
From Trash Bag, To Cash Bag

Achiel was considered a trash bag. He was worthless, looked down upon, and derided. Adding fuel to the fire, his wife cheated on him, then framed him for being the cheat. His last hope was lost in Auroville. When he thought his life couldn't get any worse, a twist turned. A LAVISH SYSTEM. It's time for some fun.

Zuxian · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 2.

Achiel was dumbfounded. He stared in horror at the maid. He had never talked to her in his entire life. Though the maid has been trying to be good to him amongst the rest who don't accord him respect. Yet he had never allowed himself to be carried away. Let alone get close to her.

But here she is saying that he did what?!

"We have all been seeing it for the past few months. We all know that she has an eye for him. But I could never have imagined that Achiel would be so disgraceful and insult my sister." Harold explained.

Harold was looking down at the maid. Then he glared at Achiel.

"How dare you do that to my sister?! How dare you insult Mother?!" Harold yelled at Achiel.

Achiel was stunned speechless. He saw Harold steal a smile. Though he had no idea how, he was sure at that moment that Harold did this!

When Achiel looked back at Madam, he looked away immediately. Madam's eyes were red. Fire in her eyes. If a glare could kill, Achiel would be 6 ft down at that instant.

Madam jumped up on her feet in a fit of rage. Everyone had their heads down. No one dared look her in the eyes. She was terrifying on a good day. What would she do on a bad day?!

This trash bag has not only been useless in the family but would bring the name of the family down by cheating?! She would see to it that she made him see hell and traverse it.

"Fall on your knees!!!" Madam screamed!!!

Her scream was so loud that she wanted to pull the mansion apart. Achiel fell at once.

"How dare you! How dare you!!!" Madam yelled even harder.

She was trembling in a great quake.

"Take him out of my sight! Until I think of what to do with him!" Madam ordered.

Two bouncers ran in at once and escorted Achiel out of the living room to one of the rooms.

Everyone was scared of what would happen next. Madam was still standing, trying to get a grip of herself. Some of her children had concluded that she must have had a trauma back in the days. A trauma related to cheating.

None of them could explain why she always lost her composure and mind whenever she hears something related to cheating. It had happened once in the past, and now the second time.

She slowly sat down at last.

Harold lifted his gaze and took a few steps forward. He dropped on his knees.

"It's my fault, Mother. I got you worried. I should have disciplined him. I have been lenient on Achiel these past months because of the company. But I couldn't have thought that he would do that to us. He slapped you across the face." Harold pleaded.

Madam took a sharp gaze at him, and he dropped his head.

"Get up. It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself." Madam ordered.

"No, Mother. Let me remain like this." Harold declined.

"Are you going to stress me even further?!" Madam snapped at him.

This time, Harold has no choice but to jump on his feet.

"Forgive my impudence, Mother." Harold apologised.

Madam sighed and glanced at Hannah, then Derek.

"Isn't it tomorrow we agreed to have a meeting?" Madam asked Derek.

Madam had no idea that Derek was around.

"Yes, Mother. I was returning from a store and decided to bring a gold chain for Hannah." Derek feigned boldness to hide the lie.

"As much as I despise Achiel, he is still my son-in-law. You shouldn't be in the same room with my daughter all alone. Except you want to keep mouths talking." Madam scolded Derek.

Derek bowed humbly,

"I was thoughtless, Mother. I won't make such a mistake anymore. It was just my known affection for her that got into my head." Derek sweet talked.

Hannah smiled, blushing.

"There is no need to be sorry. Achiel has officially been renounced as my son-in-law. You can do it properly henceforth." Madam announced.

Derek dropped on his knees in appreciation,

"I'm so grateful, Mother. You will never regret it. Trust me."

Madam nodded softly. She said,

"You will earn my trust as long as you cooperate with us in the future."

"I'm at your service, Mother." Derek promised.

Madam gazed at Harold,

"Bring Achiel in."

Harold left at once.

"You don't want him to meet you on your knees." Madam said to Derek, who was still on his knees.

Derek took the advice and got up. He walked to Hannah, standing even closer to her than before, brushing sides.

Achiel was dragged in like a dog and was forced to his knees. Achiel lifted his gaze at Hannah first. He saw her smiling. Derek, too. He looked at Madam.

"You are despicable and worthless! Never should you look me in the eyes again!!!" Madam yelled at Achiel.

Achiel, who had been looking at Madam, dropped his gaze.

"You are now a rejected son-in-law and will be treated worse than the maids in this house!!! You will do all the dirty jobs! And if you dare to run away, you would be hit by a running vehicle!!! I will make sure of it!" Madam promised.

Achiel wanted to tell her that it was a lie and he was being framed, but looking at things, he was smart enough to know that it would be worthless.

"And any of you that goes around talking about what he did, I will cut you into pieces irrespective of whoever you are!!!" Madam threatened.

At her threat, everyone bowed, muttering indistinctly. Most of them said,

"Yes, Mother."

"If it's not because of the promise that I made to my father, I would have beaten him to death or thrown him in the street." Madam swore, very furious at Achiel.

Also, she was considerate of society, too. She was very conscious of her status. If Achiel was thrown in the street, it would become a rumour that the son-in-law of Auroville Groups is now a bum on the street.

"He will live in the worst apartment from now. But first, he would spend a day in the dark room. Harold, take him away." Madam ordered.

Achiel gazed at Harold in confusion. Naturally, whenever Madam orders someone to be taken out, she isn't usually specific. And only the bouncers do it.

But now she had called Harold's name. There must be something horrible about to happen.

"You must be thirsty, bro." Harold smirked.

He dragged Achiel way.

"Thirsty? I'm not thirsty." Achiel argued.

But regardless of what Achiel said, he was dragged to the pool, which was next to Harold's building.

"What are we doing h---"

Before Achiel could ask the question, a force hit him from behind, and inside the pool, he fell. Because of how sudden the push was, Achiel sank, his nostrils filled with water that he gasped for air.

Harold turned to the bouncers,

"What are you waiting for?"

The two hefty men jumped into the pool and dragged Achiel out. They carried him and walked to the dark room.

"Let me see you go around claiming that you had nothing to do with the maid." Harold warned.

Harold signalled the men. The men threw Achiel inside the dark room.

"Hey!" Achiel yelled.

Achiel ran to the steel door, which shut right in face. He felt dizzy. The water from the pool must be kicking in. He was exhausted. He broke down on his knees, his heart shattered.

Suddenly, he heard a chiming behind him. He turned at once. He saw a screen in the thick darkness,

Ping! A host has been found successfully. To accept this Lavish System, press 'Yes'.

Ping! Host has successfully activated the system.

Ping! Host agrees to lend out his body for three days. No interruption in Host's daily activities.

Ping! Host has typed in $1 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Ping! Host will exhaust the reward in a century.