

These are story ideas that I plan to do once I finish writing one of my current books or if my readers like the plot so much that they beg for it to be released early. You guys can also request stories for me to do and if your idea is interesting enough for me I'll put them here and you also get a shoutout but do keep in mind that I only do girl x girl or Yuri stories when requesting. Link to my Discord: https://discord.com/invite/dyNN5qW8

Hela698 · 映画
22 Chs


Name: Onora Munroe

Age: 19

Alias: Overkill

Race: Mutant

Affiliation: X-men, Member of the Horseman of the Apocalypse.

Father: David Munroe(deceased)

Mother: N'Dare (deceased)

Twin Sister: Ororo Munroe


Onora and Ororo Munroe are twins born in New York City as the children of Kenyan tribal princess N'Dare and American photographer David Munroe. When the twins were six months old, they and their parents move to the Egyptian capital of Cairo. Five years later, during the Suez Crisis, a fighter jet crashes into their parents' house, killing them. Buried under tons of rubble, Ororo and Onora survive but are orphaned and left with intense claustrophobia.

After the death of their parents, the twins wander Cairo's back alleys for a few weeks, until they are picked up by the benign street lord Achmed el-Gibar and become prolific thieves.

As time goes on the twins began to idolize Mystique, following the mutant's heroism in Washington D.C.

One day, while using their abilities to score a wallet, they are chased down by the man they had robbed before getting surrounded by many individuals. Just as things were about to get heated, Apocalypse arrived and killed the men. Thankful for being saved, Ororo invites the being to their home, where he learned of what had happened in the past few centuries by skimming through a nearby television. Believing that humanity had lost its way, Apocalypse decided to "save" the world and imbued them with great power, causing their hair to turn white in the process. This is where Onora discovers that her mutant ability was copy and fusion not weather control like her twin sister. The twins then accompany Apocalypse to various locations where he recruited Psylocke, Angel, and Magneto to his cause.

The only physical difference between them is a scar that Onora gained when the jet crashed into their house.

Copied abilities

Ororo: Atmokinesis: Storm has the power to manipulate the weather as she is able to control both earthly and extraterrestrial ecosystems, can also manipulate meteorological tempests; such as lightning, thunderstorms, hurricanes, blizzards, tornadoes, mist and typhoons respectively.

Atmogenesis: After Apocalypse "upgraded" her powers, Storm can now generate, create and project all aspects of the weather.

Electrogenesis: Storm can generate, create and project electricity from both of her hands.

Electrokinesis: Storm can manipulate electricity.

Aerogenesis: Storm can generate, create and project air.

Aerokinesis: Storm can manipulate air.

Frigogenesis: Storm can generate, create and project blizzard storms, particularly snow.

Frigokinesis: Storm can manipulate blizzard storms, particularly snow.

Flight: Due to Storm's power to control the weather, particularly air; she is able to fly at amazing speeds and at high altitudes.

Teleportation: Due to Storm's power to control the weather, particularly electricity; she is capable of teleporting through lightning.

Apocalypse: Power Absorption: En Sabah Nur usually selects other mutants to be his new host every time he transfers his mind and soul. By doing this, he retains all of his previous powers, in addition to gaining the new host's abilities as well, by having their powers fused into his essence. Due to his collection of superhuman abilities, Professor Charles Xavier has described him as an all-powerful mutant.

Telepathy: En Sabah Nur can shield minds from telepathy, detect psychic communications, and seemingly control a telepath through an active telepathic signal. His mind is more powerful than even a high level telepath like Xavier but he lacks his full range of ability.

Telekinesis: En Sabah Nur is able to move and levitate anything with his mind.

Shielding: En Sabah Nur is able to generate a shield around him to defend himself against all forms of attack.

Levitation: En Sabah Nur has the ability to levitate himself off the ground.

Molecular Manipulation: En Sabah Nur is able to manipulate all forms of molecules, allowing him to transmute matter and disintegrate objects.

