
Frosty Love

A special force officer Leo Miles was living a normal and joyful life, chasing criminals with his other friends and putting them behind the bars. But when Iclyn Frostine, The queen of witches and Ice came crashing down in his world, making him feel and witness mind-blowing elements of her world, Leo found himself getting forfeited in the magic of esoteric girl. Soon he realized that he was just a way to her throne. Torn between magic and logic, love and fears, the two souls fell for each other. Will the love between the man of logic and the woman of magic bloom? Or the storms destroy them? Disclaimer: All the characters, events, names, places, and incidents are fictional and my imagination. I don't own any pictures used in the book including the cover. But the cover was edited by me. Note: Plagiarism is something I hate and won't support. I will take legal action if found any piece of my story being used without my permission. Warning: Contains strong language and sexual scenes. All rights are reserved to Copyright © 2021 Amaya Scar

Amaya_Scar · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter: 7


I still can't believe they are letting her stay with us. I mean we precisely saw her shooting ice with her hands.

She said she is the Queen of witches and Snow.

Aren't witches dangerous?

Her everything screams hazardous

To add more to the list of why-I-dont-like-her is she is staying in the room right across from me.

I sigh and just hopped in the shower. After taking a long steamy bath, I wrapped the towel around my waist and use another to dry my hair.

I sneeze.

She gave me the cold.

I walk out of the bathroom, with a scrunching itchy nose.

A sound of a low whistle makes me jump, I kept my hand on my chest when I turn around and saw Iceberg sitting on my bed, smiling at me.

It's not her real smile. It's the smug one.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked, glaring at her.

Her eyes travel from my to down at my body. I blushed even though I didn't want to.

"You are looking like a creep," I roll my eyes and pick at-shirt to slip it on.

The t-shirt flies out of my hands.

What the-

I gape at her, she is holding my t-shirt in her hand.

She is a witch.

It's so hard to believe it.

"I never, get out, I am not in the mood to deal with you," I need to get my thoughts straight. Too much happened in the last few hours.

Iclyn threw the fabric across the room, her eyes were fixed on my chest. She abruptly stands and took long strides towards me.

I panicked and step back. In a blink of an eye, she had me pinned against the wall. The cold mystic aura around her engulfs me. Her lavender perfume hits my nostrils and I ball my hands in a fist. Her piercing eyes were looking at my chest.

She lifts her hand, and I froze when her cold fingers touch the skin of my chest.

"Do you know why you have this mark?" her voice was a whisper.

I look down at her fingers touching the figure of a small tree on my chest.

"Since I was born," I reply.

That wasn't her question you idiot.

I never really understood how and why I have it on my chest.

But now when I think it seems related to her.

What's our connection?

We heard a thumping sound, and I look in the doorway.

Fuck no.

Ian stood gaping at us, with wide eyes. I instantly grab Iclyn arms and gently push her aside.

"I just wanted to say that Aiden is calling you both for dinner. Well, it seems you are busy, I will inform them," he smirked and pick his from the floor.

"No Ian you got it all wrong!" I yelled at his retreating figure.

No use.

I gave a deadly look to Iclyn.

"It's because of you!" I snapped.

"Just get a dressed kid, don't whine," she said nonchalantly and walks out of my room.

I have to deal with her for god knows how many days!

I walk downstairs, others were already at the dinner table. Except her. I slide in my seat.

"Where is she?" Aiden asked me.

"I don't know. I thought she must be here," I reply, serving food to Jimin hyung.

"I will call here," Logan stands up and leave.

"She said she is a witch, can she eat this?" Ian asked.

The same I am thinking.





The cool breeze soothes my face, my blue hair sways baring my neck. Bangtan Boys have a nice house and a huge rooftop. This world is so different. In my world, the night sky is soft violet and no moon.

The moon was a wraith-silver disc hanging in the lonely sky. Lasers of moonlight, as bright as diamond flame, turned the sea glow like melted platinum. It was as if I was watching a scene from an old fable stepping off the page and I was beguiled by its beauty.

"Enjoying the view I see," I jolt at the sudden voice.

I turn around and see Logan walking towards me.

"Ahh, I scared the snow queen," he cheekily smiled.

"As if. You would be frozen to death if you dared to commit this grave crime in my world," I told him.

"Seriously? Now I am scared," he rolls his eyes and stands beside me. His hair sways a little.

Handsome alert!



"Do you believe what I said?" I ask, he is smart among them I want to know why are they letting me stay without being problematic.

"I honestly don't know. All I know is you saved us and my boy Jimin, they are all like my kids, so I owe you a big. I saw everything with my eyes, you controlling the snow and fighting that smoke, but you are from some other world and you are a witch and snow queen it's unimaginable," he directs with composure.

"I will leave soon but I can't promise things will be the same when I decide to leave. I am here with a motive," I admit.

"If that motive doesn't harm any of my boys, then it's cool," he said and I nod.

"Please join us for dinner, we are waiting for you," he smiles showing his dimples.

"No. I always eat alone," I said, looking at the sky.

No one was ever around to eat with me anyways.

"Ern...then I will tell hyung to keep some food for you aside?" he raised his brow and I nod.

I don't need to eat.

"You should head down. Staying near me will give you a serious cold," I told him.

"Okay," he smiled and turns to walk away.

"Why you had to pair me with a kid why not this man?!" I hampered.

After a while, I walk downstairs. They all were already asleep. Opening the door of Leo's bedroom, I walk over to the bed and slowly slide in. The lights are off so he must be asleep already.





My heartbeat quickens and a familiar feeling rushed through me.

I sensed her.

How can I feel her presence?

I turn around and her frame was in front of my eyes. Her back was facing me and the cold waves are emitting from her, along with the lavender scent.

To be honest it's soothing.

But I don't think we should be near each other. I can't ignore the effect she has on me and it scares me shitless.

"Why are you sleeping on my bed?" I asked her with an annoying tone.

"Because I want to," she replies quietly.

We have another Austin here.

"Iclyn just go and sleep in the guest room. Jin hyung cleaned the room for you," I told her.

"I can't or you will die," she admit and my eyes widened

She is baffling, isn't she?

"Just sleep, kid. You are not my type, I won't do anything," she said and I can see her rolling her eyes.

"You better don't try something funny!" I warn her.

She hums in response. I sigh and get back to sleep.

It's okay, Miles, she is just sleeping. You are not nervous.

Suddenly the light went on. My eyes flew open in confusion. I look at her, but her eyes were closed.

I just switch the light off again and climb back into the bed. The light again went on.

"What the hell Iclyn! Stop it already!" I snap.

"Yeah kiddo, don't raise your voice at me, I will freeze you to death!" She turns her body to face me and glare.

Oh really.

"Do it," I smirk.

She scowls then scrunches her nose, turning away from me.

"What? Now you can't uhh?" I poked her arm, smirking.

"Get lost fetus," she mumbled.



I placed my hand on her shoulder and swiftly turns her to face me. Her eyes widened as they met mine. I placed my hand on either side of her hovering over her slender frame.

"Fetus you say?" I ask cockily. She scoffed and rolls her eyes.

Look at her nerve.

I lean in closer, her body radiating cold waves made me shiver. I placed my lips near her ears and muttered in a very low and sensual voice, "Should I show you how much of a man I am?"


