
From university lecturer to chief academician

In a challenging and opportune era, there is a young doctorate named Wang Hao who unexpectedly finds himself transported to a new world. However, his fate is not smooth sailing, but full of twists and challenges. Wang Hao initially aimed for scientific research upon arriving in this world, but unexpectedly became embroiled in a public opinion storm. He was accused of being a "paper mill" and criticized by academic bigwigs as engaging in "ineffective scientific research." However, just as the public opinion storm rages on, Wang Hao quickly refutes all accusations. Each of the ten papers he produced showcases solid research, with far-reaching impact that shakes the entire internet. Reporters flock to interview him, hoping to uncover the true face of this young doctorate. However, Wang Hao responds with a nonchalant attitude: "I didn't specialize in scientific research; those papers were just insights I gained while teaching students." This story is full of dramatic tension and plot twists. Wang Hao's emergence not only shocks people but also triggers deep reflection on scientific research and academia. His perseverance, wisdom, and calm attitude make him the center of attention. This is a legendary tale of courage, wisdom, and justice, as well as a thought-provoking revelation.

XiangRu · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter 8: Can't Possibly Be Right, Can It?

Over the next two days, Wang Hao poured all his energy into refining his papers. First, he organized the content of the papers and translated them into English bit by bit. Then, he researched the requirements for submitting to academic journals. Slowly but surely, after two days and more than ten hours of effort, he finally completed the three papers.

"Mission accomplished!" he declared proudly as he sent the papers to the journals' submission emails, along with a brief explanation and suggestions for reviewers. Then, he relaxed completely.

It was a rare moment of relaxation for Wang Hao. Since arriving in this world, he had been constantly busy—preparing lesson plans, writing research reports, and later on, summarizing knowledge and writing papers. One of the main reasons for his busyness was his uncertainty about his future. Suddenly becoming a math professor, carrying the stigma of research misconduct, and obtaining the "X Professor System" made staying at the university the best choice. With the results related to Fourier transform, he submitted them to top journals. Even if he wasn't sure if they would be accepted, he was confident he could stay because he had produced results.

Because of his accomplishments, even if West Sea University didn't renew his contract, other universities would surely be interested in hiring him.

Friday arrived. He had two tutorial classes in the afternoon and evening, leaving his morning free. Wang Hao decided to take a brief break. He sat in his office, leisurely sipping coffee, browsing the news, and chatting with others.

Over the past few days, he had gotten to know the people in the office. Most familiar was Zhu Ping, a master's graduate in information science who had become a lecturer several years ago and was responsible for teaching computer basics in the Information School.

There was also Zhang Zhiqiang, a PhD in information science, who had been working in the computer laboratory for two and a half years and was rumored to be soon promoted to associate professor.

And there was Yan Jing, a PhD in applied physics, who had just been hired by the Faculty of Science. She was petite, standing only about 1.5 meters tall, and had a slender figure. She seemed cute and was only three years older than Wang Hao. As newcomers, they were naturally closer.

Seeing Wang Hao looking so relaxed, Yan Jing curiously commented, "You've been busy all this time, and now you're leisurely reading the news."

"I'm done with my work," Wang Hao replied.

"Did you finish writing your paper?" Yan Jing asked curiously. Writing papers was very important as it summarized research and could help with promotions and grant applications.

"Yeah," Wang Hao nodded. "I've submitted it, now I'm just waiting for a response."

"Oh," Yan Jing said.

Wang Hao had been busy in the office for days, and others knew he was researching Fourier transform applications, but they didn't know the specifics.

They subconsciously thought it was a small research project. If it were a major project, it wouldn't be finished in just a few days. A small research project could result in a few papers, which would be considered a small achievement.

After hearing their conversation, others joined in and talked about papers and promotions. Most of them complained about the difficulty of writing papers.

Zhu Ping, in particular, had given up. She shrugged nonchalantly and said, "You guys are all PhDs, but I'm just a regular master's student. I'll just focus on getting a few teaching papers published. As long as they don't look too bad, it's fine."

Zhu Ping was the most enviable one. She was a lecturer employed directly after graduation with a regular employment contract. Although she couldn't expect to be promoted because of her educational background, she didn't have other hard requirements.

Others, including Zhang Zhiqiang, who was said to be able to be promoted to associate professor, were all temporary workers. If they didn't have enough achievements in a few years, they could only leave with regret.

Wang Hao was in the worst situation. His contract was only for one year, and everyone thought he probably wouldn't be able to stay.

In fact, West Sea University's system wasn't that harsh. Since the university could only attract a limited number of talents, as long as the recruited PhDs didn't perform too poorly, staying wouldn't be a problem.

