
Frosty Love

A special force officer Leo Miles was living a normal and joyful life, chasing criminals with his other friends and putting them behind the bars. But when Iclyn Frostine, The queen of witches and Ice came crashing down in his world, making him feel and witness mind-blowing elements of her world, Leo found himself getting forfeited in the magic of esoteric girl. Soon he realized that he was just a way to her throne. Torn between magic and logic, love and fears, the two souls fell for each other. Will the love between the man of logic and the woman of magic bloom? Or the storms destroy them? Disclaimer: All the characters, events, names, places, and incidents are fictional and my imagination. I don't own any pictures used in the book including the cover. But the cover was edited by me. Note: Plagiarism is something I hate and won't support. I will take legal action if found any piece of my story being used without my permission. Warning: Contains strong language and sexual scenes. All rights are reserved to Copyright © 2021 Amaya Scar

Amaya_Scar · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Chapter: 11


"Let's order pizza! We are free for the rest of the day anyway," Ian beamed at us.

"Yes! I will order!" Jack jumped on his feet, picking his phone to make the order.

"What is pizza?" Iclyn asked.

"You don't know what is pizza? Why are you even living?" Aiden looked at her in disbelief.

"I don't know," she muttered.

"Well, you see it's snack humans eat. It's tasty you should eat," Logan told her.

"I don't eat with everyone," she said.

Why not.

"Why?" Ian asked. her.

"I don't know," she shrugged.

"Umm...well you will drink juice? It's made up of fruits," Logan asked her.

"Can I have just extremely cold water?" She asked.

"Er..sure...just wait for a while, I will put the bottle in the freezer," Logan said and she smiles at him.

She never smiles at me that way.

Well, you don't smile at her either.


So shut up.


"Why don't you tell us about your world?" Aiden asked her.

"What do you all want to know?" Her beautiful eyes sweep on our faces.

"Just random things like where you stay, how your world is?"

"It's different. We don't have sun and moon. The night sky is violet, and the morning sky is peach. We don't have glass buildings and towers. We have a crystal ice house and skyscrapers. There are schools and students learn there to control their power," she said, her eyes glittered when she spoke about her world.

"Is the name of the school Hogwarts?!" Ian asked her with excitement.

"Err....no. Harry Potter fan?" She asked him.

"Damn yes! You know about it?"

"Yeah. I read the books when I was a kid," she said.

My mind immediately wanders around how she must be when she was a kid. Her icy hair in a pigtail, squishy cheeks, and big marine eyes.


"Icehouse must be nice! Where do you stay?" Owen asked.

"Palace. It's also made up of ice," she told us.

"When did you became a queen?" Jack raised a question.

"I am not yet a queen. My accession ceremony is still yet to take place. But I am a born queen so people already see me as one," she smiled proudly.

She must be a good leader then.

"And what about your family?" Ian implored.

Her smile fell and her whole demeanor change.

Others must have noticed because they became silent.

"I...I am sorry I shouldn't have asked," Ian innocently glances at her.

She faked a smile and ruffles his hair, "It's fine. I don't have a family."

We all were quiet then Jack pats her back.

"You are a strong girl Iclyn. You know you are part of our team and this team is itself a family," Jack told her.

She gives us a tiny smile, her gaze fell on her ring and she clutched her hands.

I wish I could ask her what's wrong.







The word is so foreign to me.

I almost forgot such a word exists.

After a while what they say as the pizza arrives. Logan gave me chilled water. It's not that chilled but I have to satisfy myself with it. They started munching on pizza, talking, smiling, and joking.

It must feel good.

To have people around you.

I gulped the water in one go. I felt a little better.

"Hey! I will eat the last slice!" Leo announced trying to take the slice. Aiden slaps his hand away.

"I am the eldest and I also cook for you every day so I deserve this!" He flips his nonexistent long hair.

"Then I make you laugh every day so I deserve it more than you," Jack grinned

"I will just order another," Austin rolled his eyes.

They all started to bicker over the last slice, finally, they decided to play stone paper or something game.

They played it using their fingers making some shapes and Leo won.

What a stupid game is that.

"Ahh..thank you thank you," he bows dramatically and picks the box up. Other groan and rolls their eyes.

Leo sits beside me and I stare at him. He looks like an excited kid who won a huge prize.

"What?" He asked. I shook my head, looking away.

"Take a bite," he shoved the pizza near my mouth and I turn my face away.

"No," I said.

"Come one just a bite uhh?" He poked my arm.

"No," I resisted again.

"Please?" He said and I look at him. He is so cute, with his pouted lips. I almost melted.

"Open your mouth, it's nice," his eye gleams at me, my lips part on their own and I take a bite.

I slowly chew at it.

Well, it's witchdam awesome.

"It's good right?" He smirked licking his lips.

"It's fine," I mumble and try not to stare at his lips.

He shrugs and eats the rest of the slice.

"I didn't ask you earlier, why is your shirt so messy?" Aiden glared at Jungkook.

The brown stain was still on his shirt.

Leo grimaced at me, "Someone was jealous of my nice shirt," he scrunched his nose.


I rolled my eyes and snap my finger. The stain disappeared. All look at me in awe.

"Get used to this," I told them.

Gladly I can still do small witchcraft.

"Ahh right! Iclyn, come with me tomorrow, we will go shopping!" Ian asserted.

"I will join!" Owen chimed.

"Well, I will join too. I have something to buy," Leo said.

"Oh really, what?" Austin asked him.

"Er...um..a gift. Mina's birthday is soon," he said.


