
Future Dog Project (3)

Out of nothing, an unknown Gmail was received to me. Turned out it was an invitation for a new game that was created by Fallen Corporation Company. I don't know if there really is a company like that, even Google can't answer me. Nonetheless, in the end, having nothing to do anyway, I decided to join the game. However, as I accepted the invitation, instead of then sending me the link to the game or sending me a helmet just like those at novels, a window appeared in front of me. There was written all my info and some quests that I was tasked to do. I don't know what was happening... Only to find out not long after by an unknown voice in my head, that, I could level up in real life... And the game isn't something a normal person could competence, because the game world is my world, the world where I live. The voice said, that I and all humans, we are all NPC's! Who are the fallen? Are they the Gods? I am not sure, and even the voice in my head doesn't seem to want to talk to me. This is where, the investigation of the real origin of the world, started. -------------------------------------- Let me create a movie in your mind, let me give you a good story. Read my book and give support, as I continue my updates and make you smile. This is in the latest contest, please help me win the battle. ----------------------------- The Book Cover isn't mine, credit to the true artist. ------------------- Some of the content are mature, like killings and so on, please, be wary.

Monarch_Of_Death · Games
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6 Chs





The sound of the battle was resounding, but because of the voice interference, the sound was only reaching the scope of the construction site and the outside world has no means to hear anything at what was happening here.

And, that also was good news for me, because of it, I don't need to hold back, that was if I have something I was holding back.

There were already many destroyed equipment and structures that were caused by the battle, especially because this dumb demon was jumping to random places and breaking the walls around.

What should I do now?

Unfortunately for me, it turned out the demon's speed also was not a joke, before the bullet could even strike the target, the demon suddenly released a powerful aura, and as if it evolved its speed fasted and escaped from my grip.

The speed of the demon only lasted for a few seconds and it came back to normal speed again.

It seems that the skill the demon used to speed up consumed too much energy so the demon was trying to not use that as possible.

But, even if the demon could not use it consecutively, it's still a big threat for me as it could always use it for my bullet to fail and make me fail with my attempts.

This is getting frustrating.

My stamina was also now draining at a fast pace, I don't know how long I could take more with this situation.

At the end of the day, I am still just a newbie and a mortal with limited prowess.

My gun was not an advanced type of weapon and the speed was slow for the demon's weakness to be hit by me.

If only there is something that could help me.


Maybe it could help?

Enlightenment entered my mind.

I doubled my pace and left the demon that currently was a bit slow from using its speed skill again. 

After that, I hid behind a wall hidden from. its sight and tried contacting the voice.

If there is someone that could help me at this moment, it's most likely is the voice.

"Voice, please, do something, help me kill the shit! "

Breathing heavily, I said weakly while my back was resting at the wall.

Holy cow, voice, answer me!!!

My whole body as time goes by was also giving up, its been half an hour since the fight started and since I started my run.

Hopefully, I came from a village which also reasons why my physics was more built better than others, and I still remained alive with my good stamina.

"Voice! "

I called again. Maybe because of my current situation, every second felt like days for me, I found the voice so long to get summoned and respond to me.

[Oh! What's up new Gamerz? ]

What the hell with this one? At a time like this, the voice when it spoke sounded like it was mocking me!

"I don't have any time to have a small joke with you! Do you have anything that could help me kill that dumb demon? "

I don't have much time to waste, so even with the possibility to annoy the voice, I still spoke to the topic at once.


The sound of the demon's footstep was getting louder and closer, my time was...



I think I unconsciously underestimated the enemy, a pointed metal suddenly shot to the wall and hit my leg.

Blood exploded from my leg as I lost my balance and fell on my knee.

The metal just hit not only my flesh but it accurately hit the bones that caused a painful sensation when I fell because the metal rotated.


I can't take it anymore.

This is hellish torture.

I wanted to shout stop but I find it so difficult, I gritted my teeth and looked at my right side.

The demon was standing and smiling while looking at me, it seemed it was enjoying watching me suffering.

You deserve to be called a demon.

Is this the end of all?!

My instruct was telling me that I was on the verge of great danger, and I can't help but gab birth a sense of regret and fear in my heart.

A drop of tears one by one unconsciously fell from the corner of my eyes, walked through my cheeks, and fell on the ground.

I shifted my eyes and looked at the ground.

This was the first time I ever had felt this pain, and my young body can't take it, blood loss also so severe, there seems no way for me to leave this place alive.

My eyes then fell on my hand.


I saw the gun that was thrown away by the sudden attack, it was near me, I stretched my hand and tried my best to reach the gun.

If I am to die today, right now, at this time, then, it's better to kill this I'm on with me.

That damn voice at the end turned out not willing to help me out!


It wasn't that far so with just a little bit of more effort, I reached for the gun.

Holding the gun, a creepy smile formed on my lips as I shifted my sight back to the demon.

However, the battle turned out already decided, I saw the demon's fist was clasped to each other and descending at a fast pace, its' plan for me to get murder by being smash was still valid in its mind?

Here I thought I could kill him with me before I could even react, like a meteor from the sky, the clasped fist appeared before my face and...


I just felt my whole body being hit by a train and role in the railings with it.

The demon has no mercy, after one hit, at a fast speed, with the speed of light, the folded fist one after another smashed my body until it turned into juice.

[Unfortunately, you died]

The voice then spoke.

Did I die?!

Then what's up now?

After the first smash from the demon, I was killed instantly, and I don't know what the demon then did afterward.

I opened my eyes in a dark space, other than the void, I don't have anything to see.

What is this place?

[Welcome, Host]


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