
From university lecturer to chief academician

In a challenging and opportune era, there is a young doctorate named Wang Hao who unexpectedly finds himself transported to a new world. However, his fate is not smooth sailing, but full of twists and challenges. Wang Hao initially aimed for scientific research upon arriving in this world, but unexpectedly became embroiled in a public opinion storm. He was accused of being a "paper mill" and criticized by academic bigwigs as engaging in "ineffective scientific research." However, just as the public opinion storm rages on, Wang Hao quickly refutes all accusations. Each of the ten papers he produced showcases solid research, with far-reaching impact that shakes the entire internet. Reporters flock to interview him, hoping to uncover the true face of this young doctorate. However, Wang Hao responds with a nonchalant attitude: "I didn't specialize in scientific research; those papers were just insights I gained while teaching students." This story is full of dramatic tension and plot twists. Wang Hao's emergence not only shocks people but also triggers deep reflection on scientific research and academia. His perseverance, wisdom, and calm attitude make him the center of attention. This is a legendary tale of courage, wisdom, and justice, as well as a thought-provoking revelation.

XiangRu · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 7: A Good Way to Earn Extra Money

Heading home, Wang Hao continued to focus on sorting out his research content. After working for another half an hour, he felt completely exhausted and decided to take a break. Putting on his shoes, he stepped outside to relax and explore the surroundings. The environment near the residential area was quite pleasant. To the east was the West Sea University, while to the north was a small park. Beyond the park was a hospital, and turning back led to a spacious commercial street. Walking into the commercial street, there was a fast-food restaurant at the corner.

Wang Hao felt a bit hungry and decided to enter the fast-food restaurant. He ordered a burger combo and sat down to eat. The restaurant was bustling with customers. While he was focused on devouring his food, he heard a cheerful voice asking, "Excuse me, is this seat taken?" Wang Hao looked up and found the voice familiar. Across from him were two girls. The skinny one seemed to be called 'Youyou', and the chubby one was... he couldn't recall her name for a moment. Li Qian quickly recognized Wang Hao and pulled Youyou to sit down. She asked, "Hope we're not bothering you."

"It's fine," Wang Hao replied casually, carefully observing the two girls. After racking his brain for a while, he still couldn't remember their names, so he simply continued eating.

The two girls seemed interested in Wang Hao. After sitting down, they glanced at him from time to time. Li Qian couldn't help but ask, "Do you mind telling us your name?"

"I'm Wang Hao," he replied between bites.

"You're living alone in a rental for over two thousand yuan. Are you working?" Li Qian inquired.


"What do you do for work?"

"I'm a teacher."

After finishing the last bite of his burger, Wang Hao finally looked up and joked, "I'm a census taker."

"No, no!" Li Qian chuckled awkwardly. "We were just curious."

There was a brief silence. The two girls focused on their food and took out their books to study. Youyou began pondering a problem and furrowed her brows, asking Li Qian, "Have you thought about this proof?"

Li Qian glanced over and replied nonchalantly, "I gave up."

"I knew it," Youyou sighed in frustration, covering her forehead with her hand.

Li Qian sighed and said, "I gave up a long time ago. Now I regret it. If I hadn't applied for the Mathematics Department during the college entrance examination, I wouldn't have studied applied mathematics in graduate school, and I wouldn't have encountered these complex problems."

Wang Hao, who was preparing to leave, suddenly sat back down upon hearing this. "Are you both studying mathematics?"

"What's the matter?" The two girls looked over.

Wang Hao was indeed surprised. In his memory, there were very few female mathematics graduate students at East Harbor University, let alone ones who were attractive. By the time they reached the doctoral level, the female students had disappeared.

"Wow! It's impressive! Female mathematics students are rare," he praised, giving them a thumbs-up.

"Let me see!" With curiosity, Wang Hao glanced at the problem on the table and immediately understood it. "In the context of integral mean convergence, \(c[a, b]\) is not a complete metric space..."

"This is simple!" Wang Hao took the pen and paper, explaining as he went along, "This is a classic functional analysis problem. We need to first set the value range for \(x_n(t)\), where \(n\) is a natural number..."

Looking at the three expressions, it's obvious that \(\{x_n\}\) is contained in \(c[a, b]\."

"For \(n\) greater than \(m\), \(d(x_n, x_m)\) is equal to..."

"If \(\{x_n\}\) converges within this range of expressions, it can be proved that \(x(t)\) exists..."

"From this, we can see that \(c(a, b)\) is not complete under the condition of integral mean convergence."

After explaining, Wang Hao carefully reviewed it again and found that there was indeed no problem. He nodded in satisfaction. Graduate-level mathematics problems were indeed easy for him.

Youyou and Li Qian were stunned on the spot. They listened carefully but felt their scalps tingling and couldn't quite keep up. However, the other party solved it so easily, without even taking time to think, it was as simple as copying the answer. This was a professional mathematics problem at the graduate level!

Li Qian looked up at Wang Hao again and asked, "What did you say you do for work?"