"Oh I forgot you have a girlfriend," Owen said rolling his eyes.

A what?

"She is coming from her vacation," Leo told them.

Boys nodded uninterestedly.

"What is the girlfriend?" I asked them.

They gave me what the fuck look.

I didn't study human relationships. I should have listened to Jackson told me to study.

"Girlfriend is the person we like," Logan told me.


Oh like partners.

"Oh okay. In my world we have partners. They have sex with each other and then produce children and live together, that's what you called family right?" I asked them.

They nervously laugh.

So he likes someone and has sex with her? And he will have a baby too.

I need to tell him a lot of things. My accession ceremony is soon.

After work, I was packing my stuff when Logan walked over to my desk.

"Want me to drop you?" He asked nervously.

"Won't it be bothersome?" I asked.

"Why would it be? We are going to the same place anyway. So I can drop you?" He said.

"Okay," I said and remove my coat.

"The coat suits you," he said staring at me intensely.

"Oh yeah? White and blue suits me the best," I told him.

"Right. Your hair is unique," he told me looking at my hair.

"I know, that indicates my power," I told him.

We both walk to the elevator, Fire boys were waiting for us.

We reached the ground floor and the boys walk to their cars. I saw Leo waiting for me.

"Leo I will ride with Logan," I told him, he raised his brows, but he nods. He climbs in his car and slams the door shut.

He is so bipolar.

I roll my eyes at his tantrums and smile at Logan. He held the door for me and I climb in.

Soon he pulled the car on the clear street.

"It's been just a day you are staying with us, but I will still ask. You are comfortable right?"

"Yes. Why wouldn't be?"

"You know we all are seven boys and..just it might be weird so," he smiles.

"I am good. Thanks for letting me stay," I told him.

"You said that day on the rooftop that you are here for some mission, what's that? Can you share?" He asks looking at me sideways.

"I will. Just wait for few days," I assured him.

He nods in understanding. We talk a bit, I must say Logan is the right person to talk to when you have so much in mind. He is extremely sensible.

We climb off the car and over into the house. Aiden, Jack, and Austin were sitting in the living room discussing something.

"Hey, whatcha doing?" Logan asked as he sits on the couch.

"My sister is getting married!" Jack said he has tears in his eyes but he is smiling widely.

"Oh my god! Finally. It's her boyfriend right?" Logan asked him.

"Yes. She is getting married in three months. We all have to go to Paris," he says then look at me, "You should come to her wedding as well, I told her about you. She is excited to meet you."

Told her about me?

"Uh...don't worry I didn't tell her, that you are not a human," he shook his head.

Okay then.

"Oh did that sounded rude, I mean you are not a human but when I say it, it sounds weird," he frowned looking puzzled by his own words.

I laugh.

"It's fine. But what is the wedding?"  I asked.

"A hell," Austin replied.


Shouldn't Jack be sad then, his sister is going to hell.

"Austin, don't tell her nasty things. Marriage is....when we officially make a person we like ours. We vow to take them as our life partner," he told me.

"So you have to marry someone to make them your life partner?" I asked.

"Yeah," Jack nods.

"Okay. Then congratulations on her marriage. You must love her a lot," I marked when I saw his eyes beaming with happiness.

"Yeah. I love her a lot," he said.

Are all brothers this nice? Loving?

Why mine isn't?

I smile at them.

"Where are kids?" Logan asked.

"Sleeping. I didn't cook cause I knew you all must be full as you ate pizza like pigs," Aiden said.

"You are a pig!" Austin hit Aiden.

"I am a pig oik!" He made a pig's sound and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Err...you didn't eat anything. Should I make you something?" Aiden asked me.

"No. Can I just get chilled water?" I asked.

"Oh please stop asking. You are free you use whatever you want in the kitchen. I will get you a bottle," he smiles.

He hands me the bottle and I waved at them walking upstairs. I walk into Leo's room, to my surprise he was awake.

He glances at me but didn't say anything and just continue to do whatever he was doing on the phone. He is wearing a white t-shirt and leaning on the headboard of the bed. I walk in further and sit on the couch, not knowing what to do.

"Just go and shower," he told me, still looking at his phone.

I stand and walk into the bathroom with a towel. I took a cold shower. I also pour the chilled water that Aiden gave me over my head.

After showering, I wrap the towel around my body and walk out of the bathroom to his wardrobe. I hear something crashed lowly. I turn my head and look over at Leo.

His face was red, his eyes comprehensive and his phone was on the floor.


"What?" I asked him, opening his wardrobe.

"Why why a-re yo-u n- naked?" He stuttered.

"This is not known as naked Leo. There is a towel around my body," I told him and took a white hoodie, and slipped it on over the towel.

"Y-you ar- are jus- Jesus!" he stumbled in his words and groans, burying his face in the blanket, hiding his face. I chuckle and let my towel fall as he was not looking.

I pull on his shorts, there was a knot so thankfully I could tie them around my waist. I snap my finger and switch the light off and sprawl on the cool tiles.

"Are you dressed completely?" He asked.

"No, I am still nake," I said.

"Very funny."

"Just sleep," I told him.

"Don't tell me what to do," he snapped.

This kid!

I just close my eyes trying to sleep.

After hours I still couldn't sleep. Suddenly, I feel his presence beside me.

"Why I am so nice?" He whispers and lifts me gradually.

What the hell he is doing?!

I kept my eyes close and pretended to be asleep. He placed me on the bed. I wait for him to climb beside me. But he didn't. I peek through my eyelashes. He walks over to the couch and plops on it.

I find myself smiling.


