
Frosty Love

A special force officer Leo Miles was living a normal and joyful life, chasing criminals with his other friends and putting them behind the bars. But when Iclyn Frostine, The queen of witches and Ice came crashing down in his world, making him feel and witness mind-blowing elements of her world, Leo found himself getting forfeited in the magic of esoteric girl. Soon he realized that he was just a way to her throne. Torn between magic and logic, love and fears, the two souls fell for each other. Will the love between the man of logic and the woman of magic bloom? Or the storms destroy them? Disclaimer: All the characters, events, names, places, and incidents are fictional and my imagination. I don't own any pictures used in the book including the cover. But the cover was edited by me. Note: Plagiarism is something I hate and won't support. I will take legal action if found any piece of my story being used without my permission. Warning: Contains strong language and sexual scenes. All rights are reserved to Copyright © 2021 Amaya Scar

Amaya_Scar · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Chapter: 6



His warmth.

His body heat.

That is all I need.

He is providing me that. After redeeming Owen's life, all my powers seem to have vanished. I knew this would happen but I had to save him. Because of me, these boys got in trouble.

Sitting on Leo's lap, buried my face in the crook of his neck, my uneven breath became even. I slowly felt myself getting better and the ache in my chest was easing up.

He is hugging me tightly as if I will fly away. My eyes were shut closed because I am embarrassed. Embarrassed about needing someone else to live.

I need him

I need Leo




I was stiff, sitting on the couch desperately trying to ignore the six pairs of eyes gaping at me and her. I was surprised that Owen is absolutely fine. He was sitting like he wasn't bleeding to death just an hour ago.

She saved him.

But I guess it's because of her we are in this bizarre situation.

My hold on her is exceedingly rigid because I think she needs me. It might be my ridiculous assumption but it looks like my warmth has been soothing her.

She slowly moves and her cold ticking breath on my neck no longer stays there.

I let her pull away slightly and her eyes met mine, a tingling feeling rushed through me as I examine her features.

She looks.....weak.

Her lips are still pale as her skin, her moist and frosty eyes lack any emotion, but her cold body is now a little warm.

She tries to get off of me, I simply lift her and placed her beside me.

She took a deep breath and peeped at me, then at others. All of them became gravelly silent when she looks at them.

Their expression tells me that they want to evaporate.





"You guys need to breathe, or else you will expire," I told them calmy. The six boys exhale sharply then started breathing.

I scared them I think.

"Now you can ask whatever you want," I look at them expectedly.

Their mind must be spinning due to everything.

"Umm..are you a human?" the one with flawless dimple asked me.

"Logan your IQ is 148, due you think a lowly creature human can control ice?" I raised my brows.

"Right," he nods, looking sheepish.

"Then what you are?" Austin threw the question boldly. His skin is as white as mine.

"I am an Ice Queen," I said nonchalantly but there was a hint of pride in my voice.

They blinked at me as if I am speaking a foreign language.

"Wow!" Ian exclaimed finally.

"So you are the queen of snow?" the guy beside me asks, I was desperately trying to ignore looking into his eyes. His crazily fascinating eyes stare in mine, searching for numerous explanations.

"That's what I said, didn't I?" I roll my eyes.

He scoffs.

"Okay so you are a snow queen and you can control snow and make dead people alive?" Jack asked.

"Yeah. Well, I shouldn't make dead people alive," I told them.

"But you did," Austin states.

"Yes. I did. I broke the rule by manipulating the natural cycle of life and death," I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

It aches.

"Aren't you the Queen, can't you manipulate things as you wish?" Owen nervously asked.

"I can't. Even I have limits to my powers. I can't manipulate things in the human world. But I already did, that's why I lost most of the powers," I elaborate.

They take a minute to process the things I said so far. I felt a pair of eyes boring at my side head, I avoided looking in them.

"So you are Elsa?" Ian's eyes gleam.

"Who's that?" I frown.

"She is a Disney princess. A snow queen," Leo retorted and I look at him.

I laugh.

"Honey I am not a princess in some stupid fairy tale," I said waving my hand.

"Then what exactly are you?" Logan frustratedly asks.

"I am a Witch. I am the queen of witches and Snow, Iclyn Frostine," I said with my icy voice.

They didn't say anything.

They all look at Logan, like if he believes then they will.

"I don't know what to say. I studied science my whole life, magic is something I can't relate to," Aiden began shaking his head, he picks up the glass of water to drink.

He doesn't believe in magic.

Then let's make him believe.

I stare at the glass and snap a finger.

It froze.

Aiden stands in surprise.

"Oh my God!" He cried out.

I felt my heart clutched, shit. I can't even use my ability to freeze a glass of water.

I let out a whimper not being able to suppress it. Leo scoots closer and held my shoulder firmly.

"Iclyn" my name softly rolls off his tongue. I felt my heart race and my body heating up. I relaxed at his touch.

"You okay?" Logan asked me, his eyes are filled with concern.

I nod. Leo didn't get away from him, he sits closely.

Why he has to be the one?

Why can't this dimple guy be the one?

"You guys owe me. I saved your asses and him," I point at Owen

"Well, it's because of you that we are in this situation," Leo snaps.

Bipolar much?

I scoff. Only if he knew.

"It's because of you Leo. You should be washing my feet boy if I hadn't come to this world you might be dead already," I snap, he doesn't even know how his life is going to flip.

I don't plan to tell them everything now. I need to get my powers back first. I will get them soon. I hope so.

"I guess we do owe you," Austin admits looking at boys.

"How can we help?" Logan asks me with a small smile.

Why my world doesn't have boys these handsome?

"Let me stay here, till I get my powers back," I said.

"Fuck no!" Leo protest.

"Language Leo!" Aiden scolds him and smiles at me.

"Okay. Saving Owen, you put your life at stake. You can stay here till you retrieve your powers," Logan said.

"You all have to keep my identity a secret. I won't hesitate to kill you if you threaten me in any way," I warn them with my chilly gaze.

Their smile falls.


I should have said nicely.

"You don't even have your powers!" Leo smirked at me.

"I still have my hands, I can pretty much shoot you with your gun," I grimace.

He tilts his head and arches his brow.

For a moment I became speechless, studying his features. His doe eyes, sharp nose, perfect strong jaw, and thin but pink lips. His soft brown bangs cascade over his forehead, he runs his hand through it and I snap out of my thoughts. A proud and knowing smile stretches his lips, showing his tiny dimples.

"Okay then. Please make yourself at home," Aiden told me.

He is handsome.

Well, all are. But his board shoulder and visuals are just wow.

"Welcome to Fire Boys," Logan said shyly.

I smiled at him and others who seem to be okay with me staying here, except one.

Leo Miles.

"Hey Iceberg, you better don't come anywhere near my room," the kid whispers in my ear. His warm breath tickles my lobe and I give him a chilly smile.

Okay, so the first thing I will do in this house is.....

Visiting Leo Miles's room.