"I'm a teacher."

"A teacher," Wang Hao nodded gently, pointing to the food counter. "It's your turn to pick up your food."

"I'll go first." Saying that, he walked towards the door.

Li Qian busied herself with picking up the food, and when she returned, she saw Youyou lost in thought. "What's wrong?"

"I'm thinking about what just happened."

"He's really amazing!"

Li Qian couldn't help but exclaim, "I gave up on that problem as soon as I saw it, but he just wrote down the answer."

"Don't you find it strange?"

"What's strange about it?"

Pointing her finger like Sherlock Holmes, Youyou analyzed seriously, "That problem is difficult. Even the teacher said you could just try to think about it; it's not necessary to get it right."

"But he glanced at it and knew the answer, as if he had done it before."

"Even if he had done it before, he should still think about it."

"But he's a teacher. Even if he just graduated with a master's degree and happened to study mathematics, how could he happen to know this problem?"

"Is it really that coincidental?"

Li Qian nodded repeatedly, realizing, "Are you saying he knew about our homework in advance and did some research just to show off in front of us?"

"But why would he go to such lengths? What's his purpose?"

The two exchanged glances.

With a smile, Li Qian said, "Well then, Youyou, why don't you just accept him?"

Youyou's face turned red, and she quickly said, "Stop talking nonsense. If someone wants to confess, they should just do it directly. Anyway, I definitely won't agree."


"Taking good fortune for granted. If a guy put in this much effort to pursue me, I'd marry him on the spot!"

"Would you consummate the marriage on the spot?"

"Get out of here!"


The next day, the class was still at ten in the morning. Since he had experience from the previous class, there was no need to prepare again.

Wang Hao arrived at the school a little after nine and went straight to the classroom for class. Because it was three classes together, there were more students than yesterday.

It was still the same introduction, still the same requirements. He smoothly went through the process and reminded all the students to listen carefully in every class.

Then, the class began.

This time, he used a teaching coin to stimulate the inspiration value for the development of "Fourier Transform." Wang Hao felt that the progress of the class was smoother, and he continued to absorb knowledge, although not as much as yesterday.

Halfway through the class, he checked the progress of the task and found that the inspiration value had only increased by 31 points.

"This number is definitely lower than yesterday."

"It's probably a repetitive problem. A single research topic must have its limits. Perhaps many students have similar ideas, so they can't bring new inspiration."

"But even if it's just dozens of points, it's not bad..."

The application research of "Fourier Transform" kept increasing the inspiration value, while the research on "Partial Differential Equation Analysis" was very poor. It had only increased by 5 points so far.

"It's probably related to the difficulty and relevance of the research."

"The lecture is about Fourier Transform, so the inspiration value increases faster. Partial differential equation analysis is basic research, rated as level 'b' in difficulty. Fourier Transform is just one of the methods for solving partial differential equations."

Wang Hao thought it through carefully and understood.

He continued to engage with the students, interacted with them, and inserted some additional knowledge, making the class content rich and interesting. The students who listened carefully thought Wang Hao's teaching was excellent, even better than "Teacher Li" before.

As for those who didn't pay attention in class...

Three were called up to stand, and one who was half an hour late was marked as absent.



After lunch, Wang Hao returned to his office to work. The expansion and algorithm development related to Fourier Transform were almost summarized. He planned to split the content into three papers for publication. One part was research on the application of Fourier Transform, mainly focusing on exploration and analysis related to solving partial differential equations. The other two parts were about auxiliary construction of data models with Fourier Transform and algorithm research applied to data analysis. The latter part had more content, even if condensed, it would still exceed thirty pages, making it difficult to submit all at once. Hence, he decided to split it into two parts for publication.

In the afternoon, Wang Hao worked continuously for more than three hours before taking a break with a cup of coffee. The main content of the papers was almost written. The remaining work was to polish and format the papers and then find an academic journal for submission. He also researched submission issues.

The School of Science at West Sea University had a cooperative academic journal. After being reviewed by the in-house editors, papers could be published directly. However, the cooperative academic journal had a very low rating, barely reaching the level of "acknowledged," and it lacked influence in the academic field. Influential domestic journals required a considerable fee for publication.

Wang Hao decided to submit to a foreign journal, "Computer Mathematics and Information Engineering."

"Computer Mathematics and Information Engineering" was a professional academic journal in mathematics and computer science, focusing on publishing research content in the fields of data architecture, algorithms, and information communication. In the field of computer mathematics and algorithms, "Computer Mathematics and Information Engineering" ranked in the top ten globally.

Most importantly, "Computer Mathematics and Information Engineering" did not charge publication fees; instead, it provided a token fee to authors upon acceptance. Although it was only a symbolic one hundred euros per article, having a publication fee was better than none.

"One hundred euros per article, three articles is three hundred euros!"

"Three hundred euros is three thousand yuan."

"If I publish three papers every week, I can earn an extra twelve thousand yuan a month, even more than my salary... This is indeed a good way to earn extra income!"