Technopathy: Sometimes when En Sabah Nur uses his powers, electrical appliances nearby will begin to malfunction. When he touched a television screen to learn of the modern world's languages and history, the machine emitted several bursts of static.

Accelerated Healing: En Sabah Nur gained the ability of instantaneous healing through his new host body. When Mystique slit his throat, he regenerated within a few moments.

Longevity: This ability makes En Sabah Nur immortal, as once his body ages and grows weak, he is able to move into a younger and more powerful body. However, he gained a nigh-instant healing ability, which has kept him alive & sustained for centuries.

Mutant Enhancement: En Sabah Nur can access and enhance other mutant's x-genes so as to augment their powers and abilities to the maximum degree.

Teleportation: En Sabah Nur can teleport himself and various individuals to anywhere he chooses, by creating a bubble of purple energy around himself.

Accelerated Perception: En Sabah Nur can amplify his vision to track even a super-speeding object like Quicksilver and counterattack.

Magneto: Magnetokinesis: is the ability to control and/or generate electromagnetic fields, giving the user control over the electromagnetic sprectrum and various magnetic metals.

Electromagnetic Sight: The ability to perceive the surrounding environment as patterns of magnetic and electrical energy. The natural magnetic auras surrounding living beings can also be seen in this way.

Energy Absorption: The ability to absorb different bands of the electromagnetic spectrum via magnetic force to temporarily boost the user's own strengths.

Geomagnetic Link: Since most users of this power are tied very closely to Earth's EM Field, they are highly sensitive any changes that it might undergo. This link also means that Earth lends them strength by its simple existence, and as a result they are granted an odd sort of immortality.

Magnetic Flight: The ability to fly by either gliding along the planet's natural magnetic lines of force or simply creating a repulsive force between the user(s) and the planet.

Magnetic Force-Fields: The ability to erect a powerful force field that can be quickly expanded to protect large areas, or even used to suspend objects in the air.

Magnetic Pulse: The ability to focus magnetic energy into powerful concussive blasts for various purposes.

Metallic Bonding: The power to atomically bond metallic substances to any designated surface material. This technique allows metallic alloys to be blended with the earth, water, and air.

Organic Iron Manipulation: The ability to control the traces of iron within organic matter, which allows full control over an opponent's body. This power can manipulate the iron-enriched blood-flow to one's brain to induce aneurysms or unconsciousness, alter thoughts and perceptions, or blank a person's mind completely. It can even remove ferrous compounds from the bloodstream entirely through a person's skin.

Ferrokinesis: is the ability to summon, control and manipulate all metals.

Archangel: Wing manifestation

Aerial adaptation

Enhanced durability

Regenerative healing factor

Superhuman senses

Enhanced strength

Enhanced reflexes

Enhanced stamina

Psylocke: Telekinetic Weapons: Braddock's telekinesis has great versatility, as she has used it to construct psychic weapons that damage a target either physically, mentally or both at some point. She has shown skill in using creating multiple types of psychic weapons that differ in size and power, which she uses in combat. Her telekinetic manifestations produce visible radiance in the physical world, which can be used as a makeshift light source in areas of darkness.

Telekinetic Sword / Katana: Braddock can manifest a telekinetic sword composed of raw psychic energy at will, which functions to disrupt neural pathways or cut through matter with precision. Her telekinetic sword is strong enough to harm beings more powerful than herself. often used alongside a strong telekinetic shield.

Telekinetic Crossbow/Bow and Arrows: Showing more versatility when it comes to her psychic constructs, Braddock can create energy bows and arrows, which she uses to attack her targets from a distance.

Telekinetic Spiked Flail: One manifestation of Braddock's telekinetic abilities was once a spiked flail which she used to destroy a wall.

Psychic Blasts: Being capable of projecting psychic force bolts which can affect a victim's mind and cause them pain, confusion, unconsciousness, or even death.


Jean Grey

