after Lila's sister to see if she was truly alone.

He needed to know why she was here this time around as opposed to last time, what chain of events brought this about?

Sai had to know what was going on and by the time he had kept up a healthy consistent distance, he had noticed the elven woman reaching a small spaceship that was big enough for simply her and her alone.

The Elven woman stood there briefly before turning around and speaking out to the forest, clearly aware that she was being followed.

'' I know you're there, reveal yourself. ''