
From Trash Bag, To Cash Bag

Achiel was considered a trash bag. He was worthless, looked down upon, and derided. Adding fuel to the fire, his wife cheated on him, then framed him for being the cheat. His last hope was lost in Auroville. When he thought his life couldn't get any worse, a twist turned. A LAVISH SYSTEM. It's time for some fun.

Zuxian · 都市
8 Chs

Chapter 1.

"Achiel is a trash bag."

Achiel's grip trembled on the handle of the door, which he was about to open. The boxes that were pressed to his chest and supported by the door fell away, scattering everywhere.

The voice sounded very familiar.

"Is that not Hannah's voice?" Achiel thought.

His throat tightened, and he turned to look at the new car, which was parked at the open garage.

When he left the house, there was no such car there. He knew the owner of the car.

"Derek." He muttered.

He pushed the door open and walked in. His jaws dropped as he looked. A woman was kissing a strange man. His woman.

"Hannah!!!" He yelled.

His blood rushed. His eyes were red and jaws clenching. At the call of her name, Hannah pulled away from Derek.

She was dead shocked, frozen.

"What the hell, Hannah! What the fuck is happening?!" Achiel yelled even harder.

He really needed to understand what was happening. He was coming from the store to get boxes that contained her bags, jewelleries, and some for her mother.

"And you, Derek! How dare you! In my matrimonial home?!"

His hands fisted as he glared blood. He always knew that Derek had eyes for Hannah, but he could never have imagined that they were together. Let alone they making out in their home!

"Oh my God, Achiel! I'm so sorry!!!" Hannah pleaded.

She walked towards him, her hands clasped in apology.

"I didn't know what got over me. I wasn't in my right mind."

Achiel watched as she walked towards him, pleading. He always knew that she loved him. Earlier, when he left the house, she had helped shave his beards. Which made him confused when he saw her kissing Derek.

But then, even if Derek had brainwashed her, was she a little girl who didn't have a mind of her own? He was still mad at her but watched closely as she dropped on her knees right in front of him, grappling at his feet,

"I'm so sorry, honey." Hannah begged.

Achiel nodded, deciding to let it go for now. He understood why she must be so scared. The media must not hear that a married woman like her was cheating. Not only would she ruin her reputation but that of her family's company.

"I won't overlook this, but get up!" Achiel snapped at her.

Suddenly, Hannah burst out laughing, getting back on her feet.


Achiel was dumbfounded. Wasn't she just pleading? What's this about?

"He is such a clown. What a rubbish man!!" Hannah mocked.

She turned to look at Derek.

"Hannah, are you out of your mind?! Are you telling me that you feel no sense of shame?!" Achiel yelled at her.

Achiel was so mad right now. He's so mad that if rage were flames, he would set the house on fire. Hannah didn't feel regret. She was making fun of him!!!

"Ashamed? Did you just say ashamed? Do you think you fit into the group of people who can use that word? Should I be ashamed, or should you? Did you think that I love you? Love a broke man who has no direction with his life?!" Hannah yelled back at him.

She said those words with so much haughtinesss in her face. He had never seen her like that. She must have been pretending to him all this time.

"That's not true, Hannah! I have a direction with my life! I am trying so hard! But no one gives me credit for my hard work. Even your mother made sure that I didn't get a job! Your brothers stole the shares grandpa left for me, and Madam refused to do anything about it! What should I have done? Go on the street and beg?"

Achiel felt pain in his chest. Hannah laughed hysterically,

"Isn't it your type that are bums on the street? Are you better than them? And to think my mother would place you above my siblings? Keep dreaming." Hannah scorned.

She walked closer to him,

"You really want me to advise you on what to do? You could commit su!c!de!" She snickered.

Achiel felt really tempted to hit her, but he won't.

"Hey, darling. Don't waste your saliva on this piece of crap. He his disposable and belongs to the garbage." Darek scorned Achiel.

Derek walked to Hannah. Achiel glared at him first, then smiled.

"Are the two of you dumb or pretending to be? What if I go to Madam right now that I caught you cheating! Do you really think she would pretend as if she didn't hear me?" Achiel threatened them.

It wasn't just a threat that Achiel had given. It was the truth. Derek and Hannah knew too, and suddenly became nervous and cautious.

The Big Madam of the Auroville Mansion hated any word linked to cheating! She does not want to hear the word! She's always feared the damage it could do to the reputation of the family. Based on an experience.

"You spithead. You are just bluffing! Who would believe a mental crankshaft like you?! Have you forgotten who my father is?" Derek snapped at Achiel.

Though Derek was scared, he tried to act tough so he could prove himself to Hannah.

Achiel didn't really care about getting back with Hannah. He just wanted to teach the both of them a lesson! Though he was hurt badly, yet he was quite logical.

"Follow me to find out, then." Achiel said, then turned and headed out.

"Hey! Come back! I'll settle you!" Derek called, but Achiel didn't wait.

Achiel hadn't walked for long when he noticed a man standing in his way. It was the eldest son of the Madam. His name was Harold.

"Where do you think you are going, asshole?" Harold mocked Achiel.

"I have no business with you. Step out of my way." Achiel sneered.

Achiel walked past Harold. He walked hurriedly from the building to the mansion. The Mansion was the centre building in the compound.

Achiel pushed the door open. Luckily, he saw a middle-aged woman seated on a decorated chair. Madam.

"Forgive me for interruption, but I have something to tell you, Mother." Achiel said, bowing to the woman.

The woman lifted a cold glare at Achiel. Before he could speak, a sudden cry interrupted. Everyone looked. It was Hannah crying.

"Mother, he cheated on me. Achiel cheated on me." Hannah lied, crying.

She hurried to meet Madam. When Madam saw her only and precious daughter crying, she got really infuriated.

"Do you know what you are talking about, Hannah? You know you can't take it back?" Madam inquired deeply.

Achiel was confused. Could Hannah be this cunning and bold?

"Hannah, are you trying to flip the coin? Are you making a fool of Mother?" Achiel yelled at Hannah.

Achiel stood his ground regardless.

"What is he talking about? Am I a joke to all of you?!!!" Madam screamed.

Madam was looking from Hannah to Achiel and then to Derek. Harold was nowhere to be found.

"Mother, how could I lie to you?! Lying means I'm cussing at you. I dare not. Do you believe him over your only daughter?" Hannied cried even harder.

Madam was worried. She didn't know whom to believe. There was only one way to find out,

"Do you have proof? A video or anything? You all know how heinous this crime is!" Madam demanded.

Achiel didn't have proof. He couldn't even think of it when he caught her.

"I do." Harold walked in.

Everyone turned in shock. It was obvious in the faces of Hannah, Derek, and Achiel that they had no clue what's happening.

"What is this about, Harold?" Achiel called at Harold.

Harold paid no attention to Achiel. Harold stood at the front of Madam.

"I can't say the word, Mother. But there's someone who can." Harold said.

Harold turned around and pointed at the door. A maid walked in. She ran forward and dropped on her knees,

"Punish me, Mother. I have been sleeping with Master Achiel." The maid said, crying.