
Future Dog Project (3)

Out of nothing, an unknown Gmail was received to me. Turned out it was an invitation for a new game that was created by Fallen Corporation Company. I don't know if there really is a company like that, even Google can't answer me. Nonetheless, in the end, having nothing to do anyway, I decided to join the game. However, as I accepted the invitation, instead of then sending me the link to the game or sending me a helmet just like those at novels, a window appeared in front of me. There was written all my info and some quests that I was tasked to do. I don't know what was happening... Only to find out not long after by an unknown voice in my head, that, I could level up in real life... And the game isn't something a normal person could competence, because the game world is my world, the world where I live. The voice said, that I and all humans, we are all NPC's! Who are the fallen? Are they the Gods? I am not sure, and even the voice in my head doesn't seem to want to talk to me. This is where, the investigation of the real origin of the world, started. -------------------------------------- Let me create a movie in your mind, let me give you a good story. Read my book and give support, as I continue my updates and make you smile. This is in the latest contest, please help me win the battle. ----------------------------- The Book Cover isn't mine, credit to the true artist. ------------------- Some of the content are mature, like killings and so on, please, be wary.

Monarch_Of_Death · ゲーム
6 Chs

Two Conditions

As I was looking for any clue where am I, a voice that sounds familiar suddenly spoke.

[Welcome, Host!]

This is voice, right?

Black lines enveloped my forehead as I thought what just it had done.

This shit didn't even listen to my call a while ago, or else, there might be a way for me, to remain alive.

And the tone of its speech sounds to my ear like he was mocking me which made me even more irritated.

"You shitty voice, I was asking for help a while ago, why you didn't even answer?! "

If only this guy has a physical body, I wanted to beat it until it turned into something that even his parents won't be able to recognize again.

A sense of anger and shame gave birth within my eyes recalling what happened back then, but thinking about it again, with my current situation, it seems, the voice is the one who could help me or where I could ask for help.

"Voice, since you are also at fault for me to be sent here, why not help me to leave this place and came back to my world once again?! "

Although the killing intent was still in my words, at least, it lessened with my restraint.

There's no sure tho if this one could help me come back to my body and world after being killed.

[Voice? The Host, maybe you mistakenly accusing the system about something others did]

And now, it's even thinking of escaping the thing is made by saying that I was the one accusing? Good! I wanna roll my eyes.

This is the first time that I met such a brazen one. Just to escape from the shitty thing it had done, it even started acting like I'm the one slandering.

"Mistaken? So who are you then? "

For now, I'll play along for the sake of help it could give to me. After all, what is revenge for a dead man?

Even if I do make him pay right now -which I don't even know how- what is good could that give me if I get stuck in this place that nothing more than an abyss for eternity?

[Introducing to the Host; I am the System, and I was created from the void for the sake of helping the Host gain the power he needed to defeat all odds]


He sounds intriguing. Haha! Scum is scum at the end of the day.

However, although the sound of the voice is familiar, after more consideration, I must say that the tone of this one was different from the former voice.

Do this one really is not the former voice full of arrogance?

Forget it, It's better to ask if I could get out of this place rather than make a fuss with someone I am not sure if it really is my enemy.

"Then, could you help me get out of this place first?! "

"If you wanted to help me, you should know a way for me to get out of here, right? "

[Answer: After analyzing the whole place, the system found out that the place has no means to be cracked, however, I have another way, but for that, the system has two conditions for the Host needle to consider first.]


Well, not bad. At least I know that he doesn't have any hidden motive. If this one said it would be done free, that would sound a bit weird to me and I'll be wary then, yet if it said that there were two conditions, that would turn out as Give and Take and no need to wary that much for the hidden motives.

For now, it's better to listen carefully to its every word to see if there are loopholes and might take advantage of me too much.

"What are these two conditions, could you tell me and explain for me to understand things first? "

And also, it kept calling himself a system, I also wanted to ask him after this, but for now, these conditions should be the one to talk to first.

[I could understand that the Host has many doubts about this system, but don't worry as you will get your answer as time goes by, by using my power]

[Answer: There are two conditions of the Host to be able to get help from me;

First, the host must not speak to the others about my existence, and this system would just be, the power behind you, a secret existence. If others found out my existence, both of us would turn into the nothingness that even our soul won't be able to flee.

Be careful, not even one of your loved ones should know or else, they would be killed, by me before I child get killed.

Second, this system won't give you power just the next second or make you overpowered within just a mere second. I will give you tasks and you are responsible for accomplishing them if you wanted to obtain power as a reward.

But if you fail, you should expect the punishments depends on the level of the task that you failed to come.  ]

Wasn't this sounds just like the voice? These two were also the condition the voice gave me when I accepted the invitation.

In this case, should I even could trust this one. A demons' friend is a demon too.

"Are you one of the voices that were sent to supervise me? "

Then what's the use of letting me die, just to give a new voice to supervise?

Something is off!

[Voice? What is this voice? The Host should revise his word for the system to understand]


I just wanna smirk.

"The voice is just like you, it doesn't show me any physical self but just like you, a mere voice that was sent by your leaders of it, or, the Fallen! "

[? ]

[The Host must then mistaken my identity, I am a system, created by nothing, and limited by nothing, no one is above me other than the host]

[The Fallen that you were talking about is not my compatriots not my leader]

Was it telling the truth?

Although I don't want to accept this answer, this one was wat of talking sounds trustworthy and not arrogant at all, different from the former. 

Although I am still in the process of doubt, I also nonetheless for some reason wanted to believe it.

[Do the Host could accept my conditions? ]

There's no need to think through it again, I know this is my only chance to escape and born again.


Then, I'll just ask it to answer my doubts when I came back to my world.

System huh? I think I heard it somewhere.