For example, Zhang Zhiqiang. After working for two and a half years, his performance wasn't outstanding, but the school was still willing to promote him based on his achievements.

Most newly recruited PhDs could stay as long as they didn't perform too poorly.

"Donggang," Wang Hao recalled, feeling somewhat embarrassed. "I'm not sure. I'm a resident here."

Resident doctoral candidates, like Zhu Ping, signed regular employment contracts directly. Doctoral residents usually get promoted to associate professor within a short period.

The others looked at him with a gaze of "pity." A doctoral candidate who stayed at Donggang University, a prestigious institution, became a temporary lecturer at West Sea University for one year.

How unfortunate!

Wang Hao didn't feel much about it. He wasn't the one who had experienced it personally, and Donggang University only existed in his memory.

Resident doctoral candidates? What's the big deal? As long as the research keeps up, associate professorship or professorship is something to look forward to.

As the office discussion continued, someone pushed open the door and called out, "Wang Hao, someone's looking for you!"

Wang Hao got up and walked out into the corridor, where he saw a man in a suit waiting outside.

"You must be Wang Hao! My name is Zheng Yaojun. Professor Zhou Qingyuan recommended you," Zheng Yaojun said with a smile on his face.

"Oh," Wang Hao replied, still not understanding the purpose of the visit.

Zheng Yaojun enthusiastically pulled Wang Hao along, saying, "Let's go, it's almost lunchtime. I'll treat you."

Wang Hao checked the time. Since someone was treating, he followed along.

On the way, Zheng Yaojun talked about the purpose of his visit. He was an associate professor in the Faculty of Science and had a national research fund project on "Completely Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations," with a grant of 100,000. The province also provided a subsidy of 50,000, and the university gave a subsidy of 20,000. Altogether, it was 170,000.

Wang Hao felt that the other party seemed to be showing off his project. Throughout the conversation, Zheng Yaojun kept talking about the project he was working on and how much funding he had received. Of course, getting more than ten thousand in funding for a mathematical basic research project was indeed something to be envied.

Basic mathematical projects were different from other types; there were almost no "expenditure costs," and project funds were usually spent on buying professional books and attending academic conferences. Anyway, anything related to research and development could be directly applied for reimbursement.

When they arrived at the restaurant and found their seats, Zheng Yaojun finally got to the point. "This time, I'm going abroad to attend a mathematics conference. I'll be gone for a week, but I have two classes for freshmen. I was thinking of rescheduling, but there were conflicts with the other classes. You know, missing one differential equations class puts a lot of pressure on the students."

"I've asked others. Either their schedules conflicted, or they didn't have time. It's really a coincidence. Several of them didn't have time..."

Zheng Yaojun shook his head in frustration.

Wang Hao found it a bit strange and quickly understood.

This guy has terrible emotional intelligence!

His people skills are very poor!

All the way, he kept boasting about the national research fund project he had, probably not the first time he had done so. Other people would surely envy his ability to apply for so much funding, and yet he continued to show off. And then, he actually thought it was a "coincidence" that everyone else refused.

"Professor Zhou recommended you to me, saying you could teach differential equations to freshmen," Zheng Yaojun said at last, looking at Wang Hao with hopeful eyes.

Wang Hao felt a chill down his spine. He felt he couldn't afford to have any relationship with Zheng Yaojun, but then he thought...

Differential equations...

He was worried about the slow progress in obtaining inspiration for "partial differential equations" research. It was like someone delivering a pillow as soon as he felt sleepy.

He hesitated for a moment and pretended to be hesitant.

"All right!" Zheng Yaojun bit the bullet and made up his mind. "I won't let you do it for nothing. I'll give you five hundred yuan for one class, and one thousand yuan for two classes."

"Well..." Wang Hao nodded, reluctantly agreeing.

Zheng Yaojun suddenly smiled broadly, calling the waiter to add more dishes and ordering two bottles of beer to celebrate.

A meal was had, and both host and guest were happy.

At the staircase landing, two girls peeked out from their hiding spot and looked over. They were Gu Youyou and Li Qian.

Gu Youyou exclaimed in surprise, "See, I knew it! He actually knows Professor Zheng and even invited him to dinner!"

"Is he trying to find out about the homework for differential equations?"

"See!" Li Qian nodded thoughtfully. "I thought it was a coincidence last time. For him to go to such lengths just to pursue you..."

"Well, Youyou, you should consider it," Gu Youyou said with a face full of envy. "I thought last time it was a coincidence. To go to such lengths just to pursue you..."

"Well, Youyou, you should consider it."

Gu Youyou's face turned red, and she couldn't help feeling a bit delighted. But she pretended to be disdainful and rolled her eyes at Li Qian. "Get lost!"

With that, she turned and walked away.